var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var glob = require('glob');
var _ = require('lodash');
var getExtensionDirectoriesSync = require('./get-extension-directories-sync');
const execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
* When TypeScript is compiling an extension,
* the directory structure in resulting dist folder is sometimes different,
* even when the same files are used.
* The main file sometimes ends up in dist/extension.js
* and other times in dist/planning-extension/src/extension.js
* The only difference is the location of the extension.
* If it's inside node_modules, extra directories are not getting generated.
function correctMainPathInPackageJson(extensionRootPath) {
const packageJsonPath = path.join(extensionRootPath, 'package.json');
const packageJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packageJsonPath, 'utf-8'));
const mainFile = path.join(extensionRootPath, packageJson.main);
if (fs.existsSync(mainFile) !== true) {
const result = glob.sync(`${path.join(extensionRootPath, 'dist')}/**/extension.js`, {});
if (result != null && result[0] != null) {
const relativeToPackage = _.trimStart(
result[0].replace(extensionRootPath, ''),
const packageJsonUpdated = {
main: relativeToPackage,
* Extensions that are located outside of superdesk-client-core repository,
* can't reference API definitions relatively. They can in development,
* but if the extension is installed using build-tools rather than from npm,
* that relative path is no longer correct, so it's overwritten here.
function correctApiDefinitionsPath(extensionRootPath, clientDir) {
const apiDefinitionsDestDir = path.join(extensionRootPath, 'src/typings');
const apiDefinitionsDestPath = path.join(extensionRootPath, 'src/typings/refs.d.ts');
if (fs.existsSync(apiDefinitionsDestPath) !== true) {
const definitionsFileContents = fs.readFileSync(apiDefinitionsDestPath, 'utf-8');
const referencePath = definitionsFileContents.match(/reference path=("|')(.+?)("|')/)[2];
const definitionsExistAtSpecifiedPath = fs.existsSync(path.join(apiDefinitionsDestDir, referencePath));
if (definitionsExistAtSpecifiedPath) {
const apiDefinitionsSrcPath = require.resolve(
path.join(clientDir, 'node_modules/superdesk-core/scripts/core/superdesk-api.d.ts')
`/// <reference path='${apiDefinitionsSrcPath}' />`,
module.exports = function installExtensions(clientDir) {
const directories = getExtensionDirectoriesSync(clientDir);
directories.forEach(({extensionRootPath, extensionSrcPath}) => {
// if src dir doesn't exist, assume that the extension is already built (e.g. when installed from npm)
if (fs.existsSync(extensionSrcPath)) {
correctApiDefinitionsPath(extensionRootPath, clientDir);
`cd ${extensionRootPath} && npm install --no-audit && npm run compile --if-present`,
{stdio: 'inherit'}