import {test, expect} from '@playwright/test';
import {Monitoring} from './page-object-models/monitoring';
import {restoreDatabaseSnapshot, s} from './utils';
* publish an item
* correct it - change headline, body
* send correction, open the item again and see if changes persist
* test added after discovering a bug SDESK-7248
test('correcting with unsaved changes', async ({page}) => {
const getHeadlineField = async () => await page.locator(s('authoring', 'field--headline')).getByRole('textbox');
const getBodyField = async () =>
await page.locator(s('authoring', 'authoring-field=body_html')).getByRole('textbox');
await restoreDatabaseSnapshot();
const monitoring = new Monitoring(page);
await page.goto('/#/workspace/monitoring');
await monitoring.selectDeskOrWorkspace('Sports');
// publishing the article start
await page.locator(
s('monitoring-group=Sports / Working Stage', 'article-item=test sports story'),
await page.locator(s('authoring', 'open-send-publish-pane')).click();
await page.locator(s('authoring', 'publish')).click();
// publishing the article end
// TODO: should be 'monitoring-group=Sports / output'
await page.locator(
s('monitoring-group=Sports', 'article-item=test sports story'),
).dblclick({timeout: 10000}); // need to wait until published item appears in output
await page.locator(s('authoring', 'authoring-topbar')).getByLabel('Correct').click();
await (await getHeadlineField()).clear();
await (await getHeadlineField()).fill('test sports story [corrected]');
await (await getBodyField()).clear();
await (await getBodyField()).fill('test sport story body [corrected]');
await page.locator(s('authoring', 'authoring-topbar')).getByRole('button', {name: 'Send Correction'}).click();
await page.locator(
s('monitoring-group=Sports', 'article-item=test sports story [corrected]'),
).dblclick({timeout: 10000}); // need to wait until published item appears in output
// initialize correction only to make field editable and accessible using the same selector
await page.locator(s('authoring', 'authoring-topbar')).getByLabel('Correct').click();
await expect((await getHeadlineField())).toHaveText('test sports story [corrected]');
await expect((await getBodyField())).toHaveText('test sport story body [corrected]');