* @ngdoc provider
* @module superdesk.apps.extension-points
* @name extensionPoints
* @packageName superdesk.apps
* @description
* External superdesk apps can register components that then will be hooked into
* the core UI.
* Inject 'extensionPoints' into your module and then:
* extensionPoints.register('MY_TYPE', MyConnectedComponent, props, data, onInit); // do this in config phase
* where MyConnectedComponent is a React component, the props is a json object that may contain a
* redux store and data is an array with names of variables that your component will receive as props
* from the parent scope, for example: ['item'].
* onInit: callback while rendering build React components
* See also ExtensionPointsDirective.
export function ExtensionPointsService() {
this.extensions = {};
this.register = function(type, componentClass, props = {}, data = [], onInit = null) {
if (typeof this.extensions[type] === 'undefined') {
this.extensions[type] = [];
this.extensions[type].push({type, componentClass, props, data, onInit});
this.get = (type) => {
if (typeof this.extensions[type] === 'undefined') {
return [];
return this.extensions[type];