import {gettext} from 'core/utils';
angular.module('superdesk.apps.aggregate.widgets', ['superdesk.apps.aggregate', 'superdesk.apps.dashboard.widgets'])
.config(['dashboardWidgetsProvider', function(dashboardWidgets) {
dashboardWidgets.addWidget('aggregate', {
label: gettext('Monitor'),
multiple: true,
icon: 'archive',
max_sizex: 2,
max_sizey: 3,
sizex: 1,
sizey: 2,
classes: 'tabs modal--nested-fix',
thumbnail: 'scripts/apps/monitoring/aggregate-widget/thumbnail.svg',
template: 'scripts/apps/monitoring/aggregate-widget/aggregate-widget.html',
configurationTemplate: 'scripts/apps/monitoring/aggregate-widget/configuration.html',
description: gettext(
'Set up different monitors to follow any topics from ingest or production, desk outputs or ' +
'any part of the workflow. All you need is to give it a sensible name, select a saved search or ' +
'desk or its workflow stages. Monitor anything, anywhere, anytime. You can have as many Monitor ' +
'widgets as you wish.',
custom: true,
removeHeader: true,