/* eslint-disable max-len */
/* tslint:disable:max-line-length */
import {gettext} from 'core/utils';
import {appConfig, getUserInterfaceLanguage} from 'appConfig';
import {applyDefault} from 'core/helpers/typescript-helpers';
import {DEFAULT_EDITOR_THEME} from 'apps/authoring/authoring/services/AuthoringThemesService';
const THEME_LIGHT = 'light-ui';
* @ngdoc directive
* @module superdesk.apps.users
* @name sdUserPreferences
* @description
* This directive creates the Preferences tab on the user profile
* panel, allowing users to set various system preferences for
* themselves.
UserPreferencesDirective.$inject = ['session', 'preferencesService', 'notify', 'asset',
'metadata', 'desks', 'modal', '$timeout', '$q', 'userList', 'lodash', 'search', 'authThemes'];
export function UserPreferencesDirective(
session, preferencesService, notify, asset, metadata, desks, modal,
$timeout, $q, userList, _, search, authThemes,
) {
// human readable labels for server values
const LABELS = {
mgrid: gettext('Grid View'),
compact: gettext('List View'),
photogrid: gettext('Photo Grid View'),
list: gettext('List View'),
swimlane: gettext('Swimlane View'),
const ICONS = {
mgrid: 'grid-view',
compact: 'list-view',
photogrid: 'grid-view',
list: 'list-view',
swimlane: 'kanban-view',
return {
templateUrl: asset.templateUrl('apps/users/views/user-preferences.html'),
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
const userLang = getUserInterfaceLanguage().replace('_', '-');
const body = angular.element('body');
scope.activeNavigation = null;
scope.activeTheme = localStorage.getItem('theme');
* Set this to true after adding all the preferences to the scope. If done before, then the
* directives which depend on scope variables might fail to load properly.
scope.preferencesLoaded = false;
var orig; // original preferences, before any changes
preferencesService.get(null, true).then((result) => {
orig = result;
scope.datelineSource = session.identity.dateline_source;
scope.datelinePreview = scope.preferences['dateline:located'].located;
scope.featurePreview = scope.preferences['feature:preview'];
scope.cancel = function() {
scope.datelinePreview = scope.preferences['dateline:located'].located;
scope.goTo = function(id) {
behavior: 'smooth',
scope.activeNavigation = id;
scope.checkNavigation = function(id) {
return scope.activeNavigation === id;
userList.getUser(scope.user._id, true).then((u) => {
scope.user = u;
* Saves the preferences changes on the server. It also
* invokes additional checks beforehand, namely the
* preferred categories selection.
* @method save
*/ = function() {
.then(() => {
var update = createPatchObject();
return preferencesService.update(update).then(() => {
userList.getUser(scope.user._id, true).then((u) => {
scope.user = u;
return update;
}, () => $q.reject('canceledByModal'))
.then((preferences) => {
// ask for browser permission if desktop notification is enable
if (_.get(preferences, 'desktop:notification.enabled')) {
localStorage.setItem('theme', scope.activeTheme);
body.attr('data-theme', scope.activeTheme);
notify.success(gettext('User preferences saved'));
}, (reason) => {
if (reason !== 'canceledByModal') {
'User preferences could not be saved...',
* Invoked by the directive after updating the property in item. This method is responsible for updating
* the properties dependent on dateline.
scope.changeDatelinePreview = function(datelinePreference, city) {
if (city === '') {
datelinePreference.located = null;
$timeout(() => {
scope.datelinePreview = datelinePreference.located;
* Marks all categories in the preferred categories list
* as selected.
* @method checkAll
scope.checkAll = function() {
scope.categories.forEach((cat) => {
cat.selected = true;
* Marks all categories in the preferred categories list
* as *not* selected.
* @method checkNone
scope.checkNone = function() {
scope.categories.forEach((cat) => {
cat.selected = false;
* Marks the categories in the preferred categories list
* that are considered default as selected, and all the
* other categories as *not* selected.
* @method checkDefault
scope.checkDefault = function() {
scope.categories.forEach((cat) => {
cat.selected = !!scope.defaultCategories[cat.qcode];
* Sets the form as dirty when value is changed. This function should be used when one wants to set
* form dirty for input controls created without using <input>.
* @method articleDefaultsChanged
scope.articleDefaultsChanged = function(item) {
scope.showCategory = function(preference) {
if (preference.category === 'rows') {
return appConfig.list != null && appConfig.list.singleLineView;
const noShowCategories = [
return _.indexOf(noShowCategories, preference.category) < 0;
scope.profileConfig = applyDefault(appConfig.profile, {});
* Determine if the planning related preferences should be shown based on the existance of the
* Agenda endpoint.
* @method showPlanning
scope.showPlanning = function() {
return !angular.isUndefined(scope.features.agenda);
scope.valueLabel = (value) => LABELS[value] || value;
scope.getIcon = (value) => ICONS[value] || 'list-view';
* Builds a user preferences object in scope from the given
* data.
* @function buildPreferences
* @param {Object} data - user preferences data, arranged in
* logical groups. The keys represent these groups' names,
* while the corresponding values are objects containing
* user preferences settings for a particular group.
function buildPreferences(data) {
var buckets, // names of the needed metadata buckets
initNeeded; // metadata service init needed?
scope.preferences = {};
_.each(data, (val, key) => {
if (val.label && val.category) {
scope.preferences[key] = _.create(val);
// metadata service initialization is needed if its
// values object is undefined or any of the needed
// data buckets are missing in it
buckets = [
initNeeded = buckets.some((bucketName) => {
var values = metadata.values || {};
return angular.isUndefined(values[bucketName]);
if (initNeeded) {
var initPromises = [];
initPromises.push(metadata.initialize(), desks.initialize());
$q.all(initPromises).then(() => {
updateScopeData(metadata.values, data);
} else {
updateScopeData(metadata.values, data);
* Updates auxiliary scope data, such as the lists of
* available and content categories to choose from.
* @function updateScopeData
* @param {Object} helperData - auxiliary data used by the
* preferences settings UI
* @param {Object} userPrefs - user's personal preferences
* settings
function updateScopeData(helperData, userPrefs) {
// If the planning module is installed we save a list of the available agendas
if (scope.features.agenda) {
scope.agendas = helperData.agendas;
// If the planning module is installed we save a list of the available events_planning_filters
if (scope.features.events_planning_filters) {
scope.eventsPlanningFilters = helperData.eventsPlanningFilters;
// A list of category codes that are considered
// preferred by default, unless of course the user
// changes this preference setting.
scope.defaultCategories = {};
if (Array.isArray(helperData.default_categories)) {
helperData.default_categories.forEach((cat) => {
scope.defaultCategories[cat.qcode] = true;
// Create a list of categories for the UI widgets to
// work on. New category objects are created so that
// objects in the existing category list are protected
// from modifications on ng-model changes.
scope.categories = [];
helperData.categories.forEach((cat) => {
var newObj = _.create(cat),
selectedCats = userPrefs['categories:preferred'].selected;
newObj.selected = !!selectedCats[cat.qcode];
if (cat.translations?.name?.[userLang]) { =[userLang];
* @ngdoc property
* @name sdUserPreferences#desks
* @type {array}
* @private
* @description Create a list of desks for the UI widgets to
* work on. New desk objects are created so that
* objects in the existing desk list are protected
* from modifications on ng-model changes.
scope.desks = [];
_.each(desks.deskLookup, (desk) => {
var newObj = _.create(desk),
selectedDesks = userPrefs['desks:preferred'].selected;
newObj.selected = !!selectedDesks[desk._id];
scope.locators = helperData.locators;
if (scope.preferences['singleline:view']) {
scope.calendars = helperData.event_calendars;
scope.preferencesLoaded = true;
* Checks if at least one preferred category has been
* selected, and if not, asks the user whether or not to
* proceed with a default set of categories selected.
* Returns a promise that is resolved if saving the
* preferences should continue, and rejected if it should be
* aborted (e.g. when no categories are selected AND the
* user does not confirm using a default set of categories).
* @function preSaveCategoriesCheck
* @return {Object} - a promise object
function preSaveCategoriesCheck() {
var modalResult,
someSelected = scope.categories.some((cat) => cat.selected);
if (someSelected) {
// all good, simply return a promise that resolves
return $q.when();
msg = gettext('No preferred categories selected. Should you choose to proceed with your choice. A default set of categories will be selected for you.');
modalResult = modal.confirm(msg).then(() => {
return modalResult;
* Creates and returns a user preferences object that can
* be used as a parameter in a PATCH request to the server
* when user preferences are saved.
* @function createPatchObject
* @return {Object}
function createPatchObject() {
var p = {};
_.each(orig, (val, key) => {
if (key === 'dateline:located') {
var $input = element.find('.input-term > input');
scope.changeDatelinePreview(scope.preferences[key], $input[0].value);
if (key === 'categories:preferred') {
val.selected = {};
scope.categories.forEach((cat) => {
val.selected[cat.qcode] = !!cat.selected;
if (key === 'desks:preferred') {
val.selected = {};
scope.desks.forEach((desk) => {
val.selected[desk._id] = !!desk.selected;
p[key] = _.extend(val, scope.preferences[key]);
if (orig['editor:theme'] != null) {
p['editor:theme'] = {
theme: JSON.stringify(authThemes.syncWithApplicationTheme(
? orig['editor:theme'].theme
: JSON.stringify(DEFAULT_EDITOR_THEME.theme),
return p;