import _ from 'lodash';
import {gettext} from 'core/utils';
* @ngdoc service
* @module superdesk.apps.vocabularies
* @name VocabularyService
* @requires api
* @requires $q
* @requires $filter
* @requires $rootScope
* @description Provides a service to fetch and cache the vocabularies
VocabularyService.$inject = ['api', '$q', '$filter', '$rootScope'];
export function VocabularyService(api, $q, $filter, $rootScope) {
var self = this;
self.AllActiveVocabularies = null;
self.vocabularies = null;
* @ngdoc method
* @name VocabularyService#getAllVocabularies
* @public
* @description Return all of the vocabularies filtered by active items only, either from
* the cache or retrieved via an api request
* @return {Promise} {Object} vocabularies
this.getAllActiveVocabularies = function() {
if (_.isNil(self.AllActiveVocabularies)) {
return api.getAll('vocabularies').then(
(result) => {
self.AllActiveVocabularies = result;
return self.AllActiveVocabularies;
return $q.when(self.AllActiveVocabularies);
* @ngdoc method
* @name VocabularyService#getVocabularies
* @public
* @description Returns the manageable vocabularies.
* @return {Promise} {Object} vocabularies
this.getVocabularies = function() {
if (_.isNil(self.vocabularies)) {
return api.getAll('vocabularies', {where: {type: 'manageable'}}).then(
(result) => {
result._items = $filter('sortByName')(result._items, 'display_name');
self.vocabularies = result;
return self.vocabularies;
return $q.when(self.vocabularies);
* @ngdoc method
* @name VocabularyService#isInit
* @public
* @description Returns true if the vocabularies were initialized.
* @return {Boolean}
this.isInit = () => !!self.AllActiveVocabularies;
* @ngdoc method
* @name VocabularyService#getVocabulary
* @public
* @description Returns the vocabulary identified by the given id.
* @param {String} vocabularyId
* @return {Promise} {Object} vocabulary
this.getVocabulary = function(vocabularyId) {
return self.getAllActiveVocabularies().then((vocabularies) => _.find(vocabularies, {_id: vocabularyId}));
* @ngdoc method
* @name VocabularyService#getVocabularySync
* @public
* @description Returns the vocabulary identified by the given id.
* @param {String} vocabularyId
* @return {Object} vocabulary
this.getVocabularySync = function(vocabularyId) {
if (self.AllActiveVocabularies) {
return _.find(self.AllActiveVocabularies, {_id: vocabularyId});
this.getAllVocabulariesSync = function() {
if (self.AllActiveVocabularies) {
return self.AllActiveVocabularies;
} else {
return [];
* @ngdoc method
* @name VocabularyService#_resetVocabularies
* @private
* @description Clears the cached vocabularies.
this._resetVocabularies = function() {
self.AllActiveVocabularies = null;
self.vocabularies = null;
this.getDefaultDatefieldShortcuts = function() {
return [
label: gettext('Today'),
value: 0,
term: 'days',
label: gettext('Tomorrow'),
value: 1,
term: 'days',
label: gettext('In 3 days'),
value: 3,
term: 'days',
// reset cache on update
$rootScope.$on('vocabularies:updated', angular.bind(this, this._resetVocabularies));