/* eslint-disable max-depth */
import {EditorState, ContentState, Modifier, genKey, CharacterMetadata, ContentBlock, DraftHandleValue} from 'draft-js';
import {List, OrderedMap} from 'immutable';
import {getContentStateFromHtml} from '../html/from-html';
import * as Suggestions from '../helpers/suggestions';
import {sanitizeContent, inlineStyles} from '../helpers/inlineStyles';
import {getAllCustomDataFromEditor, setAllCustomDataForEditor} from '../helpers/editor3CustomData';
import {getCurrentAuthor} from '../helpers/author';
import {htmlComesFromDraftjsEditor} from '../helpers/htmlComesFromDraftjsEditor';
import {EDITOR_GLOBAL_REFS} from 'core/editor3/components/Editor3Component';
import {escape as escapeHtml} from 'lodash';
function removeMediaFromHtml(htmlString): string {
const element = document.createElement('div');
element.innerHTML = htmlString;
Array.from(element.querySelectorAll('img,audio,video')).forEach((mediaElement) => {
return element.innerHTML;
function pasteContentFromOpenEditor(
html: string,
editorState: EditorState,
editorKey: string,
onChange: (e: EditorState) => void,
editorFormat: Array<string>,
): DraftHandleValue {
if (html.includes(editorKey)) { // comes from the same editor
return 'not-handled';
for (const key in window[EDITOR_GLOBAL_REFS]) {
if (html.includes(key)) {
const editor = window[EDITOR_GLOBAL_REFS][key];
if (editor) {
const internalClipboard = editor.getClipboard();
if (internalClipboard) {
const blocksArray = [];
internalClipboard.forEach((b) => blocksArray.push(b));
const contentState = ContentState.createFromBlockArray(blocksArray);
const editorWithContent = insertContentInState(editorState, contentState, editorFormat);
return 'handled';
return 'not-handled';
// preserve line breaks when pasting or forcing plain text
// \r are important for draft convertFromHTML to preserve initial spaces on each line
export const createHtmlFromText = (text: string): string =>
escapeHtml(text).split('\n').map((line) => `<p>${line}</p>`).join('');
* @ngdoc method
* @name handlePastedText
* @param {string} text Text content of paste.
* @param {string=} _html HTML content of paste.
* @returns {Boolean} True if this method took paste into its own hands.
* @description Handles pasting into the editor, in cases where the content contains
* atomic blocks that need special handling in editor3.
export function handlePastedText(text: string, _html: string): DraftHandleValue {
const author = getCurrentAuthor();
let html = _html;
if (typeof html === 'string') {
html = removeMediaFromHtml(html);
const {editorState, suggestingMode, onPasteFromSuggestingMode, onChange, editorFormat} = this.props;
if (!html && !text) {
return 'handled';
if (text != null && (this.props.cleanPastedHtml || html == null)) {
html = createHtmlFromText(text);
if (suggestingMode) {
if (!Suggestions.allowEditSuggestionOnLeft(editorState, author)
&& !Suggestions.allowEditSuggestionOnRight(editorState, author)) {
return 'handled';
const content = html ? getContentStateFromHtml(html) : ContentState.createFromText(text);
return 'handled';
if (html &&
pasteContentFromOpenEditor(html, editorState, this.editorKey, onChange, editorFormat) === 'handled') {
return 'handled';
if (htmlComesFromDraftjsEditor(html, false)) {
return 'not-handled';
return processPastedHtml(html || text, editorState, onChange, editorFormat);
export function insertContentInState(
editorState: EditorState,
pastedContent: ContentState,
editorFormat: Array<string>): EditorState {
let _pastedContent = pastedContent;
const blockMap = _pastedContent.getBlockMap();
const hasAtomicBlocks = blockMap.some((block) => block.getType() === 'atomic');
const acceptedInlineStyles =
.filter((style) => editorFormat.includes(style))
.map((style) => inlineStyles[style]);
let contentState = editorState.getCurrentContent();
let selection = editorState.getSelection();
let blocks = [];
if (hasAtomicBlocks) {
contentState = Modifier.splitBlock(editorState.getCurrentContent(), editorState.getSelection());
selection = contentState.getSelectionAfter();
_pastedContent = sanitizeContent(EditorState.createWithContent(_pastedContent), acceptedInlineStyles)
blockMap.forEach((block) => {
if (!hasAtomicBlocks || block.getType() !== 'atomic') {
return blocks.push(block);
const entityKey = block.getEntityAt(0);
const entity = _pastedContent.getEntity(entityKey);
contentState = contentState.addEntity(entity);
blocks = blocks.concat(
atomicBlock(block.getData(), contentState.getLastCreatedEntityKey()),
if (hasAtomicBlocks) {
contentState = Modifier.setBlockType(contentState, selection, 'atomic');
blocks = blocks.concat(emptyBlock()); // add empty block to ensure writting afterwards
const newBlockMap = OrderedMap<string, ContentBlock>( => ([b.getKey(), b])));
const customData = getAllCustomDataFromEditor(editorState);
const newContent = Modifier.replaceWithFragment(
let nextEditorState = EditorState.push(editorState, newContent, 'insert-fragment');
// for the first block recover the initial block data because on replaceWithFragment the block data is
// replaced with the data from pasted fragment
nextEditorState = setAllCustomDataForEditor(nextEditorState, customData);
return nextEditorState;
// Checks if there are atomic blocks in the paste content. If there are, we need to set
// the 'atomic' block type using the Modifier tool and add these entities to the
// contentState.
function processPastedHtml(
html: string,
editorState: EditorState,
onChange: (e: EditorState) => void,
editorFormat: Array<string>): DraftHandleValue {
const pastedContent = getContentStateFromHtml(html);
const editorWithPastedText = insertContentInState(
return 'handled';
// Returns an empty block.
const emptyBlock = () => new ContentBlock({
key: genKey(), type: 'unstyled', text: '', characterList: List(),
// Returns an atomic block with the given data, linked to the given entity key.
const atomicBlock = (data, entity) => new ContentBlock({
key: genKey(), type: 'atomic', text: ' ',
characterList: List([CharacterMetadata.create({entity})]),
data: data,