import {Modifier, EditorState, EditorChangeType, SelectionState, ContentState} from 'draft-js';
import {getData, setDataForContent, getCell, setCell} from './table';
import {escapeRegExp} from 'core/utils';
import {CustomEditor3Entity} from '../constants';
* @name clearHighlights
* @param {ContentState} c The content to clear the highlights in.
* @param {EditorState=} es If provided, the new content state is pushed into this editor state.
* @returns {Object} Returns an object that contains two keys, the cleared content state and
* the new editor state (if it was provided).
* @description Clears all the highlights in the given content. If an editor state is provided,
* it also returns it updated.
export const clearHighlights = (c, es = null) => {
let content = c;
let editorState = es;
let changedContent = false;
const filterFn = (d) => d.hasStyle('HIGHLIGHT') || d.hasStyle('HIGHLIGHT_STRONG');
content = forEachBlock(content, (blockIndex, block, _content) => {
let newContent = _content;
(start, end) => {
const selection = createSelection(block.getKey(), start, end);
newContent = Modifier.removeInlineStyle(newContent, selection, 'HIGHLIGHT');
newContent = Modifier.removeInlineStyle(newContent, selection, 'HIGHLIGHT_STRONG');
changedContent = true;
return newContent;
if (changedContent && editorState) {
editorState = quietPush(editorState, content);
return {content, editorState};
* @name forEachBlock
* @param {ContentState} content The content to interate over.
* @param {function} cb The callback to call for each block. Receives index, block and content.
* @returns {ContentState} returns the new content state.
* @description Iterates over blocks in conntent and calls the given callback
* for each block, passing it current index, block and content.
export const forEachBlock = (content, cb) => {
let newContent = content;
content.getBlocksAsArray().forEach((block) => {
const entityKey = block.getEntityAt(0);
const entity = entityKey != null ? content.getEntity(entityKey) : null;
let blockIndex = -1;
if (entity != null && entity.getType() === CustomEditor3Entity.TABLE) {
({newContent, blockIndex} = forEachBlockInTable(newContent, block, blockIndex, cb));
} else {
newContent = cb(++blockIndex, block, newContent);
return newContent;
* @name forEachBlockInTable
* @param {ContentState} content The content to iterate over.
* @param {String} the block that contains the table.
* @param {number} current marching index
* @param {function} cb The callback to call for each block. Receives index, block and content.
* @returns {ContentState} returns the new content state.
* @description Iterates the table content and calls the given callback
* for each block, passing it current index, block and content.
const forEachBlockInTable = (content, block, _blockIndex, cb) => {
const key = block.getKey();
const selection = createSelection(key, 0, 1);
const data = getData(content, key);
let newContent = content;
let blockIndex = _blockIndex;
for (let i = 0; i < (data.numRows || 0); i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < (data.numCols || 0); j++) {
let cellEditorState = getCell(data, i, j, null, null);
let cellContent = cellEditorState.getCurrentContent();
cellContent.getBlocksAsArray().forEach((_block) => {
cellContent = cb(++blockIndex, _block, cellContent);
cellEditorState = EditorState.push(cellEditorState, cellContent, 'insert-characters');
setCell(data, i, j, cellEditorState);
newContent = setDataForContent(newContent, selection, block, data);
return {newContent, blockIndex};
* @name forEachMatch
* @param {ContentState} content The content to search in.
* @param {string} pattern The pattern to search by.
* @param {boolean} caseSensitive Whether the search should be case sensitive or not.
* @param {function} cb The callback to call for each occurrence. Receives index, selection, block and content.
* @returns {ContentState} returns the new content state.
* @description Searches the content for the given pattern and calls the given callback
* for each occurrence, passing it current content, index of the match and its SelectionState.
export const forEachMatch = (content, pattern, caseSensitive, cb) => {
if (!pattern) {
return false;
let matchIndex = -1;
let newContent = content;
content.getBlocksAsArray().forEach((block) => {
const entityKey = block.getEntityAt(0);
const entity = entityKey != null ? content.getEntity(entityKey) : null;
if (entity != null && entity.getType() === 'TABLE') {
({newContent, matchIndex} = forEachMatchInTable(
newContent, block, pattern, caseSensitive, matchIndex, cb));
} else {
({newContent, matchIndex} = forEachMatchInParagraph(
newContent, block, pattern, caseSensitive, matchIndex, cb));
return newContent;
* @name forEachMatchInParagraph
* @param {ContentState} content The content to search in.
* @param {Block} the block to search in.
* @param {string} pattern The pattern to search by.
* @param {boolean} caseSensitive Whether the search should be case sensitive or not.
* @param {number} current marching index
* @param {function} cb The callback to call for each occurrence. Receives index, selection, block and content.
* @returns {ContentState} returns the new content state.
* @description Searches the block for the given pattern and calls the given callback
* for each occurrence, passing it the index of the match and its SelectionState.
const forEachMatchInParagraph = (content, block, pattern, caseSensitive, _matchIndex, cb) => {
const re = getRegExp({pattern, caseSensitive});
const key = block.getKey();
const text = block.getText();
let newContent = content;
let matchIndex = _matchIndex;
let match;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-cond-assign
while (match = re.exec(text)) {
newContent = cb(
createSelection(key, match.index, match.index + match[0].length),
return {newContent, matchIndex};
* @name forEachMatchInTable
* @param {ContentState} content The parent content to search in.
* @param {Block} the block that contains the table.
* @param {string} pattern The pattern to search by.
* @param {boolean} caseSensitive Whether the search should be case sensitive or not.
* @param {number} current marching index
* @param {function} cb The callback to call for each occurrence. Receives index, selection, block and content.
* @returns {ContentState} returns the new content state.
* @description Searches the table content for the given pattern and calls the given callback
* for each occurrence, passing it the index of the match and its SelectionState.
const forEachMatchInTable = (content, block, pattern, caseSensitive, _matchIndex, cb) => {
const key = block.getKey();
const selection = createSelection(key, 0, 1);
const data = getData(content, key);
let newContent = content;
let matchIndex = _matchIndex;
for (let i = 0; i < (data.numRows || 0); i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < (data.numCols || 0); j++) {
let cellEditorState = getCell(data, i, j, null, null);
let cellContent = cellEditorState.getCurrentContent();
cellContent.getBlocksAsArray().forEach((_block) => {
({newContent: cellContent, matchIndex} = forEachMatchInParagraph(
cellContent, _block, pattern, caseSensitive, matchIndex, cb));
cellEditorState = EditorState.push(cellEditorState, cellContent, 'insert-characters');
setCell(data, i, j, cellEditorState);
newContent = setDataForContent(newContent, selection, block, data);
return {newContent, matchIndex};
// create reg exp from pattern if needed
const getRegExp = ({pattern, caseSensitive}) =>
typeof pattern === 'string' ? new RegExp(escapeRegExp(pattern), 'g' + (caseSensitive ? '' : 'i')) : pattern;
* @name quietPush
* @param {EditorState} editorState
* @param {ContentState} content
* @description Silently pushes the new content state into the given editor state, without
* affecting the undo/redo stack.
export const quietPush = (editorState, content, changeType: EditorChangeType = 'insert-characters') => {
let newState;
newState = EditorState.set(editorState, {allowUndo: false});
newState = EditorState.push(newState, content, changeType);
newState = EditorState.set(newState, {allowUndo: true});
return newState;
* Creates a new selection state, based on the given block key, having the specified
* anchor and offset.
const createSelection = (key: string, start: number, end: number): SelectionState =>
anchorOffset: start,
focusOffset: end,
}) as SelectionState;
export function replaceAllForEachBlock(
contentState: ContentState,
regex: RegExp, // a global regex must be passed
replaceWith: string,
): ContentState {
let result: ContentState = contentState;
for (const block of contentState.getBlocksAsArray()) {
const blockKey = block.getKey();
const matches: Array<{index: number; text: string}> =
.map((match) => ({index: match.index, text: match[0]}));
let offsetCorrection = 0;
const correctOffset = (n) => n + offsetCorrection;
for (const match of matches) {
const anchorOffset = correctOffset(match.index);
const focusOffset = correctOffset(match.index + match.text.length);
const rangeToReplace = new SelectionState({
anchorKey: blockKey,
focusKey: blockKey,
const firstCharStyle = block.getInlineStyleAt(anchorOffset);
let consistentStyle = true;
for (let i = anchorOffset + 1; i <= focusOffset; i++) {
const charStyles = block.getInlineStyleAt(i);
// eslint-disable-next-line max-depth
if (charStyles.equals(firstCharStyle) !== true) {
consistentStyle = false;
result = Modifier.replaceText(
consistentStyle ? firstCharStyle : undefined,
offsetCorrection += replaceWith.length - match.text.length;
return result;