import {ITreeNode} from 'superdesk-api';
* 1. Initialize flat tree from `itemsFlat` (ITreeNode interface without parents or children set)
* 2. Iterate itemsFlat
* 3. If parent id is present, find corresponding tree nodes for self and parent.
* 4. Set parent object to self, and push a child to the parent.
* 5. Filter the tree nodes so only root items are returned.
export function arrayToTree<T>(
itemsFlat: Array<T>,
getId: (item: T) => string,
getParentId: (item: T) => string | undefined | null,
): {result: Array<ITreeNode<T>>, errors: Array<T>} {
const initialTree = itemsFlat.reduce<{[key: string]: ITreeNode<T>}>((acc, item) => {
const id = getId(item);
acc[id] = {value: item};
return acc;
}, {});
const errors: Array<T> = [];
for (const itemFlat of itemsFlat) {
const item = initialTree[getId(itemFlat)];
const parentId = getParentId(itemFlat);
if (parentId != null) {
const parent = initialTree[parentId];
if (parent == null) {
} else {
item.parent = parent;
// eslint-disable-next-line max-depth
if (parent.children == null) {
parent.children = [];
initialTree[parentId] = parent;
const result = Object.values(initialTree).filter((item) => item.parent == null);
return {result, errors};
export function treeToArray<T>(tree: Array<ITreeNode<T>>): Array<T> {
const items: Array<T> = [];
for (const node of tree) {
if (node.children != null) {
return items;
export function sortTree<T>(
tree: Array<ITreeNode<T>>,
sortFn: (a: T, b: T) => number,
): Array<ITreeNode<T>> {
const result: Array<ITreeNode<T>> =
.map((node) => ({...node})) // create a new reference in order not to mutate the argument
.sort((a, b) => sortFn(a.value, b.value));
for (const branch of result) {
if (branch.children?.length > 0) {
branch.children = sortTree(branch.children, sortFn);
return result;