* @ngdoc service
* @module
* @name pageTitle
* @description
* PageTitle service
* PageTitle service is used to save and update the title of the page.
* The title will be 'Superdesk {- Url} {-Desk/Workspace}
* Url can be: Dashboard, Monitoring, Spike, Highlights, Search, Settings
* If Url is search then there won't be desk
export default angular.module('', [])
.service('pageTitle', function() {
this.title = 'Superdesk';
this.url = '';
this.workspace = '';
this.setUrl = function(url) {
this.url = url;
setTitle(this.url, this.workspace);
this.setWorkspace = function(activeWorkspace) {
this.workspace = activeWorkspace;
setTitle(this.url, this.workspace);
function setTitle(url, activeWorkspace) {
document.title = 'Superdesk' + (url ? ' - ' + url : '') + (activeWorkspace ? ' - ' + activeWorkspace : '');
this.clear = function() {
document.title = this.title;