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import { GraphQLFieldMap, GraphQLInputObjectType, GraphQLObjectType, isListType, isWrappingType } from 'graphql';
import { Generator } from '../types';
import { renderMainMethodFields, renderMainSubscriptionMethodFields } from './graphcool-js';
export const generator: Generator = {
Main: renderMainMethod,
Header: renderHeader,
function renderHeader(schema: string): string {
return `const { Prisma } = require('prisma-binding')
const { GraphQLResolveInfo } = require('graphql')
const typeDefs = \`
Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.
function renderMainMethod(queryType: GraphQLObjectType, mutationType?: GraphQLObjectType | null, subscriptionType?: GraphQLObjectType | null) {
return `module.exports.Prisma = class Binding extends Prisma {
constructor({ endpoint, secret, fragmentReplacements, debug }) {
super({ typeDefs, endpoint, secret, fragmentReplacements, debug });
var self = this
this.exists = {
this.query = {
${renderMainMethodFields('query', queryType.getFields())}
}${mutationType ? `
this.mutation = {
${renderMainMethodFields('mutation', mutationType.getFields())}
missing whitespace
}`: ''}${subscriptionType ? `
this.subscription = {
${renderMainSubscriptionMethodFields('mutation', subscriptionType.getFields())}
missing whitespace
}`: ''}
delegate(operation, field, args, context, info) {
return super.delegate(operation, field, args, context, info)
Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.
export function renderExistsFields(fields: GraphQLFieldMap<any, any>) : string {
return Object.keys(fields)
.map(f => {
const field = fields[f]
let type = field.type
let foundList = false
// Traverse the wrapping types (if any)
while (isWrappingType(type)) {
type = type.ofType
// One of those wrappings need to be a GraphQLList for this field to qualify
foundList = foundList || isListType(type)
if (foundList) {
const whereType = (field.args.find(a => === 'where')!.type as GraphQLInputObjectType).name
return ` ${}(where) {
return super.existsDelegate('query', '${}', { where }, {}, '{ id }')
.filter(f => f)