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# Ember-ag-grid

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Just a simple component to use [ag-grid](

## Installation

ember install ember-ag-grid

## Usage

{{ ag-grid gridOptions=gridOptions }}


  gridOptions: {

    columnDefs: [
      { headerName: "Product", field: "name" },
      { headerName: 'Units', field: 'units' },
      { headerName: 'Sales', field: 'sales' },
      { headerName: 'Profit', field: 'profit' }

    rowData: [
        name: 'Chips',
        units: '223',
        sales: '$54,335',
        profit: '$545,454'
        name: 'Towels',
        units: '965',
        sales: '$1,900',
        profit: '$800'


This addon supports the same options as the [ag-grid]( library. These options are documented here: []( Open up an issue if you find an option that does not work with this addon.

## Options

| name | default | description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| width | "100%" | Sets width of grid |
| height | "400px" | Sets height of grid |
| theme | "ag-fresh" | Themes provided by ag-Grid: ag-fresh, ag-blue, ag-dark, ag-bootstrap and ag-material |


{{ ag-grid gridOptions=gridOptions height="500px" width="800px" theme="ag-blue" }}

You could create a new theme and pass in the class name your theme uses:

.newTheme .ag-root {
  font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif, Helvetica, Arial;
.newTheme .ag-cell {
  padding: 8px;

{{ ag-grid gridOptions=gridOptions theme="newTheme" }}

## ag-Grid-Enterprise

To use [ag-Grid Enterprise]( features set the following options:

  var ENV = {
    agGrid: {
      useEnterprise: true,
      licenseKey: 'YOUR_LICENSE_KEY'


## Changelog
## version 0.4.0
* Upgraded to ag-Grid 9.0.0 and ag-Grid-Enterprise 9.0.1 ([ag-Grid's changelog](

## version 0.3.1
* [BUGFIX] Fix error of gridOptions api not available on willDestroyElement hook
* [BUGFIX] Ensure super call is bounded

## version 0.3.0
* Upgraded to ag-Grid 8.0.1 and ag-Grid-Enterprise 8.0.1 ([ag-Grid's changelog](

### version 0.2.0
* Upgraded to ag-Grid 5.3.0 and ag-Grid-Enterprise 5.3.0 ([ag-Grid's changelog](
* Breaking change: Default height is now 400px. ([Read this issue](

## Running

* `ember server`
* Visit your app at http://localhost:4200.

## Running Tests

* `npm test` (Runs `ember try:testall` to test your addon against multiple Ember versions)
* `ember test`
* `ember test --server`