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# ---- coding: utf-8 ----
# ===================================================
# Author: Susanta Biswas
# ===================================================
"""Description: Class for Face Recognition related methods.
Main operations: Register and Recognize face.

Usage: python -m face_recog.face_recognition

dlib model files can be downloaded from:\n""
# ===================================================

import os
import sys
import uuid
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

import dlib
import numpy as np

from face_recog.exceptions import (
from face_recog.face_data_store import FaceDataStore
from face_recog.face_detection_dlib import FaceDetectorDlib
from face_recog.face_detection_mtcnn import FaceDetectorMTCNN
from face_recog.face_detection_opencv import FaceDetectorOpenCV
from face_recog.logger import LoggerFactory
from face_recog.media_utils import convert_to_dlib_rectangle
from face_recog.validators import is_valid_img, path_exists

# Load the custom logger
logger = None
    logger_ob = LoggerFactory(logger_name=__name__)
    logger = logger_ob.get_logger()"{} loaded...".format(__name__))
    # set exception hook for uncaught exceptions
    sys.excepthook = logger_ob.uncaught_exception_hook
except Exception as exc:
    raise exc

class FaceRecognition:
    """Class for Face Recognition related methods.
    Main operations: Register and Recognize face.

        ModelFileMissing: [description]
        NoNameProvided: [description]
        NoFaceDetected: [description]
        FaceMissing: [description]

    keypoints_model_path = "shape_predictor_5_face_landmarks.dat"
    face_recog_model_path = "dlib_face_recognition_resnet_model_v1.dat"

    def __init__(
        model_loc: str = "./models",
        face_detection_threshold: int = 0.99,
        face_detector: str = "dlib",
    ) -> None:

            model_loc (str, optional): Path where model files are saved. Defaults to "./models".
            persistent_data_loc (str, optional): Path to save the persistence storage file.
                Defaults to 'data/facial_data.json'.
            face_detection_threshold (int, optional): Threshold facial model confidence to consider a detection.
                Defaults to 0.99.
            face_detector (str, optional): Type of face detector to use. Options:
                Dlib-HOG and MMOD, MTCNN, OpenCV CNN. Defaults to 'dlib'.

            ModelFileMissing: Raised when model file is not found
        keypoints_model_path = os.path.join(
            model_loc, FaceRecognition.keypoints_model_path
        face_recog_model_path = os.path.join(
            model_loc, FaceRecognition.face_recog_model_path
        if not (
            path_exists(keypoints_model_path) or path_exists(face_recog_model_path)
            raise ModelFileMissing
        if face_detector == "opencv":
            self.face_detector = FaceDetectorOpenCV(
                model_loc=model_loc, crop_forehead=True, shrink_ratio=0.2
        elif face_detector == "mtcnn":
            self.face_detector = FaceDetectorMTCNN(crop_forehead=True, shrink_ratio=0.2)
            self.face_detector = FaceDetectorDlib()
        self.face_detection_threshold = face_detection_threshold

        self.keypoints_detector = dlib.shape_predictor(keypoints_model_path)
        self.face_recognizor = dlib.face_recognition_model_v1(face_recog_model_path)
        self.datastore = FaceDataStore(persistent_data_loc=persistent_data_loc)

    def register_face(self, image=None, name: str = None, bbox: List[int] = None):
        """Method to register a face via the facial encoding.
        Siamese neural network is used to generate 128 numbers
        for a given facial region. These encodings can be used to identify a
        facial ROI for identification later.

            image (numpy array, optional): Defaults to None.
            name (str, optional): Name to associate with the face. Defaults to None.
            bbox (List[int], optional): Facial ROI bounding box. Defaults to None.


            Dict: Facial encodings along with an unique identifier and name

        if not is_valid_img(image) or name is None:
            raise NoNameProvided if name is None else InvalidImage

        image = image.copy()
        face_encoding = None

            if bbox is None:
                bboxes = self.face_detector.detect_faces(image=image)
                if len(bboxes) == 0:
                    raise NoFaceDetected
                bbox = bboxes[0]
            face_encoding = self.get_facial_fingerprint(image, bbox)

            # Convert the numpy array to normal python float list
            # to make json serialization simpler
            facial_data = {
                "id": str(uuid.uuid4()),
                "encoding": tuple(face_encoding.tolist()),
                "name": name,
            # save the encoding with the name
  "Face registered with name: {}".format(name))
        except Exception as exc:
            raise exc
        return facial_data

    def save_facial_data(self, facial_data: Dict = None) -> bool:
        """Saves facial data to cache and persistent storage

            facial_data (Dict, optional): [description]. Defaults to None.

            bool: status of saving
        if facial_data is not None:
            return True
        return False

    def get_registered_faces(self) -> List[Dict]:
        """Returns the list of all facial data of all registered users

            List[Dict]: List of facial data
        return self.datastore.get_all_facial_data()

    def recognize_faces(
        self, image, threshold: float = 0.6, bboxes: List[List[int]] = None
        """Finds matching registered users for the
        face(s) in the input image. The input image should be cropped to contain
        only one face and then sent to this method.

            image (numpy array): [description]
            threshold (float, optional): Max threshold euclidean distance to
            consider two people to be a match. Defaults to 0.6.
            bboxes (List[List[int]], optional): List of facial ROI bounding box.
                If this is None, then face detection is performed on the image
                and facial recognition is run for all the detected faces, otherwise
                if a bounding box is sent, then facial recognition is only
                done for that bounding box. Defaults to None.

            NoFaceDetected: [description]

            List[Tuple]: List of information of matching
        if image is None:
            return InvalidImage
        image = image.copy()

        if bboxes is None:
            bboxes = self.face_detector.detect_faces(image=image)
        if len(bboxes) == 0:
            raise NoFaceDetected
        # Load the data of existing registered faces
        # compare using the metric the closest match
        all_facial_data = self.datastore.get_all_facial_data()
        matches = []
        for bbox in bboxes:
            face_encoding = self.get_facial_fingerprint(image, bbox)
            match, min_dist = None, 10000000

            for face_data in all_facial_data:
                dist = self.euclidean_distance(face_encoding, face_data["encoding"])
                if dist <= threshold and dist < min_dist:
                    match = face_data
                    min_dist = dist
            # bound box, matched face details, dist from closest match
            matches.append((bbox, match, min_dist))
        return matches

    def get_facial_fingerprint(self, image, bbox: List[int] = None) -> List[float]:
        """Driver method for generating the facial encoding for an input image.
            Input image bbox -> facial keypoints detection -> keypoints used for
            face alignment -> Siamese NN -> Encoding
            image (numpy array): [description]
            bbox (List[int], optional): List of facial ROI bounding box. Defaults to None.

            FaceMissing: [description]

            List[float]: Facial Encoding
        if bbox is None:
            raise FaceMissing
        # Convert to dlib format rectangle
        bbox = convert_to_dlib_rectangle(bbox)
        # Get the facial landmark coordinates
        face_keypoints = self.keypoints_detector(image, bbox)

        # Compute the 128D vector that describes the face in an img identified by
        # shape. In general, if two face descriptor vectors have a Euclidean
        # distance between them less than 0.6 then they are from the same
        # person, otherwise they are from different people.
        face_encoding = self.get_face_encoding(image, face_keypoints)
        return face_encoding

    def get_face_encoding(self, image, face_keypoints: List):
        """Method for generating the facial encoding for
            a face in an input image.

            image (numpy array): [description]
            face_keypoints (List): [description]

            [type]: [description]
        encoding = self.face_recognizor.compute_face_descriptor(
            image, face_keypoints, 1
        return np.array(encoding)

    def euclidean_distance(self, vector1: Tuple, vector2: Tuple):
        """Computes Euclidean distance between two vectors

            vector1 (Tuple): [description]
            vector2 (Tuple): [description]

            [type]: [description]
        return np.linalg.norm(np.array(vector1) - np.array(vector2))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ############ Sample Usage and Testing ################
    # from face_recog.media_utils import load_image_path

    # ob = FaceRecognition(
    #     model_loc="models",
    #     persistent_data_loc="data/facial_data.json",
    #     face_detector="dlib",
    # )
    # img1 = load_image_path("data/sample/1.jpg")
    # img2 = load_image_path("data/sample/2.jpg")
    # img3 = load_image_path("data/sample/sagar.jpg")
    # img4 = load_image_path("data/sample/vidit.jpg")
    # img5 = load_image_path("data/sample/sagar2.jpg")
    # data1 = ob.register_face(image=img1, name='Keanu')
    # data2 = ob.register_face(image=img2, name='Test2')

    # # print(data1)
    # print(data2)

    # fd = FaceDetectorMTCNN()
    # fd2 = FaceDetectorOpenCV()
    # print('FD',fd.detect_faces(img3))
    # print('FD2',fd2.detect_faces(img3))

    # print('Attempting face recognition...')
    # matches = ob.recognize_faces(img5)
    # print(match['name'] if match and 'name' in match else '', dist)

    # os.remove("data/facial_data.json")