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Test Coverage
  - name: init
    short: i
    script: bash scripts/
    description: setup git hooks
    usage: setup git hooks
  - name: coverage
    short: c
    description: test a package (fzf is required)
    usage: test a package (fzf is required)
    script: "bash scripts/ {{.path}}"
      - name: path
  - name: test
    short: t
    description: test
    usage: test
    script: go test ./... -covermode=atomic
  - name: fmt
    description: format the go code
    usage: format the go code
    script: bash scripts/
  - name: vet
    short: v
    description: go vet
    usage: go vet
    script: go vet ./...
  - name: lint
    short: l
    description: lint the go code
    usage: lint the go code
    script: golangci-lint run