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# gulp-read

Gulp plugin to read vinyl file contents.

## Installation

    npm install --save-dev gulp-read

## Usage

Basically whenever you can get away with using `read:false` at the beginning of a stream, but you still need the file contents at a later stage. Here's what a typical example might look like:

var gulp = require('gulp');
var changed = require('gulp-changed');
var read = require('gulp-read');
var imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin');
var remember = require('gulp-remember');

gulp.task('image', function() {
  return gulp.src('images/**', {read:false})

In the above we don't have to read file contents initially since all [`gulp-changed`]( cares about is the last modification date of each file.

After the unchanged files have been removed from the stream the contents of the remaining files are then read by `gulp-read` so they can be processed by [`gulp-imagemin`]( 

In effect we never have to read the contents of files that haven't changed which saves time and speeds up the build.

## Compatibiliy

Since this plugin is basically identical to the [`get-contents` module]( of [`vinyl-fs`]( it shouldn't make a difference whether file contents are read by `gulp.src()` or `gulp-read`.

## API

### read([options])

Reads the contents for each vinyl file from disk.


* `buffer`: Whether or not the file contents should be a `Buffer`. Setting this to `false` will make `file.contents` a stream. (Default: `true`)
* `force`: Whether or not to reread file contents if they already exist. (Default: `false`)
* `stripBOM`: Whether or not to strip the BOM from file contents. (Default: `true`)

## License