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Test Coverage

* [Default instance](
* [create()](
* [collect([stat])](
* [summarize([stat[, options]]), summarize([options])](
* [stats([stat])](
* [reporter(result, config, options)](

## Default instance

A default instance of jshint-stylish-summary can be acquired by calling `require('jshint-stylish-summary')`.

Remember that Node.js caches return values of `require` so statistics collected using the default instance will be visible everywhere. Use [`create()`](#create) to create additional instances.

## create()

Creates a new jshint-stylish-summary instance. This allows to collect multiple statistics using different instances.


gulp.task('lint', function() {
  var clientSummary = jshintSummary.create();
  var serverSummary = jshintSummary.create();
  var clientStream = gulp.src('src/client/**/*.js')
  var serverStream = gulp.src('src/server/**/*.js')
  return merge(clientStream, serverStream)
    .on('end', clientSummary.summarize())
    .on('end', serverSummary.summarize());

## collect([stat])

Returns a [`stream.Transform`]( object that can be passed to [`stream.pipe()`]( Collects statistics of jshint results for all the files passing through the `stream`.

Optionally takes a `string` parameter `stat` which allows to collect multiple statistics under different names using the same jshint-stylish-summary instance.


gulp.task('lint', function() {
  var clientStream = gulp.src('src/client/**/*.js')
  var serverStream = gulp.src('src/server/**/*.js')
  return merge(clientStream, serverStream)
    .on('end', jshintSummary.summarize('client'))
    .on('end', jshintSummary.summarize('server'));

## summarize([stat[, options]]), summarize([options])

Returns a function that prints a summary for a collected statistic.

When called with no parameters a summary for the default statistic is printed.

Optionally takes the name `stat` of a statistic that was collected with [`collect()`](#collectstat) and prints that statistic.

Optionally takes an `options` object to influence aspects of the printed summary.


gulp.task('lint', function() {
  var clientStream = gulp.src('src/client/**/*.js')
  var serverStream = gulp.src('src/server/**/*.js')
  return merge(clientStream, serverStream)
    .on('end', jshintSummary.summarize({
      stat: 'client',
      showWarningTotals: false,
      showErrorTotals: false
    .on('end', jshintSummary.summarize('server', {
      showWarningTotals: false,
      showErrorTotals: false

### options

- `stat`: name of the statistic to be printed. Same as providing `stat` as the first parameter to `summarize()`. (Optional.)
- `showSummaryOnSuccess`: whether to print anything at all when no warnings or errors have been detected. (Defaults to `true`.)
- `showSummaryHeader`: whether to print a header that sets the summary off from previous output. (Defaults to `true`.)
- `showWarningTotals`: whether to print the total number of all generated warnings. (Defaults to `true`.)
- `showErrorTotals`: whether to print the total number of all detected errors. (Defaults to `true`.)
- `summaryHeader`: text of header that sets the summary off from previous output. (Defaults to `'SUMMARY: ' + stat`.)

## stats([stat])

Returns an object with the collected statistics information.

When called with no parameters returns the one for the default statistic.

Optionally takes the name `stat` of a particular statistic and returns that statistic.


gulp.task('lint', function() {
  var clientStream = gulp.src('src/client/**/*.js')
  var serverStream = gulp.src('src/server/**/*.js')
  return merge(clientStream, serverStream)
    .on('end', function {
       var stats = jshintSummary.stats('client');
       console.log('Found ' + +
            ' problems in ' + + ' client files');
    .on('end', function {
       var stats = jshintSummary.stats('server');
       console.log('Found ' + +
            ' problems in ' + + ' server files');

**Returned object**

The returned object provides the following fields:

- ``: number of files that were linted
- `.files.success`: number of files where no warnings or errors were raised
- `.files.warning`: number of files where at least one warning was raised
- `.files.error`: number of files where at least one error was raised
- `.files.problem`: number of files where at least one warning or error was raised
- `.files.successPct`: percentage of files where no problems where found
- `.files.warningPct`: percentage of files where at least one warning was raised
- `.files.errorPct`: percentage of files where at least one error was raised
- `.files.problemPct`: percentage of files where at least one warning or error was raised
- `.problems.warning`: overall number of warnings that were raised
- `.problems.error`: overall number of errors that were raised
- ``: overall number of warnings and errors that were raised

## reporter(result, config, options)

Implementation of the [reporter interface]( of jshint.

This is the function that is called when using the jshint CLI or JavaScript API. It is not usually called directly when using jshint-stylish-summary with gulp-jshint. Instead when using gulp-jshint call [`summarize()`](#summarizestat-options-summarizeoptions) which in turn calls `reporter()`.

### options

For available `options` see [`summarize()`](#summarizestat-options-summarizeoptions). Note that the default values for certain options are different when `reporter()` is called directly instead of through `summarize()`:

- `showSummaryOnSuccess` defaults to `false`
- `showSummaryHeader` defaults to `false`
- `showWarningTotals` defaults to `false`
- `showErrorTotals` defaults to `false`