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module Jekyll
  module PaginateV2::Generator
    # Handles the preparation of all the posts based on the current page index
    class Paginator
      attr_reader :page, :per_page, :posts, :total_posts, :total_pages,
        :previous_page, :previous_page_path, :next_page, :next_page_path, :page_path, :page_trail,
        :first_page, :first_page_path, :last_page, :last_page_path

      def page_trail

      def page_trail=(page_array)
        @page_trail = page_array
      # Initialize a new Paginator.
      def initialize(config_per_page, first_index_page_url, paginated_page_url, posts, cur_page_nr, num_pages, default_indexpage, default_ext)
        @page = cur_page_nr
        @per_page = config_per_page.to_i
        @total_pages = num_pages

        if @page > @total_pages
          raise RuntimeError, "page number can't be greater than total pages: #{@page} > #{@total_pages}"

        init = (@page - 1) * @per_page
        offset = (init + @per_page - 1) >= posts.size ? posts.size : (init + @per_page - 1)

        # Ensure that the current page has correct extensions if needed
        this_page_url = Utils.ensure_full_path(@page == 1 ? first_index_page_url : paginated_page_url,
                                               !default_indexpage || default_indexpage.length == 0 ? 'index' : default_indexpage,
                                               !default_ext || default_ext.length == 0 ? '.html' : default_ext)
        # To support customizable pagination pages we attempt to explicitly append the page name to 
        # the url incase the user is using extensionless permalinks. 
        if default_indexpage && default_indexpage.length > 0
          # Adjust first page url
          first_index_page_url = Utils.ensure_full_path(first_index_page_url, default_indexpage, default_ext)
          # Adjust the paginated pages as well
          paginated_page_url = Utils.ensure_full_path(paginated_page_url, default_indexpage, default_ext)

        @total_posts = posts.size
        @posts = posts[init..offset]
        @page_path = Utils.format_page_number(this_page_url, cur_page_nr, @total_pages)

        @previous_page = @page != 1 ? @page - 1 : nil
        @previous_page_path = @page == 1 ? nil : 
                              @page == 2 ? Utils.format_page_number(first_index_page_url, 1, @total_pages) : 
                              Utils.format_page_number(paginated_page_url, @previous_page, @total_pages)
        @next_page = @page != @total_pages ? @page + 1 : nil
        @next_page_path = @page != @total_pages ? Utils.format_page_number(paginated_page_url, @next_page, @total_pages) : nil

        @first_page = 1
        @first_page_path = Utils.format_page_number(first_index_page_url, 1, @total_pages)
        @last_page = @total_pages
        @last_page_path = Utils.format_page_number(paginated_page_url, @total_pages, @total_pages)

      # Convert this Paginator's data to a Hash suitable for use by Liquid.
      # Returns the Hash representation of this Paginator.
      def to_liquid
          'per_page' => per_page,
          'posts' => posts,
          'total_posts' => total_posts,
          'total_pages' => total_pages,
          'page' => page,
          'page_path' => page_path,
          'previous_page' => previous_page,
          'previous_page_path' => previous_page_path,
          'next_page' => next_page,
          'next_page_path' => next_page_path,
          'first_page' => first_page,
          'first_page_path' => first_page_path,
          'last_page' => last_page,
          'last_page_path' => last_page_path,
          'page_trail' => page_trail
    end # class Paginator

    # Small utility class that handles individual pagination trails 
    # and makes them easier to work with in Liquid
    class PageTrail
      attr_reader :num, :path, :title

      def initialize( num, path, title )
        @num = num
        @path = path
        @title = title
      end #func initialize

      def to_liquid
          'num' => num,
          'path' => path,
          'title' => title
    end #class PageTrail

  end # module PaginateV2
end # module Jekyll