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#!/usr/bin/env node
import { EOL } from "node:os";
import { program, Option } from "commander";
import assertNodeEnvironmentSuitable from "#cli/assert-node-environment-suitable.mjs";
import cli from "#cli/index.mjs";
import meta from "#meta.cjs";

try {

      `Validate and visualize dependencies.${EOL}Details:`,
      "--init [oneshot]",
      `set up dependency-cruiser for use in your environment (<<< recommended!)${EOL}${EOL}`,
      "-c, --config [file]",
      "read rules and options from [file] (e.g. .dependency-cruiser.js)",
      new Option(
        "do not use a configuration file. " +
          "Overrides any --config option set earlier",
      "-T, --output-type <type>",
      "output type; e.g. err, err-html, dot, ddot, archi, flat, d2, mermaid, text or json",
    .option("-m, --metrics", "calculate stability metrics", false)
    .addOption(new Option("--no-metrics").hideHelp(true))
      "-f, --output-to <file>",
      "file to write output to; - for stdout",
      "-I, --include-only <regex>",
      "only include modules matching the regex",
      "-F, --focus <regex>",
      "only include modules matching the regex + their direct neighbours",
      "--focus-depth <number>",
      "the depth to focus on - only applied when --focus is passed too. " +
        "1= direct neighbors, 2=neighbours of neighbours etc.",
      "-R, --reaches <regex>",
      "only include modules matching the regex + all modules that can reach it",
      "-H, --highlight <regex>",
      "mark modules matching the regex as 'highlighted'",
    .option("-x, --exclude <regex>", "exclude all modules matching the regex")
      "-X, --do-not-follow <regex>",
      "include modules matching the regex, but don't follow their dependencies",
      "--ignore-known [file]",
      "ignore known violations as saved in [file] (default: .dependency-cruiser-known-violations.json)",
    .addOption(new Option("--no-ignore-known").hideHelp(true))
      new Option(
        "--ts-config [file]",
        "use a TypeScript configuration (e.g. tsconfig.json) or it's JavaScript counterpart (e.g. jsconfig.json)",
      new Option(
        "--webpack-config [file]",
        "use a webpack configuration (e.g. webpack.config.js)",
      new Option(
        "detect dependencies that only exist before typescript-to-javascript " +
          "compilation (off by default)",
      "-S, --collapse <regex>",
      "collapse a to a folder depth by passing a single digit (e.g. 2). When passed a " +
        'regex collapses to that pattern. E.g. "^packages/[^/]+/" would collapse to ' +
        "modules/ folders directly under your packages folder. ",
      new Option(
        "-p, --progress [type]",
        "show progress while dependency-cruiser is busy",
      ).choices(["cli-feedback", "performance-log", "ndjson", "none"]),
      new Option("--no-progress", "Alias of --progress none").hideHelp(true),
      new Option(
        "-d, --max-depth <n>",
        "you probably want to use --collapse instead of --max-depth. " +
          "(max-depth would limit the cruise depth; 0 <= n <= 99 (default: 0 - no limit)).",
      new Option(
        "-M, --module-systems <items>",
        "list of module systems (default: amd, cjs, es6, tsd)",
      "-P, --prefix <prefix>",
      `prefix to use for links in the dot and err-html reporters${EOL}${EOL}`,
      "-C, --cache [cache-directory]",
      "use a cache to speed up execution. " +
        "The directory defaults to node_modules/.cache/dependency-cruiser",
      new Option(
        "--cache-strategy <strategy>",
        "strategy to use for detecting changed files in the cache.",
      ).choices(["metadata", "content"]),
      new Option(
        "switch off caching. Overrides the 'cache' key in .dependency-cruiser.js " +
          "and --cache options set earlier on the command line",
      new Option(
        "leave symlinks unchanged (off by default)",
      new Option("-v, --validate [file]", `alias for --config`).hideHelp(true),
      "-i, --info",
      "shows what languages and extensions dependency-cruiser supports",
      `${EOL}Other options:` +
        `${EOL}  see${EOL}`,

  if (Boolean(program.args[0]) || program.opts().info || program.opts().init) {
    process.exitCode = await cli(program.args, program.opts());
  } else {;
} catch (pError) {
  process.exitCode = 1;