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/* eslint-disable max-lines */
import { isAbsolute, resolve as path_resolve } from "node:path";
import { join as posix_join } from "node:path/posix";
import picomatch from "picomatch";
import getExtension from "#utl/get-extension.mjs";

let gFollowableExtensionsCache = new Set();
let gFollowableExtensionsCacheInitialized = false;

export function isScoped(pModuleName) {
  return pModuleName.startsWith("@");

export function isRelativeModuleName(pModuleName) {
  return (
    pModuleName.startsWith("./") ||
    pModuleName.startsWith("../") ||
    pModuleName === "." ||
    pModuleName === ".."
    // note ".blah" and "..blah" are _not_ relative

export function isExternalModule(
  pModuleFolderNames = ["node_modules"],
  pBaseDirectory = ".",
) {
  return (
    Boolean(pResolvedModuleName) &&
      // pModules can contain relative paths, but also absolute ones.
      // WebPack treats these differently:
      // - absolute paths only match that exact path
      // - relative paths get a node lookup treatment so "turtle" matches
      //   "turtle", "../turtle", "../../turtle", "../../../turtle"
      // hence we'll have to test for them in different fashion as well.
      // reference:
      (pModuleFolderName) => {
        if (isAbsolute(pModuleFolderName)) {
          return path_resolve(pBaseDirectory, pResolvedModuleName).startsWith(
        return pResolvedModuleName.includes(pModuleFolderName);

function determineFollowableExtensions(pResolveOptions) {
  let lReturnValue = new Set(pResolveOptions.extensions);

  // we could include things like pictures, movies, html, xml etc in
  // lKnownUnfollowables as well. Typically in javascript-like sources you don't
  //  import non-javascript stuff without mentioning the extension
  // (`import 'styles.scss` is more clear than`import 'styles'` as you'd expect
  // that to resolve to something javascript-like. Defensively added the
  // stylesheetlanguages here explicitly nonetheless - they can contain import
  // statements and the fallback javascript parser will happily parse them, which
  // will result in false positives.
  const lKnownUnfollowables = [

  lKnownUnfollowables.forEach((pUnfollowable) => {
  return lReturnValue;

function getFollowableExtensions(pResolveOptions) {
  if (!gFollowableExtensionsCacheInitialized || pResolveOptions.bustTheCache) {
    gFollowableExtensionsCache = determineFollowableExtensions(pResolveOptions);
    gFollowableExtensionsCacheInitialized = true;
  return gFollowableExtensionsCache;

export function isFollowable(pResolvedFilename, pResolveOptions) {
  return getFollowableExtensions(pResolveOptions).has(

 * @param {string} pModuleName
 * @param {object} pManifest
 * @returns {boolean}
function isSubpathImport(pModuleName, pManifest) {
  return (
    pModuleName.startsWith("#") &&
    Object.keys(pManifest?.imports ?? {}).some((pImportLHS) => {
      // Although they might look as such, the LHS of an import statement
      // (a 'subpath pattern') is not a glob. The * functions as string
      // replacement only.
      // Quoting :
      // > "* maps expose nested subpaths as it is a string replacement syntax only"
      const lMatchREasString = pImportLHS.replace(/\*/g, ".+");
      // eslint-disable-next-line security/detect-non-literal-regexp
      const lMatchRE = new RegExp(`^${lMatchREasString}$`);
      return lMatchRE.test(pModuleName);

 * @param {string} pModuleName
 * @param {object} pAliasObject
 * @returns {boolean}
function isWebPackAliased(pModuleName, pAliasObject) {
  return Object.keys(pAliasObject || {}).some((pAliasLHS) =>

function getWorkspacesArray(pManifestWorkspacesField) {
  if (Array.isArray(pManifestWorkspacesField)) {
    return pManifestWorkspacesField;
  if (pManifestWorkspacesField?.packages) {
    return pManifestWorkspacesField.packages;
  return [];

 * @param {string} pModuleName
 * @param {string} pResolvedModuleName
 * @param {object} pManifest
 * @returns {boolean}
// eslint-disable-next-line max-lines-per-function
function isWorkspaceAliased(pModuleName, pResolvedModuleName, pManifest) {
  // reference:
  // for yarn the workspaces field might be either an array or
  // an object. To prevent the code from borking we check whether it's an array
  // see
  const lWorkspaces = getWorkspacesArray(pManifest?.workspaces);
  if (lWorkspaces.length >= 0) {
    // workspaces are an array of globs that match the (sub) workspace
    // folder itself only.
    // workspaces: [
    //  "packages/*",  -> matches packages/a, packages/b, packages/c, ...
    //  "libs/x",      -> matches libs/x
    //  "libs/y",      -> matches libs/y
    //  "apps"         -> matches apps
    // ]
    // By definition this will _never_ match resolved module names.
    // E.g. in packages/a => packages/a/dist/main/index.js or
    // in libs/x => libs/x/index.js
    // This is why we chuck a `/**` at the end of each workspace glob, which
    // transforms it into a 'starts with' glob. And yeah, you can have a /
    // at the end of a glob. And because double slashes are taken literally
    // we have a ternary operator to prevent those.
    // oh and: ```picomatch.isMatch('asdf', 'asdf/**') === true``` so
    // in case it's only 'asdf' that's in the resolved module name for some reason
    // we're good as well.
    const lModuleFriendlyWorkspaceGlobs = =>
      pWorkspace.endsWith("/") ? `${pWorkspace}**` : `${pWorkspace}/**`,
    if (picomatch.isMatch(pResolvedModuleName, lModuleFriendlyWorkspaceGlobs)) {
      return true;
    // it's possible to run node with --preserve-symlinks, in which case
    // the symlinked workspace folders are not resolved to their realpath.
    // So we need to check both the thing in node_modules _and_ the resolved
    // thing. Annoyingly, the symlink in node_modules is the `name` attribute
    // of the workspace, not the path of the workspace itself. So if it's
    // in node_modules we need to check against the unresolved modulename.
    // Other then the detection for when symlinks are resolved to their realpath
    // (the if above), this is a 'best effort' detection only for now; there's
    // guaranteed to be scenarios where this will fail. How often is the
    // --preserve-symlinks flag used in practice, though?
    const lModuleFriendlyWorkspaceGlobsWithNodeModules =
        (pWorkspace) => `(node_modules/)?${pWorkspace}`,
    return picomatch.isMatch(
  return false;

 * @param {string} pModuleName
 * @param {Record<string, string[]>} pPaths
 * @returns {boolean}
function matchesTSConfigPaths(pModuleName, pPaths) {
  // "paths patterns can contain a single * wildcard, which matches any string.
  // The * token can then be used in the file path values to substitute the
  // matched string."
  // So, just like with subpath imports, the LHS of a path pattern is not a glob
  // and the '*' functions as a string replacement only.
  // TODO: 'any string' - does this include the empty string as well? Checks seem
  // to indicate it doesn't, so we use `.+` instead of `.*`
  return Object.keys(pPaths).some((pPathLHS) => {
    // eslint-disable-next-line security/detect-non-literal-regexp
    const lMatchRE = new RegExp(`^${pPathLHS.replace(/\*/g, ".+")}$`);
    return lMatchRE.test(pModuleName);

function stripExtension(pModulePath) {
  const lExtension = getExtension(pModulePath);
  return lExtension ? pModulePath.slice(0, -lExtension.length) : pModulePath;

function stripIndex(pModulePath) {
  return pModulePath.endsWith("/index")
    ? pModulePath.slice(0, -"/index".length)
    : pModulePath;

 * Assumes the pModuleName is not relative.
 * @param {string} pModuleName
 * @param {string} pResolvedModuleName
 * @param {string} pTSConfigBaseURL
function matchesTSConfigBaseURL(
) {
  // the pModuleName === pResolvedModuleName check is there to prevent
  // false positives for core modules ('fs' resolved === 'fs') and modules that
  // we couldn't resolve at all (e.g. 'this/does/not/exist' => 'this/does/not/exist')
  // we could also check whether the moduleName is relative, but that's
  // not efficient as that was already done before this function was called.
  if (!pTSConfigBaseURL || pModuleName === pResolvedModuleName) {
    return false;
  // "If baseUrl is set, TypeScript will resolve non-relative module names
  // relative to the baseUrl."
  const strippedModuleNameJoinedToBaseURL = stripIndex(
    stripExtension(posix_join(pTSConfigBaseURL, pModuleName)),
  const strippedResolvedModuleName = stripIndex(
  return strippedModuleNameJoinedToBaseURL.endsWith(strippedResolvedModuleName);

 * @param {string} pModuleName
 * @param {string} pResolvedModuleName
 * @param {import("../../../types/resolve-options.mjs").IResolveOptions} pResolveOptions
 * @param {any} pManifest
 * @param {import("../../../types/dependency-cruiser.mjs").ITranspileOptions} pTranspileOptions
 * @returns {string[]}
// eslint-disable-next-line max-params, complexity
export function getAliasTypes(
) {
  if (isRelativeModuleName(pModuleName)) {
    return [];
  // the order of these ifs is deliberate. First stuff bolted on by bundlers & transpilers.
  if (isWebPackAliased(pModuleName, pResolveOptions.alias)) {
    return ["aliased", "aliased-webpack"];
  if (
  ) {
    return ["aliased", "aliased-tsconfig", "aliased-tsconfig-base-url"];
  if (
      pTranspileOptions?.tsConfig?.options?.paths ?? {},
  ) {
    return ["aliased", "aliased-tsconfig", "aliased-tsconfig-paths"];
  // The order of subpath imports and workspaces isn't _that_ important, as they
  // can't be confused
  // - subpath imports _must_ start with a #
  // - workspaces (or, more precise: package names) are forbidden to even _contain_ a #
  if (isSubpathImport(pModuleName, pManifest)) {
    return ["aliased", "aliased-subpath-import"];
  if (isWorkspaceAliased(pModuleName, pResolvedModuleName, pManifest)) {
    return ["aliased", "aliased-workspace"];
  return [];