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Test Coverage
// @ts-check
import { spawnSync } from "node:child_process";
import dotModuleReporter from "../dot/dot-module.mjs";
import { wrapInHTML } from "./wrap-in-html.mjs";

const CONSTANTS = {
  exec: "dot",
  format: "svg",

 * @param {string} pDot Dot program
 * @param {IDotWebpageReporterOptions} pOptions
 * @returns {string} the dot program converted to svg, wrapped in html
function convert(pDot, pOptions) {
  /* c8 ignore next */
  const lSpawnFunction = pOptions.spawnFunction || spawnSync;
  const { stdout, status, error } = lSpawnFunction(
      input: pDot,
  if (status === 0) {
    return stdout.toString("utf8");
  } else if (error) {
    throw error;
  } else {
    throw new Error(`GraphViz' dot returned an error (exit code ${status})`);

 * @param {IDotWebpageReporterOptions} pOptions
 * @returns {boolean}
function isAvailable(pOptions) {
  /* c8 ignore next */
  const lSpawnFunction = pOptions.spawnFunction || spawnSync;
  const { status, stderr } = lSpawnFunction(CONSTANTS.exec, ["-V"]);
  return (
    status === 0 && stderr.toString("utf8").startsWith("dot - graphviz version")

 * @typedef {import("../../../types/cruise-result.mjs").ICruiseResult} ICruiseResult
 * @typedef {import("../../../types/reporter-options.mjs").IDotReporterOptions} IDotReporterOptions
 * @typedef {import("../../../types/dependency-cruiser.mjs").IReporterOutput} IReporterOutput
 * @typedef {IDotReporterOptions & { spawnFunction?: typeof spawnSync }} IDotWebpageReporterOptions

 * Returns the results of a cruise as an svg picture, using the dot reporter
 * and a system call to the GraphViz dot executable.
 * @param {ICruiseResult} pResults
 * @param {IDotWebpageReporterOptions} pDotWebpageReporterOptions
 * @returns {IReporterOutput}
export default function dotWebpage(pResults, pDotWebpageReporterOptions) {
  if (!isAvailable(pDotWebpageReporterOptions)) {
    throw new Error(
      "GraphViz dot, which is required for the 'x-dot-webpage' reporter doesn't " +
        "seem to be available on this system. See the GraphViz download page for " +
        "instruction on how to get it on your system:",
  const { output } = dotModuleReporter(pResults, pDotWebpageReporterOptions);
  return {
    output: wrapInHTML(convert(output, pDotWebpageReporterOptions)),
    exitCode: 0,