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Test Coverage
 * a possible re-Captcha integration, assuming the client has
 * the re-Captcha widget embedded in the site
 * Please refer to
 * if you're serious about implementing re-Captcha

xu {

  customer [linecolor=red,  arclinecolor=red,  textbgcolor="#FFCCCC"],
  client   [linecolor=blue, arclinecolor=blue, textbgcolor="#CCCCFF"],
  server   [linecolor=blue, arclinecolor=blue, textbgcolor="#CCCCFF"],
  google   [label="Google reCaptcha service", linecolor=fuchsia, arclinecolor=fuchsia, textbgcolor="#FFCCFF"];

  customer => client [label="log in with credentials, reCaptcha"];
  client   => google [label="getResponse(reCaptcha)"];
  google   >> client [label="reCaptcha response"];
  client   => server [label="POST credentials, reCaptcha response"];
  server   => google [label="POST reCaptcha response, secret"];
  customer alt google [label="reCaptcha valid", linecolor="grey", textbgcolor="white"] {
    google   >> server [label="OK"];
    server rbox server [label="check hostname, error codes"];
    server rbox server [label="do regular login processing"];

    --- [label="reCaptcha not valid", linecolor=grey, textbgcolor=white];
    google >> server   [label="NOK"];
    server >> client   [label="HTTP 40x 'reCaptcha'"];
    client >> customer [label="sorry dude - captcha didn't check out"];

    --- [label="other error and/ or time-out", linecolor=grey, textbgcolor=white];
    ..., google -x server;
    server note client [label="Treating this as an error will mean your log in won't work when the reCaptcha service is down.\n\nIt depends on the gig what you actually do here:\n\n- safety before everything shop: throw an error\n- acceptable risk vs revenue shop: do regular login", linecolor="black", textbgcolor="#FFFFCC"];
    server >> client   [label="Error (HTTP 500?)"];
    client >> customer [label="sorry dude"];