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Test Coverage
  how mscgen_js works internally, roughly

  The Colors were added by applying the 'Automatic'
  color scheme in the interpreter
msc {
  hscale="0.7", wordwraparcs=1;

  you       [linecolor="#008800", textbgcolor="#CCFFCC", arclinecolor="#008800"],
  controler [linecolor="#FF0000", textbgcolor="#FFCCCC", arclinecolor="#FF0000"],
  parser    [label="parser (PEGjs)", linecolor="#0000FF", textbgcolor="#CCCCFF", arclinecolor="#0000FF"],
  renderer  [linecolor="#FF00FF", textbgcolor="#FFCCFF", arclinecolor="#FF00FF"],
  rast_exp  [label="raster exporter", linecolor="black", textbgcolor="#DDDDDD", arclinecolor="black"],
  comments  [label=" ", linecolor="transparent"];

  you       =>   controler [label="some text"];
  controler =>   parser    [label="ok?"],
   comments note comments  [label="We use the ultra-cool PEGjs parser", linecolor="black", textbgcolor="#FFFFCC"];
  parser    >>   controler [label="syntax tree"];
  controler =>   renderer  [label="syntax tree"];
  renderer  =>   renderer  [label="render"],
   comments note comments  [label="This is the non-trivial stuff...", linecolor="black", textbgcolor="#FFFFCC"];
  renderer  >>   controler [label="vector picture"];
  controler >>   you       [label="vector picture"];
  you       =>   controler [label="raster graphics?"];
  controler =>   rast_exp  [label="vector picture"];
   rast_exp rbox comments   [label="paint the vector graphic on a canvas with drawImage() and return the dataURL of that canvas", linecolor="black", textbgcolor="#FFFFCC"];
  rast_exp  >>   controler [label="raster picture"];
  controler >>   you       [label="raster picture"];