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Test Coverage
name = "concrexit"
version = ""
description = "New new Thalia website, now with extra Django."
authors = ["Thalia Technicie <>"]
license = "AGPL-3.0-or-later"
package-mode = false

python = "^3.11"
Django = "5.0.6"
django-localflavor = "4.0"
djangorestframework = "3.15.1"
django-ical = "1.9.2"
django-sendfile2 = "0.7.1"
django-queryable-properties = "1.8.5"
django-oauth-toolkit = "2.3.0"
django-cors-headers = "3.14.0"
django-debug-toolbar = "4.2.0"
django-admin-autocomplete-filter = "0.7.1"
django-bootstrap5 = "^22.1"
django-tinymce = "3.7.1"
django-storages = "^1.14.3"
django-drf-filepond = "0.5.0"
django-filepond-widget = "0.9.0"
django-thumbnails = "0.7.0"
django-ratelimit = "4.1.0"
django-sass-processor = "1.4.1"
django-otp = "1.5.0"
django-formtools = "2.5.1"
django-two-factor-auth = {extras = ["webauthn", "phonenumbers"], version = "^1.16.0"}
bleach = {extras = ["css"], version = "6.1.0"}
Pillow = "10.3.0"
python-magic = "0.4.27"
bcrypt = "4.0.1"
argon2_cffi = "21.3.0"
firebase-admin = "6.2.0"
google-api-python-client = "2.118.0"
sentry-sdk = "1.45.0"
beautifulsoup4 = "^4.11.1"
boto3 = "1.34.114"
gunicorn = "22.0.0"
qrcode = {version = "^7.4.2", extras = ["pil"]}
freezegun = "1.2.2"
celery = {version = "^5.3.6", extras = ["redis"]}

# Required (at least) by djangorestframework.
PyYAML = "6.0.1"
inflection = "^0.5.1"
uritemplate = "^4.1.1"

# These dependencies are only needed to compile SASS, which can be done
# offline during a build. So these are not needed in production.
libsass = "0.23.0"
django-compressor = "4.4"

optional = true

psycopg2 = "2.9.9"

optional = true

recommonmark = "0.7.1"
sphinx = "6.2.1"

django-template-check = "0.4.0"
factory_boy = "3.3.0"
pydenticon = "0.3.1"
Faker = "18.13.0"
coverage = {extras = ["toml"], version = "^7.5.3"}
isort = "5.12.0"
black = "23.9.1"
ruff = "0.0.291"
pre-commit = "3.5.0"
pyparsing = "^3.0.9"
pydot = "^1.4.2"
django-extensions = "^3.2.1"

requires = ["poetry>=1.8.2"]
build-backend = "poetry.masonry.api"

branch = true
source = ["website"]
omit = ["website/", "website/thaliawebsite/", "website/thaliawebsite/", "website/*/migrations/*", "website/*/test*"]

precision = 2
skip_covered = true
show_missing = true
fail_under = 65.0

exclude = '(/(\.eggs|\.git|\.tox)/|migrations)'

profile = "black"
skip_glob = ["*/migrations/*"]
sections = [

known_django = ["django"]
known_first_party = [

exclude = ["migrations", "docs/", ".venv", ".vscode", ".pyenv"]

select = [

target-version = "py311"

ignore = [
    "E501",  # line too long
    "N818",  # exception class should have Error suffix
    "PLW2901",  # loop variable overwritten
    "RUF005",  # use spread operator instead of concatenation

"test_*.py" = [
    "F841",  # unused local variable
    "D400",  # docstring first line should end with a period
    "D401",  # docstring summary imperative mood
    "D205",  # docstring 1 line between summary and description
    "D212",  # docstring should start at first line