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        <h1 style="color: white; font-family: Open Sans;"><b>SWEatshop</b></h1>
        <h2 class="paragraph" style="color: white; font-family: Open Sans;">The Team</h2>
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            <img class="profile--image" src="http://vishnut.me/CS373/profpic.jpg">
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              <member-name> Vishnu Thiagarajan <br /><br /></member-name>
              <member-body> Hi, My name is Vishnu and I am a second year Computer Science major (classified as a Senior) at the University of Texas at Austin. I was born in Singapore on May 12, 1997 and I moved to Houston, Texas in November 2009. I attended Clements High School in Sugar Land and came to UT in 2014. While here, I have found my passion in in robotics, computer vision, machine learning, and backend web development. I spend my free time personal projects in thoses areas and browsing through memes.I am the secretary of the UT IEEE Robotics and Automation Society where I am helping with the building of an autonomous wheelchair. I am fluent in English and Tamil and I am intermediate in Spanish. Apart from all of that, I love food and doggo memes. <br /><br /></member-body>
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              <member-name> Raunak Srivastava <br /><br /></member-name>
              <member-body> Hi, I am a Sunior (Junior/Senior), it is a complicated situation since I transferred to UT, Computer Science major and am extremely passionate about bridging the education gap through technology. I am a director of a club at UT called Code Orange whose sole goal is to mentor kids at low-income communties and present them with opportunities that they lack but deserve! If you are interested to join, feel free to reach out to me! <br /> Anyways, a few random facts about me are that I am loud, that I love food (particularly deep dish pizza), that I am an anime addict, that ball is literally life for me, and that I am addicted to sleep although I rarely get it :(! Last but not least, I transferred from Aggieland xD!<br /><br /></member-body>
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              <member-name> Aditya Palnitkar <br /><br /></member-name>
              <member-body> Hi! My name is Aditya, and I am a Junior Computer Science major at UT. I chose CS because I like to solve problems by leveraging technology. I was born in the SF Bay Area, and then my family moved to Pune, India where I spent 12 years before coming to Austin for college. My family and I really enjoy traveling - till date, I've visited over 60 countries across 5 continents. In fact, when I interned at American Airlines last summer, I took advantage of the free flights and explored a new country pretty much every week! I'm fluent in three languages and reasonable in another two. I'm also a huge aviation geek and I'm currently working on my private pilot's license. In my free time, you'll find me reading, playing FIFA or planning my next adventure. <br /><br /></member-body>
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              <member-name> Brenda Salazar <br /><br /></member-name>
              <member-body> Hola, I am a Junior Computer Science major at UT \m/ (Hook 'em Horns). I am cofounder and vicepresident of HACS (Hispanic Association for Computer Scientists) at UT and hope to leave a legacy in the CS department. <br /> I am a proud Mexican and Austinite girl having spent the first 9.5 years of my life in Mexico City and the other 11.5 years in Austin. I am fluent in English, Spanish and French (although slightly less fluent than English and Spanish). I spend a lot of my time trying to perfection my French every day and hope to add other languages later on. In my freetime I enjoy going to the movies, specially at the Bullock museum with their amazing IMAX screen. Finally I love spending time at the park with my puppy Chuy. <br /><br /></member-body>
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            <img class="profile--image" src="../static/img/Vignesh.jpg">
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              <member-name> Vignesh Kumar <br /><br /></member-name>
              <member-body> Hi, I'm a Junior in University of Texas at Austin and I'm a Computer Science Major. I am extremely passionate in data-driven technologies and I'll be interning at Bank of America this summer. <br/>  Fun fact about me is that even though I was born in India, I have not lived there for more than 2 years. Throughout my childhood, I have been moving across Asia; Kuwait, Singapore, and Abu Dhabi. I enjoyed experiencing all the different kinds of cultures around Asia. I decided to come to America for my education as I wanted to move to a different continent and learn Computer Science from the best. I am fluent in English, Tamil and I am intermediate in French. In my freetime, I enjoy experiencing my favorite sport soccer in several ways- Playing it with my friends in the sun, watching my favorite club Manchester United and playing my favorite video game FIFA.  <br /><br /></member-body>
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              <member-name> Aaron Chang <br /><br /></member-name>
              <member-body> Hi, I'm classified as a Junior at UT Austin, and I'm majoring in Computer Science. My main interests are cybersecurity and supercomputing, and I’ll be interning at BP’s Center for High Performance Computing this summer. A few words about myself - though I reside in Texas now, I was born in Missouri and lived there for 15 years before I moved here. Consequently, the weather here very frequently feels much too warm! Temperature preferences aside, in my free time I love reading (Stephen King is my favorite author), playing piano, and listening to classical and electronic music. Strangely, my favorite thing to do while coding a project is bugfixing; there’s nothing more satisfying than finding and correcting an obscure error and finally getting the program to work how you want it to work. <br /><br /></member-body>
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