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import {
} from '@angular/core';

import { DatatableGroupHeaderDirective } from './body/body-group-header.directive';

import { BehaviorSubject, Subscription } from 'rxjs';
import { INgxDatatableConfig } from '../ngx-datatable.module';
import { groupRowsByParents, optionalGetterForProp } from '../utils/tree';
import { TableColumn } from '../types/table-column.type';
import { setColumnDefaults, translateTemplates } from '../utils/column-helper';
import { ColumnMode } from '../types/column-mode.type';
import { SelectionType } from '../types/selection.type';
import { SortType } from '../types/sort.type';
import { ContextmenuType } from '../types/contextmenu.type';
import { DataTableColumnDirective } from './columns/column.directive';
import { DatatableRowDetailDirective } from './row-detail/row-detail.directive';
import { DatatableFooterDirective } from './footer/footer.directive';
import { DataTableBodyComponent } from './body/body.component';
import { DataTableHeaderComponent } from './header/header.component';
import { ScrollbarHelper } from '../services/scrollbar-helper.service';
import { ColumnChangesService } from '../services/column-changes.service';
import { DimensionsHelper } from '../services/dimensions-helper.service';
import { throttleable } from '../utils/throttle';
import { forceFillColumnWidths, adjustColumnWidths } from '../utils/math';
import { sortRows } from '../utils/sort';

  selector: 'ngx-datatable',
  templateUrl: './datatable.component.html',
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
  styleUrls: ['./datatable.component.scss'],
  host: {
    class: 'ngx-datatable'
export class DatatableComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck, AfterViewInit {
   * Template for the target marker of drag target columns.
  @Input() targetMarkerTemplate: any;

   * Rows that are displayed in the table.
  @Input() set rows(val: any) {
    this._rows = val;

    if (val) {
      this._internalRows = [...val];

    // auto sort on new updates
    if (!this.externalSorting) {

    // auto group by parent on new update
    this._internalRows = groupRowsByParents(

    // recalculate sizes/etc

    if (this._rows && this._groupRowsBy) {
      // If a column has been specified in _groupRowsBy created a new array with the data grouped by that row
      this.groupedRows = this.groupArrayBy(this._rows, this._groupRowsBy);


   * Gets the rows.
  get rows(): any {
    return this._rows;

   * This attribute allows the user to set the name of the column to group the data with
  @Input() set groupRowsBy(val: string) {
    if (val) {
      this._groupRowsBy = val;
      if (this._rows && this._groupRowsBy) {
        // cretes a new array with the data grouped
        this.groupedRows = this.groupArrayBy(this._rows, this._groupRowsBy);

  get groupRowsBy() {
    return this._groupRowsBy;

   * This attribute allows the user to set a grouped array in the following format:
   *  [
   *    {groupid=1} [
   *      {id=1 name="test1"},
   *      {id=2 name="test2"},
   *      {id=3 name="test3"}
   *    ]},
   *    {groupid=2>[
   *      {id=4 name="test4"},
   *      {id=5 name="test5"},
   *      {id=6 name="test6"}
   *    ]}
   *  ]
  @Input() groupedRows: any[];

   * Columns to be displayed.
  @Input() set columns(val: TableColumn[]) {
    if (val) {
      this._internalColumns = [...val];

    this._columns = val;

   * Get the columns.
  get columns(): TableColumn[] {
    return this._columns;

   * List of row objects that should be
   * represented as selected in the grid.
   * Default value: `[]`
  @Input() selected: any[] = [];

   * Enable vertical scrollbars
  @Input() scrollbarV: boolean = false;

   * Enable horz scrollbars
  @Input() scrollbarH: boolean = false;

   * The row height; which is necessary
   * to calculate the height for the lazy rendering.
  @Input() rowHeight: number | 'auto' | ((row?: any) => number) = 30;

   * Type of column width distribution formula.
   * Example: flex, force, standard
  @Input() columnMode: ColumnMode | keyof typeof ColumnMode = ColumnMode.standard;

   * The minimum header height in pixels.
   * Pass a falsey for no header
  @Input() headerHeight: number = 30;

   * The minimum footer height in pixels.
   * Pass falsey for no footer
  @Input() footerHeight: number = 0;

   * If the table should use external paging
   * otherwise its assumed that all data is preloaded.
  @Input() externalPaging: boolean = false;

   * If the table should use external sorting or
   * the built-in basic sorting.
  @Input() externalSorting: boolean = false;

   * The page size to be shown.
   * Default value: `undefined`
  @Input() set limit(val: number | undefined) {
    this._limit = val;

    // recalculate sizes/etc

   * Gets the limit.
  get limit(): number | undefined {
    return this._limit;

   * The total count of all rows.
   * Default value: `0`
  @Input() set count(val: number) {
    this._count = val;

    // recalculate sizes/etc

   * Gets the count.
  get count(): number {
    return this._count;

   * The current offset ( page - 1 ) shown.
   * Default value: `0`
  @Input() set offset(val: number) {
    this._offset = val;
  get offset(): number {
    return Math.max(Math.min(this._offset, Math.ceil(this.rowCount / this.pageSize) - 1), 0);

   * Show the linear loading bar.
   * Default value: `false`
  @Input() loadingIndicator: boolean = false;

   * Type of row selection. Options are:
   *  - `single`
   *  - `multi`
   *  - `checkbox`
   *  - `multiClick`
   *  - `cell`
   * For no selection pass a `falsey`.
   * Default value: `undefined`
  @Input() selectionType: SelectionType;

   * Enable/Disable ability to re-order columns
   * by dragging them.
  @Input() reorderable: boolean = true;

   * Swap columns on re-order columns or
   * move them.
  @Input() swapColumns: boolean = true;

   * The type of sorting
  @Input() sortType: SortType = SortType.single;

   * Array of sorted columns by property and type.
   * Default value: `[]`
  @Input() sorts: any[] = [];

   * Css class overrides
  @Input() cssClasses: any = {
    sortAscending: 'datatable-icon-up',
    sortDescending: 'datatable-icon-down',
    sortUnset: 'datatable-icon-sort-unset',
    pagerLeftArrow: 'datatable-icon-left',
    pagerRightArrow: 'datatable-icon-right',
    pagerPrevious: 'datatable-icon-prev',
    pagerNext: 'datatable-icon-skip'

   * Message overrides for localization
   * emptyMessage     [default] = 'No data to display'
   * totalMessage     [default] = 'total'
   * selectedMessage  [default] = 'selected'
  @Input() messages: any = {
    // Message to show when array is presented
    // but contains no values
    emptyMessage: 'No data to display',

    // Footer total message
    totalMessage: 'total',

    // Footer selected message
    selectedMessage: 'selected'

   * Row specific classes.
   * Similar implementation to ngClass.
   *  [rowClass]="'first second'"
   *  [rowClass]="{ 'first': true, 'second': true, 'third': false }"
  @Input() rowClass: any;

   * A boolean/function you can use to check whether you want
   * to select a particular row based on a criteria. Example:
   *    (selection) => {
   *      return selection !== 'Ethel Price';
   *    }
  @Input() selectCheck: any;

   * A function you can use to check whether you want
   * to show the checkbox for a particular row based on a criteria. Example:
   *    (row, column, value) => {
   *      return row.name !== 'Ethel Price';
   *    }
  @Input() displayCheck: (row: any, column?: any, value?: any) => boolean;

   * A boolean you can use to set the detault behaviour of rows and groups
   * whether they will start expanded or not. If ommited the default is NOT expanded.
  @Input() groupExpansionDefault: boolean = false;

   * Property to which you can use for custom tracking of rows.
   * Example: 'name'
  @Input() trackByProp: string;

   * Property to which you can use for determining select all
   * rows on current page or not.
   * @memberOf DatatableComponent
  @Input() selectAllRowsOnPage = false;

   * A flag for row virtualization on / off
  @Input() virtualization: boolean = true;

   * Tree from relation
  @Input() treeFromRelation: string;

   * Tree to relation
  @Input() treeToRelation: string;

   * A flag for switching summary row on / off
  @Input() summaryRow: boolean = false;

   * A height of summary row
  @Input() summaryHeight: number = 30;

   * A property holds a summary row position: top/bottom
  @Input() summaryPosition: string = 'top';

   * Body was scrolled typically in a `scrollbarV:true` scenario.
  @Output() scroll: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();

   * A cell or row was focused via keyboard or mouse click.
  @Output() activate: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();

   * A cell or row was selected.
  @Output() select: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();

   * Column sort was invoked.
  @Output() sort: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();

   * The table was paged either triggered by the pager or the body scroll.
  @Output() page: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();

   * Columns were re-ordered.
  @Output() reorder: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();

   * Column was resized.
  @Output() resize: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();

   * The context menu was invoked on the table.
   * type indicates whether the header or the body was clicked.
   * content contains either the column or the row that was clicked.
  @Output() tableContextmenu = new EventEmitter<{ event: MouseEvent; type: ContextmenuType; content: any }>(false);

   * A row was expanded ot collapsed for tree
  @Output() treeAction: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();

   * CSS class applied if the header height if fixed height.
  get isFixedHeader(): boolean {
    const headerHeight: number | string = this.headerHeight;
    return typeof headerHeight === 'string' ? <string>headerHeight !== 'auto' : true;

   * CSS class applied to the root element if
   * the row heights are fixed heights.
  get isFixedRow(): boolean {
    return this.rowHeight !== 'auto';

   * CSS class applied to root element if
   * vertical scrolling is enabled.
  get isVertScroll(): boolean {
    return this.scrollbarV;

   * CSS class applied to root element if
   * virtualization is enabled.
  get isVirtualized(): boolean {
    return this.virtualization;

   * CSS class applied to the root element
   * if the horziontal scrolling is enabled.
  get isHorScroll(): boolean {
    return this.scrollbarH;

   * CSS class applied to root element is selectable.
  get isSelectable(): boolean {
    return this.selectionType !== undefined;

   * CSS class applied to root is checkbox selection.
  get isCheckboxSelection(): boolean {
    return this.selectionType === SelectionType.checkbox;

   * CSS class applied to root if cell selection.
  get isCellSelection(): boolean {
    return this.selectionType === SelectionType.cell;

   * CSS class applied to root if single select.
  get isSingleSelection(): boolean {
    return this.selectionType === SelectionType.single;

   * CSS class added to root element if mulit select
  get isMultiSelection(): boolean {
    return this.selectionType === SelectionType.multi;

   * CSS class added to root element if mulit click select
  get isMultiClickSelection(): boolean {
    return this.selectionType === SelectionType.multiClick;

   * Column templates gathered from `ContentChildren`
   * if described in your markup.
  set columnTemplates(val: QueryList<DataTableColumnDirective>) {
    this._columnTemplates = val;

   * Returns the column templates.
  get columnTemplates(): QueryList<DataTableColumnDirective> {
    return this._columnTemplates;

   * Row Detail templates gathered from the ContentChild
  rowDetail: DatatableRowDetailDirective;

   * Group Header templates gathered from the ContentChild
  groupHeader: DatatableGroupHeaderDirective;

   * Footer template gathered from the ContentChild
  footer: DatatableFooterDirective;

   * Reference to the body component for manually
   * invoking functions on the body.
  bodyComponent: DataTableBodyComponent;

   * Reference to the header component for manually
   * invoking functions on the header.
   * @memberOf DatatableComponent
  headerComponent: DataTableHeaderComponent;

   * Returns if all rows are selected.
  get allRowsSelected(): boolean {
    let allRowsSelected = this.rows && this.selected && this.selected.length === this.rows.length;

    if (this.bodyComponent && this.selectAllRowsOnPage) {
      const indexes = this.bodyComponent.indexes;
      const rowsOnPage = indexes.last - indexes.first;
      allRowsSelected = this.selected.length === rowsOnPage;

    return this.selected && this.rows && this.rows.length !== 0 && allRowsSelected;

  element: HTMLElement;
  _innerWidth: number;
  pageSize: number;
  bodyHeight: number;
  rowCount: number = 0;
  rowDiffer: KeyValueDiffer<{}, {}>;

  _offsetX = new BehaviorSubject(0);
  _limit: number | undefined;
  _count: number = 0;
  _offset: number = 0;
  _rows: any[];
  _groupRowsBy: string;
  _internalRows: any[];
  _internalColumns: TableColumn[];
  _columns: TableColumn[];
  _columnTemplates: QueryList<DataTableColumnDirective>;
  _subscriptions: Subscription[] = [];

    @SkipSelf() private scrollbarHelper: ScrollbarHelper,
    @SkipSelf() private dimensionsHelper: DimensionsHelper,
    private cd: ChangeDetectorRef,
    element: ElementRef,
    differs: KeyValueDiffers,
    private columnChangesService: ColumnChangesService,
    @Optional() @Inject('configuration') private configuration: INgxDatatableConfig
  ) {
    // get ref to elm for measuring
    this.element = element.nativeElement;
    this.rowDiffer = differs.find({}).create();

    // apply global settings from Module.forRoot
    if (this.configuration && this.configuration.messages) {
      this.messages = { ...this.configuration.messages };

   * Lifecycle hook that is called after data-bound
   * properties of a directive are initialized.
  ngOnInit(): void {
    // need to call this immediatly to size
    // if the table is hidden the visibility
    // listener will invoke this itself upon show

   * Lifecycle hook that is called after a component's
   * view has been fully initialized.
  ngAfterViewInit(): void {
    if (!this.externalSorting) {

    // this has to be done to prevent the change detection
    // tree from freaking out because we are readjusting
    if (typeof requestAnimationFrame === 'undefined') {

    requestAnimationFrame(() => {

      // emit page for virtual server-side kickoff
      if (this.externalPaging && this.scrollbarV) {
          count: this.count,
          pageSize: this.pageSize,
          limit: this.limit,
          offset: 0

   * Lifecycle hook that is called after a component's
   * content has been fully initialized.
  ngAfterContentInit() {
    this.columnTemplates.changes.subscribe(v => this.translateColumns(v));

   * This will be used when displaying or selecting rows.
   * when tracking/comparing them, we'll use the value of this fn,
   * (`fn(x) === fn(y)` instead of `x === y`)
  @Input() rowIdentity: (x: any) => any = (x: any) => {
    if (this._groupRowsBy) {
      // each group in groupedRows are stored as {key, value: [rows]},
      // where key is the groupRowsBy index
      return x.key;
    } else {
      return x;

   * Translates the templates to the column objects
  translateColumns(val: any) {
    if (val) {
      const arr = val.toArray();
      if (arr.length) {
        this._internalColumns = translateTemplates(arr);

   * Creates a map with the data grouped by the user choice of grouping index
   * @param originalArray the original array passed via parameter
   * @param groupByIndex  the index of the column to group the data by
  groupArrayBy(originalArray: any, groupBy: any) {
    // create a map to hold groups with their corresponding results
    const map = new Map();
    let i: number = 0;

    originalArray.forEach((item: any) => {
      const key = item[groupBy];
      if (!map.has(key)) {
        map.set(key, [item]);
      } else {

    const addGroup = (key: any, value: any) => {
      return { key, value };

    // convert map back to a simple array of objects
    return Array.from(map, x => addGroup(x[0], x[1]));

   * Lifecycle hook that is called when Angular dirty checks a directive.
  ngDoCheck(): void {
    if (this.rowDiffer.diff(this.rows)) {
      if (!this.externalSorting) {
      } else {
        this._internalRows = [...this.rows];

      // auto group by parent on new update
      this._internalRows = groupRowsByParents(


   * Recalc's the sizes of the grid.
   * Updated automatically on changes to:
   *  - Columns
   *  - Rows
   *  - Paging related
   * Also can be manually invoked or upon window resize.
  recalculate(): void {

   * Window resize handler to update sizes.
  onWindowResize(): void {

   * Recalulcates the column widths based on column width
   * distribution mode and scrollbar offsets.
    columns: any[] = this._internalColumns,
    forceIdx: number = -1,
    allowBleed: boolean = this.scrollbarH
  ): any[] | undefined {
    if (!columns) return undefined;

    let width = this._innerWidth;
    if (this.scrollbarV) {
      width = width - this.scrollbarHelper.width;

    if (this.columnMode === ColumnMode.force) {
      forceFillColumnWidths(columns, width, forceIdx, allowBleed);
    } else if (this.columnMode === ColumnMode.flex) {
      adjustColumnWidths(columns, width);

    return columns;

   * Recalculates the dimensions of the table size.
   * Internally calls the page size and row count calcs too.
  recalculateDims(): void {
    const dims = this.dimensionsHelper.getDimensions(this.element);
    this._innerWidth = Math.floor(dims.width);

    if (this.scrollbarV) {
      let height = dims.height;
      if (this.headerHeight) height = height - this.headerHeight;
      if (this.footerHeight) height = height - this.footerHeight;
      this.bodyHeight = height;


   * Recalculates the pages after a update.
  recalculatePages(): void {
    this.pageSize = this.calcPageSize();
    this.rowCount = this.calcRowCount();

   * Body triggered a page event.
  onBodyPage({ offset }: any): void {
    // Avoid pagination caming from body events like scroll when the table
    // has no virtualization and the external paging is enable.
    // This means, let's the developer handle pagination by my him(her) self
    if (this.externalPaging && !this.virtualization) {

    this.offset = offset;

      count: this.count,
      pageSize: this.pageSize,
      limit: this.limit,
      offset: this.offset

   * The body triggered a scroll event.
  onBodyScroll(event: MouseEvent): void {

   * The footer triggered a page event.
  onFooterPage(event: any) {
    this.offset = event.page - 1;

      count: this.count,
      pageSize: this.pageSize,
      limit: this.limit,
      offset: this.offset

    if (this.selectAllRowsOnPage) {
      this.selected = [];
        selected: this.selected

   * Recalculates the sizes of the page
  calcPageSize(val: any[] = this.rows): number {
    // Keep the page size constant even if the row has been expanded.
    // This is because an expanded row is still considered to be a child of
    // the original row.  Hence calculation would use rowHeight only.
    if (this.scrollbarV && this.virtualization) {
      const size = Math.ceil(this.bodyHeight / (this.rowHeight as number));
      return Math.max(size, 0);

    // if limit is passed, we are paging
    if (this.limit !== undefined) {
      return this.limit;

    // otherwise use row length
    if (val) {
      return val.length;

    // other empty :(
    return 0;

   * Calculates the row count.
  calcRowCount(val: any[] = this.rows): number {
    if (!this.externalPaging) {
      if (!val) return 0;

      if (this.groupedRows) {
        return this.groupedRows.length;
      } else if (this.treeFromRelation != null && this.treeToRelation != null) {
        return this._internalRows.length;
      } else {
        return val.length;

    return this.count;

   * The header triggered a contextmenu event.
  onColumnContextmenu({ event, column }: any): void {
    this.tableContextmenu.emit({ event, type: ContextmenuType.header, content: column });

   * The body triggered a contextmenu event.
  onRowContextmenu({ event, row }: any): void {
    this.tableContextmenu.emit({ event, type: ContextmenuType.body, content: row });

   * The header triggered a column resize event.
  onColumnResize({ column, newValue }: any): void {
    /* Safari/iOS 10.2 workaround */
    if (column === undefined) {

    let idx: number;
    const cols = this._internalColumns.map((c, i) => {
      c = { ...c };

      if (c.$$id === column.$$id) {
        idx = i;
        c.width = newValue;

        // set this so we can force the column
        // width distribution to be to this value
        c.$$oldWidth = newValue;

      return c;

    this.recalculateColumns(cols, idx);
    this._internalColumns = cols;


   * The header triggered a column re-order event.
  onColumnReorder({ column, newValue, prevValue }: any): void {
    const cols = this._internalColumns.map(c => {
      return { ...c };

    if (this.swapColumns) {
      const prevCol = cols[newValue];
      cols[newValue] = column;
      cols[prevValue] = prevCol;
    } else {
      if (newValue > prevValue) {
        const movedCol = cols[prevValue];
        for (let i = prevValue; i < newValue; i++) {
          cols[i] = cols[i + 1];
        cols[newValue] = movedCol;
      } else {
        const movedCol = cols[prevValue];
        for (let i = prevValue; i > newValue; i--) {
          cols[i] = cols[i - 1];
        cols[newValue] = movedCol;

    this._internalColumns = cols;


   * The header triggered a column sort event.
  onColumnSort(event: any): void {
    // clean selected rows
    if (this.selectAllRowsOnPage) {
      this.selected = [];
        selected: this.selected

    this.sorts = event.sorts;

    // this could be optimized better since it will resort
    // the rows again on the 'push' detection...
    if (this.externalSorting === false) {
      // don't use normal setter so we don't resort

    // auto group by parent on new update
    this._internalRows = groupRowsByParents(

    // Always go to first page when sorting to see the newly sorted data
    this.offset = 0;

   * Toggle all row selection
  onHeaderSelect(event: any): void {
    if (this.bodyComponent && this.selectAllRowsOnPage) {
      // before we splice, chk if we currently have all selected
      const first = this.bodyComponent.indexes.first;
      const last = this.bodyComponent.indexes.last;
      const allSelected = this.selected.length === last - first;

      // remove all existing either way
      this.selected = [];

      // do the opposite here
      if (!allSelected) {
        this.selected.push(...this._internalRows.slice(first, last));
    } else {
      // before we splice, chk if we currently have all selected
      const allSelected = this.selected.length === this.rows.length;
      // remove all existing either way
      this.selected = [];
      // do the opposite here
      if (!allSelected) {

      selected: this.selected

   * A row was selected from body
  onBodySelect(event: any): void {

   * A row was expanded or collapsed for tree
  onTreeAction(event: any) {
    const row = event.row;
    // TODO: For duplicated items this will not work
    const rowIndex = this._rows.findIndex(r => r[this.treeToRelation] === event.row[this.treeToRelation]);
    this.treeAction.emit({ row, rowIndex });

  ngOnDestroy() {
    this._subscriptions.forEach(subscription => subscription.unsubscribe());

   * listen for changes to input bindings of all DataTableColumnDirective and
   * trigger the columnTemplates.changes observable to emit
  private listenForColumnInputChanges(): void {
      this.columnChangesService.columnInputChanges$.subscribe(() => {
        if (this.columnTemplates) {

  private sortInternalRows(): void {
    this._internalRows = sortRows(this._internalRows, this._internalColumns, this.sorts);