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import { PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
import { ValueGetter } from '../utils/column-prop-getters';

 * Column property that indicates how to retrieve this column's
 * value from a row.
 * 'a.deep.value', 'normalprop', 0 (numeric)
export type TableColumnProp = string | number;

 * Column Type
export interface TableColumn {
   * Internal unique id
   * @memberOf TableColumn
  $$id?: string;

   * Internal for column width distributions
   * @memberOf TableColumn
  $$oldWidth?: number;

   * Internal for setColumnDefaults
   * @memberOf TableColumn
  $$valueGetter?: ValueGetter;

   * Determines if column is checkbox
   * @memberOf TableColumn
  checkboxable?: boolean;

   * Determines if the column is frozen to the left
   * @memberOf TableColumn
  frozenLeft?: boolean;

   * Determines if the column is frozen to the right
   * @memberOf TableColumn
  frozenRight?: boolean;

   * The grow factor relative to other columns. Same as the flex-grow
   * API from http =//www.w3.org/TR/css3-flexbox/. Basically;
   * take any available extra width and distribute it proportionally
   * according to all columns' flexGrow values.
   * @memberOf TableColumn
  flexGrow?: number;

   * Min width of the column
   * @memberOf TableColumn
  minWidth?: number;

   * Max width of the column
   * @memberOf TableColumn
  maxWidth?: number;

   * The default width of the column, in pixels
   * @memberOf TableColumn
  width?: number;

   * Can the column be resized
   * @memberOf TableColumn
  resizeable?: boolean;

   * Custom sort comparator
   * @memberOf TableColumn
  comparator?: any;

   * Custom pipe transforms
   * @memberOf TableColumn
  pipe?: PipeTransform;

   * Can the column be sorted
   * @memberOf TableColumn
  sortable?: boolean;

   * Can the column be re-arranged by dragging
   * @memberOf TableColumn
  draggable?: boolean;

   * Whether the column can automatically resize to fill space in the table.
   * @memberOf TableColumn
  canAutoResize?: boolean;

   * Column name or label
   * @memberOf TableColumn
  name?: string;

   * Property to bind to the row. Example:
   * `someField` or `some.field.nested`, 0 (numeric)
   * If left blank, will use the name as camel case conversion
   * @memberOf TableColumn
  prop?: TableColumnProp;

   * Cell template ref
   * @memberOf TableColumn
  cellTemplate?: any;

   * Header template ref
   * @memberOf TableColumn
  headerTemplate?: any;

   * Tree toggle template ref
   * @memberOf TableColumn
  treeToggleTemplate?: any;

   * CSS Classes for the cell
   * @memberOf TableColumn
  cellClass?: string | ((data: any) => string | any);

   * CSS classes for the header
   * @memberOf TableColumn
  headerClass?: string | ((data: any) => string | any);

   * Header checkbox enabled
   * @memberOf TableColumn
  headerCheckboxable?: boolean;

   * Is tree displayed on this column
   * @memberOf TableColumn
  isTreeColumn?: boolean;

   * Width of the tree level indent
   * @memberOf TableColumn
  treeLevelIndent?: number;

   * Summary function
   * @memberOf TableColumn
  summaryFunc?: (cells: any[]) => any;

   * Summary cell template ref
   * @memberOf TableColumn
  summaryTemplate?: any;