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import {
} from '@angular/core';
import { scaleLinear, scalePoint, scaleTime } from 'd3-scale';
import { curveLinear } from 'd3-shape';

import { calculateViewDimensions } from '../common/view-dimensions.helper';
import { ColorHelper } from '../common/color.helper';
import { BaseChartComponent } from '../common/base-chart.component';
import { id } from '../utils/id';
import { getUniqueXDomainValues, getScaleType } from '../common/domain.helper';
import { SeriesType } from '../common/circle-series.component';
import { LegendOptions, LegendPosition } from '../common/types/legend.model';
import { ViewDimensions } from '../common/types/view-dimension.interface';
import { ScaleType } from '../common/types/scale-type.enum';

  selector: 'ngx-charts-area-chart-stacked',
  template: `
      [view]="[width, height]"
        <svg:clipPath [attr.id]="clipPathId">
            [attr.width]="dims.width + 10"
            [attr.height]="dims.height + 10"
            [attr.transform]="'translate(-5, -5)'"
      <svg:g [attr.transform]="transform" class="area-chart chart">
        <svg:g [attr.clip-path]="clipPath">
          <svg:g *ngFor="let series of results; trackBy: trackBy">

          <svg:g *ngIf="!tooltipDisabled" (mouseleave)="hideCircles()">

            <svg:g *ngFor="let series of results; trackBy: trackBy">
                (select)="onClick($event, series)"
        *ngIf="timeline && scaleType != 'ordinal'"
        [view]="[timelineWidth, height]"
        <svg:g *ngFor="let series of results; trackBy: trackBy">
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
  styleUrls: ['../common/base-chart.component.scss'],
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
export class AreaChartStackedComponent extends BaseChartComponent {
  @Input() legend: boolean = false;
  @Input() legendTitle: string = 'Legend';
  @Input() legendPosition: LegendPosition = LegendPosition.Right;
  @Input() xAxis: boolean = false;
  @Input() yAxis: boolean = false;
  @Input() showXAxisLabel: boolean;
  @Input() showYAxisLabel: boolean;
  @Input() xAxisLabel: string;
  @Input() yAxisLabel: string;
  @Input() timeline: boolean = false;
  @Input() gradient: boolean;
  @Input() showGridLines: boolean = true;
  @Input() curve: any = curveLinear;
  @Input() activeEntries: any[] = [];
  @Input() schemeType: ScaleType;
  @Input() trimXAxisTicks: boolean = true;
  @Input() trimYAxisTicks: boolean = true;
  @Input() rotateXAxisTicks: boolean = true;
  @Input() maxXAxisTickLength: number = 16;
  @Input() maxYAxisTickLength: number = 16;
  @Input() xAxisTickFormatting: any;
  @Input() yAxisTickFormatting: any;
  @Input() xAxisTicks: any[];
  @Input() yAxisTicks: any[];
  @Input() roundDomains: boolean = false;
  @Input() tooltipDisabled: boolean = false;
  @Input() xScaleMin: any;
  @Input() xScaleMax: any;
  @Input() yScaleMin: number;
  @Input() yScaleMax: number;
  @Input() wrapTicks = false;

  @Output() activate: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();
  @Output() deactivate: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();

  @ContentChild('tooltipTemplate') tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
  @ContentChild('seriesTooltipTemplate') seriesTooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;

  dims: ViewDimensions;
  scaleType: ScaleType;
  xDomain: any[];
  xSet: any[]; // the set of all values on the X Axis
  yDomain: [number, number];
  seriesDomain: any;
  xScale: any;
  yScale: any;
  transform: string;
  clipPathId: string;
  clipPath: string;
  colors: ColorHelper;
  margin: number[] = [10, 20, 10, 20];
  hoveredVertical: any; // the value of the x axis that is hovered over
  xAxisHeight: number = 0;
  yAxisWidth: number = 0;
  filteredDomain: any;
  legendOptions: any;

  timelineWidth: number;
  timelineHeight: number = 50;
  timelineXScale: any;
  timelineYScale: any;
  timelineXDomain: any;
  timelineTransform: any;
  timelinePadding: number = 10;

  seriesType = SeriesType;

  update(): void {

    this.dims = calculateViewDimensions({
      width: this.width,
      height: this.height,
      margins: this.margin,
      showXAxis: this.xAxis,
      showYAxis: this.yAxis,
      xAxisHeight: this.xAxisHeight,
      yAxisWidth: this.yAxisWidth,
      showXLabel: this.showXAxisLabel,
      showYLabel: this.showYAxisLabel,
      showLegend: this.legend,
      legendType: this.schemeType,
      legendPosition: this.legendPosition

    if (this.timeline) {
      this.dims.height -= this.timelineHeight + this.margin[2] + this.timelinePadding;

    this.xDomain = this.getXDomain();
    if (this.filteredDomain) {
      this.xDomain = this.filteredDomain;

    this.yDomain = this.getYDomain();
    this.seriesDomain = this.getSeriesDomain();

    this.xScale = this.getXScale(this.xDomain, this.dims.width);
    this.yScale = this.getYScale(this.yDomain, this.dims.height);

    for (let i = 0; i < this.xSet.length; i++) {
      const val = this.xSet[i];
      let d0 = 0;
      for (const group of this.results) {
        let d = group.series.find(item => {
          let a = item.name;
          let b = val;
          if (this.scaleType === ScaleType.Time) {
            a = a.valueOf();
            b = b.valueOf();
          return a === b;

        if (d) {
          d.d0 = d0;
          d.d1 = d0 + d.value;
          d0 += d.value;
        } else {
          d = {
            name: val,
            value: 0,
            d1: d0


    this.legendOptions = this.getLegendOptions();

    this.transform = `translate(${this.dims.xOffset} , ${this.margin[0]})`;

    this.clipPathId = 'clip' + id().toString();
    this.clipPath = `url(#${this.clipPathId})`;

  updateTimeline(): void {
    if (this.timeline) {
      this.timelineWidth = this.dims.width;
      this.timelineXDomain = this.getXDomain();
      this.timelineXScale = this.getXScale(this.timelineXDomain, this.timelineWidth);
      this.timelineYScale = this.getYScale(this.yDomain, this.timelineHeight);
      this.timelineTransform = `translate(${this.dims.xOffset}, ${-this.margin[2]})`;

  getXDomain(): any[] {
    let values = getUniqueXDomainValues(this.results);

    this.scaleType = getScaleType(values);
    let domain = [];

    if (this.scaleType === ScaleType.Linear) {
      values = values.map(v => Number(v));

    let min;
    let max;
    if (this.scaleType === ScaleType.Time || this.scaleType === ScaleType.Linear) {
      min = this.xScaleMin ? this.xScaleMin : Math.min(...values);

      max = this.xScaleMax ? this.xScaleMax : Math.max(...values);

    if (this.scaleType === ScaleType.Time) {
      domain = [new Date(min), new Date(max)];
      this.xSet = [...values].sort((a, b) => {
        const aDate = a.getTime();
        const bDate = b.getTime();
        if (aDate > bDate) return 1;
        if (bDate > aDate) return -1;
        return 0;
    } else if (this.scaleType === ScaleType.Linear) {
      domain = [min, max];
      // Use compare function to sort numbers numerically
      this.xSet = [...values].sort((a, b) => a - b);
    } else {
      domain = values;
      this.xSet = values;

    return domain;

  getYDomain(): [number, number] {
    const domain = [];

    for (let i = 0; i < this.xSet.length; i++) {
      const val = this.xSet[i];
      let sum = 0;
      for (const group of this.results) {
        const d = group.series.find(item => {
          let a = item.name;
          let b = val;
          if (this.scaleType === ScaleType.Time) {
            a = a.valueOf();
            b = b.valueOf();
          return a === b;

        if (d) {
          sum += d.value;


    const min = this.yScaleMin ? this.yScaleMin : Math.min(0, ...domain);

    const max = this.yScaleMax ? this.yScaleMax : Math.max(...domain);
    return [min, max];

  getSeriesDomain(): string[] {
    return this.results.map(d => d.name);

  getXScale(domain, width: number): any {
    let scale;

    if (this.scaleType === ScaleType.Time) {
      scale = scaleTime();
    } else if (this.scaleType === ScaleType.Linear) {
      scale = scaleLinear();
    } else if (this.scaleType === ScaleType.Ordinal) {
      scale = scalePoint().padding(0.1);

    scale.range([0, width]).domain(domain);

    return this.roundDomains ? scale.nice() : scale;

  getYScale(domain, height: number): any {
    const scale = scaleLinear().range([height, 0]).domain(domain);
    return this.roundDomains ? scale.nice() : scale;

  updateDomain(domain): void {
    this.filteredDomain = domain;
    this.xDomain = this.filteredDomain;
    this.xScale = this.getXScale(this.xDomain, this.dims.width);

  updateHoveredVertical(item) {
    this.hoveredVertical = item.value;

  hideCircles(): void {
    this.hoveredVertical = null;

  onClick(data, series?): void {
    if (series) {
      data.series = series.name;


  trackBy(index, item): string {
    return `${item.name}`;

  setColors(): void {
    let domain;
    if (this.schemeType === ScaleType.Ordinal) {
      domain = this.seriesDomain;
    } else {
      domain = this.yDomain;

    this.colors = new ColorHelper(this.scheme, this.schemeType, domain, this.customColors);

  getLegendOptions(): LegendOptions {
    const opts = {
      scaleType: this.schemeType as any,
      colors: undefined,
      domain: [],
      title: undefined,
      position: this.legendPosition
    if (opts.scaleType === ScaleType.Ordinal) {
      opts.domain = this.seriesDomain;
      opts.colors = this.colors;
      opts.title = this.legendTitle;
    } else {
      opts.domain = this.yDomain;
      opts.colors = this.colors.scale;
    return opts;

  updateYAxisWidth({ width }: { width: number }): void {
    this.yAxisWidth = width;

  updateXAxisHeight({ height }: { height: number }): void {
    this.xAxisHeight = height;

  onActivate(item): void {
    const idx = this.activeEntries.findIndex(d => {
      return d.name === item.name && d.value === item.value;
    if (idx > -1) {

    this.activeEntries = [item, ...this.activeEntries];
    this.activate.emit({ value: item, entries: this.activeEntries });

  onDeactivate(item): void {
    const idx = this.activeEntries.findIndex(d => {
      return d.name === item.name && d.value === item.value;

    this.activeEntries.splice(idx, 1);
    this.activeEntries = [...this.activeEntries];

    this.deactivate.emit({ value: item, entries: this.activeEntries });

  deactivateAll() {
    this.activeEntries = [...this.activeEntries];
    for (const entry of this.activeEntries) {
      this.deactivate.emit({ value: entry, entries: [] });
    this.activeEntries = [];