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import { columnsByPin, columnsTotalWidth } from './column';

 * Calculates the Total Flex Grow
export function getTotalFlexGrow(columns: any[]) {
  let totalFlexGrow = 0;

  for (const c of columns) {
    totalFlexGrow += c.flexGrow || 0;

  return totalFlexGrow;

 * Adjusts the column widths.
 * Inspired by: https://github.com/facebook/fixed-data-table/blob/master/src/FixedDataTableWidthHelper.js
export function adjustColumnWidths(allColumns: any, expectedWidth: any) {
  const columnsWidth = columnsTotalWidth(allColumns);
  const totalFlexGrow = getTotalFlexGrow(allColumns);
  const colsByGroup = columnsByPin(allColumns);

  if (columnsWidth !== expectedWidth) {
    scaleColumns(colsByGroup, expectedWidth, totalFlexGrow);

 * Resizes columns based on the flexGrow property, while respecting manually set widths
function scaleColumns(colsByGroup: any, maxWidth: any, totalFlexGrow: any) {
  // calculate total width and flexgrow points for coulumns that can be resized
  for (const attr in colsByGroup) {
    for (const column of colsByGroup[attr]) {
      if (!column.canAutoResize) {
        maxWidth -= column.width;
        totalFlexGrow -= column.flexGrow ? column.flexGrow : 0;
      } else {
        column.width = 0;

  const hasMinWidth = {};
  let remainingWidth = maxWidth;

  // resize columns until no width is left to be distributed
  do {
    const widthPerFlexPoint = remainingWidth / totalFlexGrow;
    remainingWidth = 0;

    for (const attr in colsByGroup) {
      for (const column of colsByGroup[attr]) {
        // if the column can be resize and it hasn't reached its minimum width yet
        if (column.canAutoResize && !hasMinWidth[column.prop]) {
          const newWidth = column.width + column.flexGrow * widthPerFlexPoint;
          if (column.minWidth !== undefined && newWidth < column.minWidth) {
            remainingWidth += newWidth - column.minWidth;
            column.width = column.minWidth;
            hasMinWidth[column.prop] = true;
          } else {
            column.width = newWidth;
  } while (remainingWidth !== 0);

 * Forces the width of the columns to
 * distribute equally but overflowing when necessary
 * Rules:
 *  - If combined withs are less than the total width of the grid,
 *    proportion the widths given the min / max / normal widths to fill the width.
 *  - If the combined widths, exceed the total width of the grid,
 *    use the standard widths.
 *  - If a column is resized, it should always use that width
 *  - The proportional widths should never fall below min size if specified.
 *  - If the grid starts off small but then becomes greater than the size ( + / - )
 *    the width should use the original width; not the newly proportioned widths.
export function forceFillColumnWidths(
  allColumns: any[],
  expectedWidth: number,
  startIdx: number,
  allowBleed: boolean,
  defaultColWidth: number = 300
) {
  const columnsToResize = allColumns.slice(startIdx + 1, allColumns.length).filter(c => {
    return c.canAutoResize !== false;

  for (const column of columnsToResize) {
    if (!column.$$oldWidth) {
      column.$$oldWidth = column.width;

  let additionWidthPerColumn = 0;
  let exceedsWindow = false;
  let contentWidth = getContentWidth(allColumns, defaultColWidth);
  let remainingWidth = expectedWidth - contentWidth;
  const columnsProcessed: any[] = [];
  const remainingWidthLimit = 1; // when to stop

  // This loop takes care of the
  do {
    additionWidthPerColumn = remainingWidth / columnsToResize.length;
    exceedsWindow = contentWidth >= expectedWidth;

    for (const column of columnsToResize) {
      if (exceedsWindow && allowBleed) {
        column.width = column.$$oldWidth || column.width || defaultColWidth;
      } else {
        const newSize = (column.width || defaultColWidth) + additionWidthPerColumn;

        if (column.minWidth && newSize < column.minWidth) {
          column.width = column.minWidth;
        } else if (column.maxWidth && newSize > column.maxWidth) {
          column.width = column.maxWidth;
        } else {
          column.width = newSize;

      column.width = Math.max(0, column.width);

    contentWidth = getContentWidth(allColumns);
    remainingWidth = expectedWidth - contentWidth;
    removeProcessedColumns(columnsToResize, columnsProcessed);
  } while (remainingWidth > remainingWidthLimit && columnsToResize.length !== 0);

 * Remove the processed columns from the current active columns.
function removeProcessedColumns(columnsToResize: any[], columnsProcessed: any[]) {
  for (const column of columnsProcessed) {
    const index = columnsToResize.indexOf(column);
    columnsToResize.splice(index, 1);

 * Gets the width of the columns
function getContentWidth(allColumns: any, defaultColWidth: number = 300): number {
  let contentWidth = 0;

  for (const column of allColumns) {
    contentWidth += column.width || defaultColWidth;

  return contentWidth;