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# swimlane/ngx-ui-testing

Cypress Helper commands for testing application that utilize ngx-ui.

## Installation

npm install --save-dev cypress-ngx-ui-testing

Import the `@swimalne/ngx-ui-testing` `cypress/support/index.(ts|js)` file:

import '@swimlane/ngx-ui-testing';

## Extended Commands

The following Cypress commands have been extended to support testing ngx-ui components:

### `.clear`

Overwrites [cy.clear](https://docs.cypress.io/api/commands/clear) to work with ngx-ui elements: `ngx-codemirror`, `ngx-input`, `ngx-date-time`, `ngx-select`, `ngx-toggle`, `ngx-checkbox`, `ngx-select`, `ngx-slider`.



### `.click`

Overwrites [cy.click](https://docs.cypress.io/api/commands/click) to work with ngx-ui elements: `ngx-toggle`, `ngx-checkbox`.

.click(position, options)
.click(x, y)
.click(x, y, options)


### `.check`

Overwrites [cy.check](https://docs.cypress.io/api/commands/check) to work with ngx-ui elements: `ngx-toggle`, `ngx-checkbox`, `ngx-radiobutton`.



### `.uncheck`

Overwrites [cy.uncheck](https://docs.cypress.io/api/commands/uncheck) to work with ngx-ui elements: `ngx-toggle`, `ngx-checkbox`.



### `.select`

Overwrites [cy.select](https://docs.cypress.io/api/commands/select) to work with ngx-ui elements: `ngx-select`, `ngx-dropdown`. Value can the `value`, `index`, or text content of the option to be selected.

.select(value, options)
.select(values, options)


## New Commands

The following commands have been added (with an `ngx` prefix) to support testing ngx-ui components:

### `.ngxFindNativeInput`

Given an ngx-ui element, returns the child native input element. Works with: `ngx-codemirror`, `ngx-input`, `ngx-date-time`, `ngx-toggle`, `ngx-checkbox`, `ngx-select`, `ngx-slider`, `ngx-radiobutton`.


#### example

cy.get('ngx-input').ngxFindNativeInput().should('have.attr', 'type');


### `.ngxFindLabel`

Given an element, returns the label element. Works with: `ngx-input`, `ngx-date-time`, `ngx-toggle`, `ngx-checkbox`, `ngx-select`.



### `.ngxGetValue`

Given an element, returns the element's value. Works with: `ngx-codemirror`, `ngx-input`, `ngx-date-time`, `ngx-toggle`, `ngx-checkbox`, `ngx-select`, `ngx-slider`, `ngx-radiobutton`, `ngx-radiobutton-group`.


#### example

cy.get('ngx-input').ngxGetValue().should('eq', 'foo');


### `.ngxFill`

Like [cy.type](https://docs.cypress.io/api/commands/type) but clears existing text before and works with ngx-ui elements: `ngx-codemirror`, `ngx-input`, `ngx-date-time`, `ngx-select`.

.ngxFill(value, options)

#### example

cy.get('ngx-input').ngxFill('foo').ngxGetValue().should('eq', 'foo');
cy.get('ngx-select').ngxFill('foo').select('foo').ngxGetValue().should('eq', 'foo');


### `.ngxOpen`

Open a ngx-ui components if it is closed. Works with `ngx-select`, `ngx-section`, `ngx-dropdown`, `ngx-plus-menu`.



### `.ngxClose`

Close a ngx-ui components if it is open. Works with `ngx-select`, `ngx-section`, `ngx-dropdown`, `ngx-plus-menu`, `ngx-largeformat-dialog`, `ngx-notification`, `ngx-nag`, `ngx-alert-dialog`, `ngx-drawer`.



### `.ngxCloseNotifications`

Close all `.ngx-notification`s, if any. Will not fail if no notifications are found.



### `.ngxSelectTab`

Select a tab in a `.ngx-tabs` component by label or index.

.ngxSelectTab('Tab 1')

## Generic Helper Commands

These are helper commands not directly related to ngx-ui.

### `.getByName`

Find element by name attribute. Alias for ` cy.get(``*[name="${name}"]``) `



#### `.getByLabel`

Find element by label either within a ngx-ui component or via the `for` attribute.



#### `.getByPlaceholder`

Find element by placeholder.



#### `.withinEach`

Like [cy.within](https://docs.cypress.io/api/commands/within), but for each element.


#### example

cy.get('.my-inputs').withinEach(el => {


#### `.whileHovering`

Like [cy.within](https://docs.cypress.io/api/commands/within) but also forces the element into a hover state. Useful for running assertions on a notification that persist while hovering.



#### `.iff`

Like [cy.within](https://docs.cypress.io/api/commands/within) but only if the element exists in the DOM. Accepts an optional child selector.

.iff(selector, callbackFn)

#### example

cy.get('#my-input').iff(el => {

cy.get('#my-input').iff('div', el => {
