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Test Coverage
.. _resource-examples:


See :mod:`swimlane.core.resources` for full API docs on all resources


App instances represent apps available on Swimlane server, and provide methods to retrieve and create child Records

Retrieve apps using the `apps` adapter available on the :class:`swimlane.Swimlane` client

Retrieve Records

Records can be retrieved by tracking ID or record ID. Only records in the source app are returned, IDs matching records
from other apps will fail to be retrieved.

.. code-block:: python

    app = swimlane.apps.get(name='Target App')

    # Get by Tracking ID
    record_from_tracking = app.records.get(tracking_id='APP-1')
    # Get by Record ID
    record_from_id = app.records.get(id='58f...387')

    assert record_from_tracking == record_from_id

Search Records

Searching is done using the :obj:`app.records` adapter, and uses temporary
:class:`~swimlane.core.resources.report.Report` instances to handle paginated search results and
record retrieval on-demand.

Filters can be applied using tuples of `(<field_name>, <filter_operator>, <field_value>)` that will be AND'ed together
on the report.

.. code-block:: python

    records = app.records.search(
        ('Text Field', 'equals', 'value'),
        ('Date Field', 'lessThan', pendulum.now()),
        ('Values List (Multi-Select)', 'equals', ['Option 1', 'Option 2'])
        ('Reference (Single-Select)', 'equals', target_record)

Keyword-searches can be performed by providing a `keywords` list parameter. All records with fields matching the
provided keywords will be returned

.. code-block:: python

    records = app.records.search(

Available operators are just strings as shown above, but are made available as constants in the
:mod:`~swimlane.core.search` module

.. code-block:: python

    from swimlane.core.search import EQ, NOT_EQ, CONTAINS, EXCLUDES, GT, LT, GTE, LTE

    records = app.records.search(
        ('Text Field', EQ, 'equal value'),
        ('Number Field', GTE, 0),

.. warning::

    Report results are retrieved during on-demand during iteration, requesting record data from the API before each loop
    to improve performance and reduce memory footprint.

    Using :obj:`app.records.search` loads all records into a list before returning, which can be an expensive
    operation, especially with many results.

    A default limit of 50 records is placed on all reports for performance, use the :obj:`limit` parameter to
    override the default limit on a search, a limit of `0` retrieves all search results.

    .. code-block:: python

        # retrieve all results
        records = app.records.search(
            ('Text Field', 'equals', 'value'),


To operate on large search results as records are returned from API or retrieve only partial results
:class:`~swimlane.core.resources.report.Report` should be used instead.

.. code-block:: python

    # Create initial report, with optional limit and keywords filter
    report = app.reports.build('report-name', limit=0, keywords=['target', 'keywords'])

    # Apply report filters
    # These work like search filters, but must be applied one-by-one and are NOT tuples like in app.records.search()
    report.filter('Text Field', 'equals', 'value')
    report.filter('Numeric Field', 'equals', 0)

    # Each record is retrieved from the API on-demand before each iteration
    for record in report:

        # Do something with each retrieved record
        record['Test Field'] = 'modified'

        if some_condition:
            # No additional records will be retrieved from report after breaking out of loop

    # Report results are cached after first iteration, will not make additional requests or retrieve any skipped results
    # Any modifications to records from report are maintained
    for record in report:
        assert record['Test Field'] == 'modified'

Create New Record

Record creation is done through the :obj:`app.records` adapter, and adheres to all field validation as documented below.
Any values in Selection Fields that are configured to be selected by default will be added to your new record.  You can
override the default selection by specifying the value wanted on creation.

The newly created record is returned from the create create call after first being persisted on the server

.. code-block:: python

    new_record = app.records.create(**{
        'Text Field': 'Field Value',
        'Numeric Field': 50,

Bulk Record Create

Creating multiple records at once can also done withe the :obj:`app.records` adapter using only a single request.

Any records not passing validation will cause the entire operation to fail.

.. code-block:: python

    records = app.records.bulk_create(
        {'Text Field': 'Value 1', 'Numeric Field': 10, ...},
        {'Text Field': 'Value 2', 'Numeric Field': 20, ...},

.. note::

    .. versionchanged:: 2.17.0
        Method was renamed from `create_batch()` -> `bulk_create()`

    `create_batch()` will be removed in next major release.

Bulk Record Delete
Delete multiple records at once.

.. code-block:: python

    # Delete by record
    record1 = app.records.get(tracking_id='APP-1')
    record2 = app.records.get(tracking_id='APP-2')
    record3 = app.records.get(tracking_id='APP-3')

    app.records.bulk_delete(record1, record2, record3)

Delete multiple records at once by filters using filter format from search.

.. code-block:: python

    # Delete by filter
    records = app.records.bulk_delete(
        ('Field_1', 'equals', value1),
        ('Field_2', 'equals', value2)

Bulk Record Modify

Bulk modify fields records by list of Record instances.

Invalid field values will cause entire operation to fail.

.. code-block:: python

    # Bulk modify multiple record instances
    record1 = app.records.get(tracking_id='APP-1')
    record2 = app.records.get(tracking_id='APP-2')
    record3 = app.records.get(tracking_id='APP-3')

            'Field Name': 'New Value',

Bulk modify records by filter tuples without record instances.

.. code-block:: python

    # Modify by filter(s)
        # Query filters
        ("Text Field", "equals", "Value"),
        ("Number Field", "equals", 2),
        # New values for records
            "Field Name": "New Value",
            "Numeric Field": 10,

Use bulk modify to append, remove, or clear list field values

.. code-block:: python

    from swimlane.core.bulk import Clear, Append, Remove

        ('Text List', 'equals', ['some', 'value']),
        ('Numeric List', 'equals', [1, 2, 3, 4]),
            'Text List': Remove('value'),
            'Field Name': Clear(),
            'Numeric List': Append(5)

Retrieve App Revisions

Retrieve historical revisions of the application.

.. code-block:: python

    # get all revisions
    app_revisions = app.revisions.get_all()

    # get by revision number
    app_revision = app.revisions.get(2)

    # get the historical version of the app
    historical_app_version = app_revision.version


Record instances represent individual records inside a corresponding app on Swimlane server.

They provide the ability to interact with field data similar to how it's done in the Swimlane UI, and handle translating
and validating field types using various :class:`~swimlane.core.fields.base.field.Field` classes under the hood.

Accessing Field Values

Fields are accessed as keys by their readable field names as seen in the UI. Field names are case and whitespace 
sensitive, and are unique within an individual app.

Assuming a record from an app with a text field called "Text" with a value of "Some Example Text", accessing the field
value is done as follows:

.. code-block:: python

    # The "Text" field has a value of 'Some Example Text'
    assert record['Text'] == 'Some Example Text'

    # Any fields without a value default to `None`.
    assert record['Empty Field'] == None

Field can also be accessed by their optional field keys

.. code-block:: python

    # The field key points to the same field as the field name
    assert record['Field'] == record['field-key']

Setting Field Values

Setting field values works the same as accessing values.

.. code-block:: python

    record['Text'] = 'New Text'

    assert record['Text'] == 'New Text'

Clearing Field Values

Clearing field values can be done in one of two way. The following examples are identical, and simply clear the field
value, setting it back to `None` internally.

.. code-block:: python

    # Delete the field
    del record['Text']

    # Or set directly to None
    record['Text'] = None

Field Validation

Most field types enforce a certain type during the set operation, and will raise a
:class:`swimlane.exceptions.ValidationError` on any kind of failure, whether it's an invalid value, incorrect type, etc.
and will contain information about why it was unable to validate the new value.

.. code-block:: python

        record['Numeric'] = 'String'
    except ValidationError as error:

See :ref:`individual field examples <field-examples>` for more specifics on each field type and their usage.

Saving Changes

All changes to a record are only done locally until explicitly persisted to the server with

.. code-block:: python

    record['Text'] = 'Some New Text'

Delete Record

Records can be deleted from Swimlane using :meth:`~swimlane.core.resources.record.Record.delete`. Record will be
removed from server and marked as a new record, but will retain any field data.

.. code-block:: python

    assert record.tracking_id == 'ABC-123'
    text_field_data = record['Text']

    # Deletes existing record from server

    assert record.id is None
    assert record['Text'] == text_field_data


    # Create a new record from the deleted record's field data

    assert record.tracking_id == 'ABC-124'

Field Iteration

Records can be iterated over like :meth:`dict.items()`, yielding `(field_name, field_value)` tuples

.. code-block:: python

    for field_name, field_value in record:
        assert record[field_name] == field_value

Lock Record

Record locks can be modified using :meth:`~swimlane.core.resources.record.Record.lock` and
:meth:`~swimlane.core.resources.record.Record.unlock` methods.
The record is locked to the user making the API call.

.. code-block:: python

    # Lock the record

    # Unlock the record

Pretty Iteration + JSON Serialization

.. versionadded:: 4.1.0

Some field types are not cleanly printed or cannot be easily serialized to JSON. A record can be converted to a
prettier JSON-safe dict using the :meth:`.for_json()` method.

.. code-block:: python

    import json

    # Quick serialize all fields on record to readable JSON-compatible format dict

    # Specify subset of fields to include in output dict
        record.for_json('Target Field 1', 'Target Field 2', ...),

    # Get a single field's JSON-compatible value
        record.get_field('Target Field').for_json()

    # Attachments, Comments, UserGroups, and any Cursors can all be converted to JSON-compatible values directly
        record['User Group Field'].for_json()
        record['Comments Field'][2].for_json()

Unknown Fields

Attempting to access a field not available on a record's parent app will raise :class:`swimlane.exceptions.UnknownField`
with the invalid field name, as well as potential similar field names in case of a possible typo.

.. code-block:: python

        record['Rext'] = 'New Text'
    except UnknownField as error:

Restrict Record

Record restrictions can be modified using :meth:`~swimlane.core.resources.record.Record.add_restriction` and
:meth:`~swimlane.core.resources.record.Record.remove_restriction` methods.

.. code-block:: python

    # Add user(s) to set of users allowed to modify record
    record.add_restriction(swimlane.user, other_user)

    # Remove one or more users from restriction set

    # Clear the entire restricted user set

Retrieve Record Revisions

Retrieve historical revisions of the record.

.. code-block:: python

    # get all revisions
    record_revisions = record.revisions.get_all()

    # get by revision number
    record_revision = record.revisions.get(2)

    # get the historical version of the app
    # automatically retrieves the corresponding app revision to create the Record object
    historical_record_version = record_revision.version


Handling Users, Groups, and UserGroups

The :class:`~swimlane.core.resources.usergroup.User` and :class:`~swimlane.core.resources.usergroup.Group` classes both
extend from the base :class:`~swimlane.core.resources.usergroup.UserGroup` class. Most values returned from the server
are of the base UserGroup type, but can be replaced or set by the more specific classes.

.. code-block:: python

    # User / Group fields return UserGroup instances when accessed
    assert type(record['Created By']) is UserGroup

    # But can be set to the more specific User / Group types directly
    record['User'] = swimlane.user
    record['Group'] = swimlane.groups.get(name='Everyone')

Resolve UserGroups

The base :class:`~swimlane.core.resources.usergroup.UserGroup` instances can be easily resolved into the more specific
:class:`~swimlane.core.resources.usergroup.User` or :class:`~swimlane.core.resources.usergroup.Group` instances when
necessary using the :meth:`~swimlane.core.resources.usergroup.UserGroup.resolve` method. This method is not called
automatically to avoid additional requests where the base UserGroup is sufficient.

.. code-block:: python

    # Resolve to actual User instance
    assert type(record['User']) is UserGroup
    user = record['User'].resolve()
    assert type(user) is User

    # Resolve to actual Group instance
    assert type(record['Group']) is UserGroup
    group = record['Group'].resolve()
    assert type(group) is Group

    # Calling .resolve() on already resolved instances returns the same instance immediately
    assert user is user.resolve()
    assert group is group.resolve()


Users and Groups and be directly compared to the base UserGroup class, and will be considered equal if the two objects
represent the same entity

.. code-block:: python

    assert record['Created By'] == swimlane.user

    assert record['Group'] == swimlane.groups.get(name='Everyone')

Users in Groups

To iterate over individual users in a group, use group.users property

.. code-block:: python

    group = swimlane.groups.get(name='Everyone')
    for user in group.users:
        assert isinstance(user, User)


Revisions represent historical versions of another resource. Currently, App and Record revisions are supported. For more
details on how to retrieve revisions, see the "Retrieve App Revisions" and "Retrieve Record Revisions" sections above.

Get Information About the Revision

.. code-block:: python

    revision = app.revisions.get(1)

    revision.modified_date # The date this revision was created.
    revision.revision_number # The revision number of this revision.
    revision.status # Indicates whether this revision is the current revision or a historical revision.
    revision.user # The user that saved this revision.

    app = revision.version # returns an App or Record object representing the revision depending on revision type.

    # additional functions
    text = str(revision) # returns name of the revision and the revision number as a string
    json = revision.for_json # returns a dict containing modifiedDate, revisionNumber, and user keys/attribute values

Record Revisions

Record revisions additionally have attributes containing information about their app.

.. code-block:: python

    revision = record.revisions.get(1)

    revision.app_revision_number # The app revision number this record revision was created using.

    app = revision.app_version # Returns an App corresponding to the app_revision_number of this record revision.