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Test Coverage
import pytest
from swimlane import exceptions

# Not testing the followig field sub-types, because of no format limitations:
# - Telephone
# - Rich text
# - Multi-line text

@pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='module')
def my_fixture(helpers):
    # setup stuff
    defaultApp = 'text fields'
    pytest.helpers = helpers
    pytest.swimlane_instance = helpers.swimlane_instance
    pytest.app, pytest.appid = helpers.findCreateApp(defaultApp)
    # teardown stuff

class TestRequiredTextField:
    def test_required_field(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        assert theRecord["Required Text"] == "required"

    def test_required_field_not_set(helpers):
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
            pytest.app.records.create(**{"Text": "some text"})
        assert str(excinfo.value) == 'Validation failed for <Record: %s - New>. Reason: Required field "Required Text" is not set' % pytest.app.acronym

class TestUniqueTextField:
    @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="SPT-6357: API call throws a 500 on the duplicate unique value.")
    def test_unique_field_duplicate(helpers):
        uniqueText = "first unique"
        firstRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required", "Unique Text": uniqueText})
        assert firstRecord["Unique Text"] == uniqueText
        # This needs to handle an exception being thrown for the non-unique value
            **{"Required Text": "required", "Unique Text": uniqueText})

    @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="SPT-6357: API call throws a 500 on the duplicate unique value.")
    def test_unique_field_duplicate_on_save(helpers):
        uniqueText = "second unique"
        firstRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required", "Unique Text": uniqueText})
        assert firstRecord["Unique Text"] == uniqueText
        secondRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required"})
        secondRecord["Unique Text"] = "second unique"

class TestCalculatedTextField:
    def test_calculated_text_field(helpers):
        textValue = pytest.fake.word()
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required", "Text": textValue})
        assert theRecord["Calculated Text"] == textValue + "1"

    def test_calculated_text_field_on_save(helpers):
        textValue = pytest.fake.word()
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord["Text"] = textValue
        assert theRecord["Calculated Text"] == textValue + "1"

class TestEmailTextField:
    def test_email_text_field(helpers):
        textValue = pytest.fake.email()
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required", "Email": textValue})
        assert theRecord["Email"] == textValue

    def test_email_text_field_on_save(helpers):
        textValue = pytest.fake.email()
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord["Email"] = textValue

    @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="SPT-6360: This is not an email, but does not fail.")
    def test_email_text_field_bad_value(helpers):
        textValue = pytest.fake.word()
        # This should throw an exception that the valus is not proper email format.
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required", "Email": textValue})
        assert theRecord["Email"] == textValue

    @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="SPT-6360: This is not an email, but does not fail.")
    def test_email_text_field_on_save_bad_value(helpers):
        textValue = pytest.fake.word()
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord["Email"] = textValue

    @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="SPT-6360: This is not an email, but does not fail.")
    def test_email_text_field_on_save_bad_type_object(helpers):
        textValue = {"email": "foo@work.com"}
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord["Email"] = textValue

    @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="SPT-6360: This is not an email, but does not fail.")
    def test_email_text_field_bad_value_type_object(helpers):
        textValue = {"email": "foo@work.com"}
        # this should be throwing an exception based on the value not being a proper email.
            **{"Required Text": "required", "Email": textValue})

    @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="SPT-6360: This is not an email, but does not fail.")
    def test_email_text_field_on_save_bad_value_type_numeric(helpers):
        textValue = 123
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord["Email"] = textValue

    @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="SPT-6360: This is not an email, but does not fail.")
    def test_email_text_field_bad_value_type_numeric(helpers):
        textValue = 123
        # this should be throwing an exception based on the value not being a proper email.
            **{"Required Text": "required", "Email": textValue})

class TestURLTextField:
    def test_url_text_field(helpers):
        textValue = pytest.fake.url()
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required", "URL": textValue})
        assert theRecord["URL"] == textValue

    def test_url_text_field_on_save(helpers):
        textValue = pytest.fake.url()
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord['URL'] = textValue

    @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="SPT-6360: This is not an URL, but does not fail.")
    def test_url_text_field_bad_value(helpers):
        textValue = pytest.fake.word()
        # this should be throwing an exception based on the value not being a proper URL.
            **{"Required Text": "required", "URL": textValue})

    @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="SPT-6360: This is not an URL, but does not fail.")
    def test_url_text_field_on_save_bad_value(helpers):
        textValue = pytest.fake.word()
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord['URL'] = textValue

    @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="SPT-6360: This is not an URL, but does not fail.")
    def test_url_text_field_bad_value_type_object(helpers):
        textValue = {"url": "http://foo.com"}
        # this should be throwing an exception based on the value not being a proper URL.
            **{"Required Text": "required", "URL": textValue})

    @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="SPT-6360: This is not an URL, but does not fail.")
    def test_url_text_field_on_save_bad_value_type_object(helpers):
        textValue = {"url": "http://foo.com"}
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord['URL'] = textValue

    @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="SPT-6360: This is not an URL, but does not fail.")
    def test_url_text_field_bad_value_type_number(helpers):
        textValue = 123
        # this should be throwing an exception based on the value not being a proper URL.
            **{"Required Text": "required", "URL": textValue})

    @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="SPT-6360: This is not an URL, but does not fail.")
    def test_url_text_field_on_save_bad_value_type_number(helpers):
        textValue = 123
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord['URL'] = textValue

class TestIPTextField:
    def test_ip_text_field_v4(helpers):
        textValue = pytest.fake.ipv4()
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required", "IP": textValue})
        assert theRecord["IP"] == textValue

    def test_ip_text_field_on_save_v4(helpers):
        textValue = pytest.fake.ipv4()
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord['IP'] = textValue

    def test_ip_text_field_v6(helpers):
        textValue = pytest.fake.ipv6()
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required", "IP": textValue})
        assert theRecord["IP"] == textValue

    def test_ip_text_field_on_save_v6(helpers):
        textValue = pytest.fake.ipv6()
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord['IP'] = textValue

    def test_ip_text_field_v6_short(helpers):
        textValue = "2041:0:140F::875B:131B"
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required", "IP": textValue})
        assert theRecord["IP"] == textValue

    def test_ip_text_field_on_save_v6_short(helpers):
        textValue = "2041:0:140F::875B:131B"
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord['IP'] = textValue

    @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="SPT-6360: This is not an IP, but does not fail.")
    def test_ip_text_field_bad_value(helpers):
        textValue = pytest.fake.word()
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required", "IP": textValue})
        assert theRecord["IP"] == textValue

    @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="SPT-6360: This is not an IP, but does not fail.")
    def test_ip_text_field_on_save_bad_value(helpers):
        textValue = pytest.fake.word()
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord['IP'] = textValue

    @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="SPT-6360: This is not an IP, but does not fail.")
    def test_ip_text_field_bad_value_type_object(helpers):
        textValue = {"ip": ""}
        # This should throw an exception since the value is not a proper IP
            **{"Required Text": "required", "IP": textValue})

    @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="SPT-6360: This is not an IP, but does not fail.")
    def test_ip_text_field_on_save_bad_value_type_object(helpers):
        textValue = {"ip": ""}
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord['IP'] = textValue

    @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="SPT-6360: This is not an IP, but does not fail.")
    def test_ip_text_field_bad_value_type_number(helpers):
        textValue = 123
        # This should throw an exception since the value is not a proper IP
            **{"Required Text": "required", "IP": textValue})

    @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="SPT-6360: This is not an IP, but does not fail.")
    def test_ip_text_field_on_save_bad_value_type_number(helpers):
        textValue = 123
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord['IP'] = textValue

class TestJSONTextField:
    # @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="SPT-6362: SHOULD JSON be writable from pydriver??")
    def test_json_text_field(helpers):
        textValue = {"a": 1, "b": {"bb": 2}, "c": "hello"}
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
                **{"Required Text": "required", "JSON": textValue})
        assert str(
            excinfo.value) == 'Validation failed for <Record: %s - New>. Reason: Cannot set readonly field \'JSON\'' % pytest.app.acronym

    # @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="SPT-6362: SHOULD JSON be writable from pydriver??")
    def test_json_text_field_on_save(helpers):
        textValue = {"a": 1, "b": {"bb": 2}, "c": "hello"}
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
            theRecord['JSON'] = textValue
        assert str(
            excinfo.value) == 'Validation failed for <Record: %s>. Reason: Cannot set readonly field \'JSON\'' % theRecord.tracking_id

class TestListTextField:
    def test_list_text_field(helpers):
        textValue = pytest.fake.pylist(pytest.fake.random_digit(), True, 'str')
            **{"Required Text": "required", "Text List": textValue})

    def test_list_text_field_on_save(helpers):
        textValue = pytest.fake.pylist(pytest.fake.random_digit(), True, 'str')
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord['Text List'] = textValue

    def test_list_text_field_on_save_reverse(helpers):
        textValue = pytest.fake.pylist(5, True, 'str')
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required", "Text List": textValue})
        theRecord['Text List'].reverse()
        assert list(theRecord['Text List']) == textValue[::-1]

    def test_list_text_field_on_save_insert(helpers):
        textValue = pytest.fake.pylist(5, True, 'str')
        newValue = pytest.fake.word()
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required", "Text List": textValue})
        theRecord['Text List'].insert(2, newValue)
        textValue.insert(2, newValue)
        assert list(theRecord['Text List']) == textValue

    def test_list_text_field_on_save_insert_bad_value(helpers):
        textValue = pytest.fake.pylist(5, True, 'str')
        newValue = 123
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required", "Text List": textValue})
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
            theRecord['Text List'].insert(2, newValue)
        assert str(excinfo.value) == "Validation failed for <Record: {}>. Reason: Text list field items must be strings, not '<{} 'int'>'".format(
            theRecord.tracking_id, ("class", "type")[pytest.helpers.py_ver() == 2])

    def test_list_text_field_on_save_append(helpers):
        textValue = pytest.fake.pylist(5, True, 'str')
        newValue = pytest.fake.word()
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required", "Text List": textValue})
        theRecord['Text List'].append(newValue)
        assert list(theRecord['Text List']) == textValue

    def test_list_text_field_on_save_append_bad_value(helpers):
        textValue = pytest.fake.pylist(5, True, 'str')
        newValue = 123
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required", "Text List": textValue})
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
            theRecord['Text List'].append(newValue)
        assert str(excinfo.value) == "Validation failed for <Record: {}>. Reason: Text list field items must be strings, not '<{} 'int'>'".format(
            theRecord.tracking_id, ("class", "type")[pytest.helpers.py_ver() == 2])

class TestMinCharCountTextField:
    def test_min_char_count_exact(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required", "Min Chars Text": "abcde"})
        assert theRecord["Min Chars Text"] == "abcde"

    def test_min_char_count_on_save_exact(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord["Min Chars Text"] = "abcde"

    def test_min_char_count_more(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required", "Min Chars Text": "abcdefghijkl"})
        assert theRecord["Min Chars Text"] == "abcdefghijkl"

    def test_min_char_count_on_save_more(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord["Min Chars Text"] = "abcdefghijkl"

    def test_min_char_count_too_few(helpers):
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.SwimlaneHTTP400Error) as excinfo:
                **{"Required Text": "required", "Min Chars Text": "abcd"})
        assert str(excinfo.value) == 'ModelValidationError:5008 (Field Min Chars Text value of 4 is less than MinLength of 5.): Bad Request for url: %s/api/app/%s/record' % (pytest.helpers.url, pytest.app.id)

    # Should pyDriver verify before sending API call? YES
    def test_min_char_count_on_save_too_few(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord["Min Chars Text"] = "abcd"
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.SwimlaneHTTP400Error) as excinfo:
        assert str(excinfo.value) == 'ModelValidationError:5008 (Field Min Chars Text value of 4 is less than MinLength of 5.): Bad Request for url: %s/api/app/%s/record' % (pytest.helpers.url, pytest.app.id)

class TestMaxCharCountTextField:
    def test_max_char_count_exact(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required", "Max Chars Text": "abcdefghij"})
        assert theRecord["Max Chars Text"] == "abcdefghij"

    def test_max_char_count_on_save_exact(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord["Max Chars Text"] = "abcdefghij"

    def test_max_char_count_less(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required", "Max Chars Text": "abcde"})
        assert theRecord["Max Chars Text"] == "abcde"

    def test_max_char_count_on_save_less(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord["Max Chars Text"] = "abcde"

    def test_max_char_count_too_many(helpers):
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.SwimlaneHTTP400Error) as excinfo:
                **{"Required Text": "required", "Max Chars Text": "abcdefghijk"})
        assert str(excinfo.value) == 'ModelValidationError:5008 (Field Max Chars Text value of 11 is higher than MaxLength of 10.): Bad Request for url: %s/api/app/%s/record' % (pytest.helpers.url, pytest.app.id)

    def test_max_char_count_on_save_too_many(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord["Max Chars Text"] = "abcdefghijk"
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.SwimlaneHTTP400Error) as excinfo:
        assert str(excinfo.value) == 'ModelValidationError:5008 (Field Max Chars Text value of 11 is higher than MaxLength of 10.): Bad Request for url: %s/api/app/%s/record' % (pytest.helpers.url, pytest.app.id)

class TestMinMaxCharCountTextField:
    def test_min_max_char_count_exact_min(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required", "Min Max Chars Text": "abcde"})
        assert theRecord["Min Max Chars Text"] == "abcde"

    def test_min_max_char_count_on_save_exact_min(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord["Min Max Chars Text"] = "abcde"

    def test_min_max_char_count_exact_max(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required", "Min Max Chars Text": "abcdefghij"})
        assert theRecord["Min Max Chars Text"] == "abcdefghij"

    def test_min_max_char_count_on_save_exact_max(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord["Min Max Chars Text"] = "abcdefghij"

    def test_min_max_char_count_between(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required", "Min Max Chars Text": "abcdefg"})
        assert theRecord["Min Max Chars Text"] == "abcdefg"

    def test_min_max_char_count_on_save_between(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord["Min Max Chars Text"] = "abcdefgh"

    def test_min_max_char_count_too_few(helpers):
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.SwimlaneHTTP400Error) as excinfo:
                **{"Required Text": "required", "Min Max Chars Text": "abcd"})
        assert str(excinfo.value) == 'ModelValidationError:5008 (Field Min Max Chars Text value of 4 is less than MinLength of 5.): Bad Request for url: %s/api/app/%s/record' % (pytest.helpers.url, pytest.app.id)

    # Should pyDriver verify before sending API call?
    def test_min_max_char_count_on_save_too_few(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord["Min Max Chars Text"] = "abcd"
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.SwimlaneHTTP400Error) as excinfo:
        assert str(excinfo.value) == 'ModelValidationError:5008 (Field Min Max Chars Text value of 4 is less than MinLength of 5.): Bad Request for url: %s/api/app/%s/record' % (pytest.helpers.url, pytest.app.id)

    def test_min_max_char_count_too_many(helpers):
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.SwimlaneHTTP400Error) as excinfo:
                **{"Required Text": "required", "Min Max Chars Text": "abcdefghijk"})
        assert str(excinfo.value) == 'ModelValidationError:5008 (Field Min Max Chars Text value of 11 is higher than MaxLength of 10.): Bad Request for url: %s/api/app/%s/record' % (pytest.helpers.url, pytest.app.id)

    def test_min_max_char_count_on_save_too_many(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord["Min Max Chars Text"] = "abcdefghijk"
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.SwimlaneHTTP400Error) as excinfo:
        assert str(excinfo.value) == 'ModelValidationError:5008 (Field Min Max Chars Text value of 11 is higher than MaxLength of 10.): Bad Request for url: %s/api/app/%s/record' % (pytest.helpers.url, pytest.app.id)

class TestMinWordCountTextField:
    def test_min_word_count_exact(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required", "Min Words Text": "hello there how"})
        assert theRecord["Min Words Text"] == "hello there how"

    def test_min_word_count_on_save_exact(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord["Min Words Text"] = "hello there how"

    def test_min_word_count_more(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required", "Min Words Text": "hello there how are you today"})
        assert theRecord["Min Words Text"] == "hello there how are you today"

    def test_min_word_count_on_save_more(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord["Min Words Text"] = "hello there how are you today"

    def test_min_word_count_too_few(helpers):
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.SwimlaneHTTP400Error) as excinfo:
                **{"Required Text": "required", "Min Words Text": "hello there"})
        assert str(excinfo.value) == 'ModelValidationError:5008 (Field Min Words Text value of 2 is less than MinLength of 3.): Bad Request for url: %s/api/app/%s/record' % (pytest.helpers.url, pytest.app.id)

    # Should pyDriver verify before sending API call?
    def test_min_word_count_on_save_too_few(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord["Min Words Text"] = "hello there"
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.SwimlaneHTTP400Error) as excinfo:
        assert str(excinfo.value) == 'ModelValidationError:5008 (Field Min Words Text value of 2 is less than MinLength of 3.): Bad Request for url: %s/api/app/%s/record' % (pytest.helpers.url, pytest.app.id)

class TestMaxWordCountTextField:
    def test_max_word_count_exact(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required", "Max Words Text": "hello there friend how are you doing on this fine"})
        assert theRecord["Max Words Text"] == "hello there friend how are you doing on this fine"

    def test_max_word_count_on_save_exact(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord["Max Words Text"] = "hello there friend how are you doing on this fine"

    def test_max_word_count_less(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required", "Max Words Text": "hello there how"})
        assert theRecord["Max Words Text"] == "hello there how"

    def test_max_word_count_on_save_less(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord["Max Words Text"] = "hello there how"

    def test_max_word_count_too_many(helpers):
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.SwimlaneHTTP400Error) as excinfo:
                **{"Required Text": "required", "Max Words Text": "hello there friend how are you doing on this fine day"})
        assert str(excinfo.value) == 'ModelValidationError:5008 (Field Max Words Text value of 11 is higher than MaxLength of 10.): Bad Request for url: %s/api/app/%s/record' % (pytest.helpers.url, pytest.app.id)

    def test_max_word_count_on_save_too_many(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord["Max Words Text"] = "hello there friend how are you doing on this fine day"
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.SwimlaneHTTP400Error) as excinfo:
        assert str(excinfo.value) == 'ModelValidationError:5008 (Field Max Words Text value of 11 is higher than MaxLength of 10.): Bad Request for url: %s/api/app/%s/record' % (pytest.helpers.url, pytest.app.id)

class TestMinMaxWordCountTextField:
    def test_min_max_word_count_exact_min(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required", "Min Max Words Text": "hello there how"})
        assert theRecord["Min Max Words Text"] == "hello there how"

    def test_min_max_word_count_on_save_exact_min(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord["Min Max Words Text"] = "hello there how"

    def test_min_max_word_count_exact_max(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required", "Min Max Words Text": "hello there friend how are you doing on this fine"})
        assert theRecord["Min Max Words Text"] == "hello there friend how are you doing on this fine"

    def test_min_max_word_count_on_save_exact_max(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord["Min Max Words Text"] = "hello there friend how are you doing on this fine"

    def test_min_max_word_count_between(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(
            **{"Required Text": "required", "Min Max Words Text": "hello there friend how are you doing"})
        assert theRecord["Min Max Words Text"] == "hello there friend how are you doing"

    def test_min_max_word_count_on_save_between(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord["Min Max Words Text"] = "hello there friend how are you"

    def test_min_max_word_count_too_few(helpers):
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.SwimlaneHTTP400Error) as excinfo:
                **{"Required Text": "required", "Min Max Words Text": "hello there"})
        assert str(excinfo.value) == 'ModelValidationError:5008 (Field Min Max Words Text value of 2 is less than MinLength of 3.): Bad Request for url: %s/api/app/%s/record' % (pytest.helpers.url, pytest.app.id)

    # Should pyDriver verify before sending API call?
    def test_min_max_word_count_on_save_too_few(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord["Min Max Words Text"] = "hello there"
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.SwimlaneHTTP400Error) as excinfo:
        assert str(excinfo.value) == 'ModelValidationError:5008 (Field Min Max Words Text value of 2 is less than MinLength of 3.): Bad Request for url: %s/api/app/%s/record' % (pytest.helpers.url, pytest.app.id)

    def test_min_max_word_count_too_many(helpers):
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.SwimlaneHTTP400Error) as excinfo:
                **{"Required Text": "required", "Min Max Words Text": "hello there friend how are you doing on this fine day"})
        assert str(excinfo.value) == 'ModelValidationError:5008 (Field Min Max Words Text value of 11 is higher than MaxLength of 10.): Bad Request for url: %s/api/app/%s/record' % (pytest.helpers.url, pytest.app.id)

    def test_min_max_word_count_on_save_too_many(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        theRecord["Min Max Words Text"] = "hello there friend how are you doing on this fine day"
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.SwimlaneHTTP400Error) as excinfo:
        assert str(excinfo.value) == 'ModelValidationError:5008 (Field Min Max Words Text value of 11 is higher than MaxLength of 10.): Bad Request for url: %s/api/app/%s/record' % (pytest.helpers.url, pytest.app.id)

class TestCommentTextField:
    def test_comment_on_save_exact(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        commentText = pytest.fake.sentence()
        comments = theRecord["Comments"]
        editedRecord = pytest.app.records.get(id=theRecord.id)
        assert editedRecord['Comments'][-1].message == commentText
        assert editedRecord['Comments'][-1].is_rich_text == False

    def test_comment_empty_on_save_exact(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        commentText = ""
        comments = theRecord["Comments"]
        editedRecord = pytest.app.records.get(id=theRecord.id)
        assert editedRecord['Comments'][-1].message == commentText
        assert editedRecord['Comments'][-1].is_rich_text == False

    def test_comment_null_on_save_exact(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        commentText = None
        comments = theRecord["Comments"]
        editedRecord = pytest.app.records.get(id=theRecord.id)
        assert editedRecord['Comments'][-1].message == 'None'
        assert editedRecord['Comments'][-1].is_rich_text == False

    def test_comment_numeric_on_save_exact(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        commentText = 1234
        comments = theRecord["Comments"]
        editedRecord = pytest.app.records.get(id=theRecord.id)
        assert editedRecord['Comments'][-1].message == '1234'
        assert editedRecord['Comments'][-1].is_rich_text == False

    def test_comment_json_on_save_exact(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        commentText = {'comment': 'hello'}
        comments = theRecord["Comments"]
        editedRecord = pytest.app.records.get(id=theRecord.id)
        assert editedRecord['Comments'][-1].message == str(commentText)
        assert editedRecord['Comments'][-1].is_rich_text == False

    def test_comment_object_on_save_exact(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        commentText = theRecord
        comments = theRecord["Comments"]
        editedRecord = pytest.app.records.get(id=theRecord.id)
        assert editedRecord['Comments'][-1].message == str(commentText)
        assert editedRecord['Comments'][-1].is_rich_text == False

    def test_comment_rich_text_on_save_exact(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        commentText = pytest.fake.sentence()
        comments = theRecord["Comments"]
        comments.comment(commentText, rich_text=True)
        editedRecord = pytest.app.records.get(id=theRecord.id)
        assert editedRecord['Comments'][-1].message == commentText
        assert editedRecord['Comments'][-1].is_rich_text == True

    def test_comment_rich_text_false_on_save_exact(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        commentText = pytest.fake.sentence()
        comments = theRecord["Comments"]
        comments.comment(commentText, rich_text=False)
        editedRecord = pytest.app.records.get(id=theRecord.id)
        assert editedRecord['Comments'][-1].message == commentText
        assert editedRecord['Comments'][-1].is_rich_text == False

    def test_comment_rich_text_not_bool_on_save_exact(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        commentText = pytest.fake.sentence()
        comments = theRecord["Comments"]
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
            comments.comment(commentText, rich_text="blah")
        assert str(excinfo.value) == "rich_text must be a boolean value."

    def test_comment_no_comment_on_save_exact(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        comments = theRecord["Comments"]
        with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        assert str(excinfo.value) == 'comment() {}'.format(
            pytest.helpers.py_ver_missing_param(2, 1, "message", "at least"))

    def test_comment_no_comment_rich_text_on_save_exact(helpers):
        theRecord = pytest.app.records.create(**{"Required Text": "required"})
        comments = theRecord["Comments"]
        with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        assert str(excinfo.value) == 'comment() {}'.format(
            pytest.helpers.py_ver_missing_param(2, 2, "message", "at least"))