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# MDLA - Multivariate Dictionary Learning Algorithm

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## Dictionary Learning for the multivariate dataset

This dictionary learning variant is tailored for dealing with multivariate datasets and
especially timeseries, where samples are matrices and the dataset is seen as a tensor.
Dictionary Learning Algorithm (DLA) decompose input vector on a dictionary matrix with a
sparse coefficient vector, see (a) on figure below. To handle multivariate data, a first
approach called **multichannel DLA**, see (b) on figure below, is to decompose the matrix
vector on a dictionary matrix but with sparse coefficient matrices, assuming that a
multivariate sample could be seen as a collection of channels explained by the same
dictionary. Nonetheless, multichannel DLA breaks the "spatial" coherence of multivariate
samples, discarding the column-wise relationship existing in the samples. **Multivariate
DLA**, (c), on figure below, decompose the matrix input on a tensor dictionary, where each
atom is a matrix, with sparse coefficient vectors. In this case, the spatial relationship
are directly encoded in the dictionary, as each atoms has the same dimension than an input


(figure from [Chevallier et al., 2014](#biblio) )

To handle timeseries, two major modifications are brought to DLA:

1. extension to **multivariate** samples
2. **shift-invariant** approach, The first point is explained above. To implement the
   second one, there is two possibility, either slicing the input timeseries into small
   overlapping samples or to have atoms smaller than input samples, leading to a
   decomposition with sparse coefficients and offsets. In the latter case, the
   decomposition could be seen as sequence of kernels occuring at different time steps.

![shift invariance](

(figure from [Smith & Lewicki, 2005](#biblio))

The proposed implementation is an adaptation of the work of the following authors:

- Q. Barthélemy, A. Larue, A. Mayoue, D. Mercier, and J.I. Mars. _Shift & 2D rotation
  invariant sparse coding for multi- variate signal_. IEEE Trans. Signal Processing,
  60:1597–1611, 2012.
- Q. Barthélemy, A. Larue, and J.I. Mars. _Decomposition and dictionary learning for 3D
  trajectories_. Signal Process., 98:423–437, 2014.
- Q. Barthélemy, C. Gouy-Pailler, Y. Isaac, A. Souloumiac, A. Larue, and J.I. Mars.
  _Multivariate temporal dictionary learning for EEG_. Journal of Neuroscience Methods,
  215:19–28, 2013.

## Dependencies

The only dependencies are scikit-learn, matplotlib, numpy and scipy.

No installation is required.

## Example

A straightforward example is:

import numpy as np
from mdla import MultivariateDictLearning
from mdla import multivariate_sparse_encode
from numpy.linalg import norm

rng_global = np.random.RandomState(0)
n_samples, n_features, n_dims = 10, 5, 3
X = rng_global.randn(n_samples, n_features, n_dims)

n_kernels = 8
dico = MultivariateDictLearning(n_kernels=n_kernels, max_iter=10).fit(X)
residual, code = multivariate_sparse_encode(X, dico)
print ('Objective error for each samples is:')
for i in range(len(residual)):
    print ('Sample', i, ':', norm(residual[i], 'fro') + len(code[i]))

## <a id="biblio"></a>Bibliography

- Chevallier, S., Barthelemy, Q., & Atif, J. (2014). [_Subspace metrics for multivariate
  dictionaries and application to EEG_][1]. In Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
  (ICASSP), IEEE International Conference on (pp. 7178-7182).
- Smith, E., & Lewicki, M. S. (2005). [_Efficient coding of time-relative structure using
  spikes_][2]. Neural Computation, 17(1), 19-45
- Chevallier, S., Barthélemy, Q., & Atif, J. (2014). [_On the need for metrics in
  dictionary learning assessment_][3]. In European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO),
  pp. 1427-1431.

[1]: "Chevallier et al., 2014"
[2]: "Smith and Lewicki, 2005"