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# Getting started

## Before starting application

To get access to the secret variables, such as Github credentials, Slack and others you need to decrypt a file located at `secrets/envrc.gpg`

To do that we need to have your public GPG key in the repo.

* generate GPG key with `gpg --gen-key`
* export public key to the file `gpg --export --armor > your_last_name.asc`
* put the public key to the `secrets/pubkeys/your_last_name.asc`
* commit changes, push and create a PR
* after PR is merged you'll be able to run `secrets/decrypt` to get the list of environment variables required for project run

Follow the link to read more about about GPG encryption [article](

## To run the application natively:

* The [postgresql][postgresql] database must be installed
* `git clone`
* `cd symbiod`
* `cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml`
* Change the password in `config/database.yml` to your password
* `rails db:create`
* `rails db:schema:load`
* Populate the empty database with `rake db:seed`

## To run the application with Vagrant:

[Check out document](

## Subdomains navigation

When you start app locally, use `` domain to access it

e.g. ``
