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# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## [Unreleased]

### Changed

- No description yet.

## [0.5.2] - 2021-02-09

### Fixed

- Performance fix: removing eager loading for the vacancy-category relation to prevent out-of-memory errors in
supervisor tasks, when the table size goes wild.
- Missed translation messages for the vacancy category page.
- Fixes for the deployment pipeline: `.scrutinizer.yml`, updating packages for compatibility with Composer 2.x.
- Test suite maintenance: migrating to the [Codeception]( 4.x (from the
deprecated 2.x), configuration for Xdebug 3.x.

### Changed

- Front: `_variables.scss` with dark theme color palette by default, refactoring for styles and some other assets.

## [0.5.1] - 2020-06-18

### Added

- "Fork me on GitHub" ribbon button.

### Changed

- Date and time representation is now in the short format, seconds are gone.
- Localized number format for salaries.

### Fixed

- Pagination block is shortened for the small screen resolutions to prevent overflows.
- and translation fixes.

### Security
- Core components from the Symfony LTS environment have updated to the date, deprecation warnings are resolved.

Versions `0.4.0` and `0.5.0` are now considered as YANKED, because of removing a temporary package from the packagist.
Actually, it isn't so critical to the whole application (was a dependency for the `dev` scope), but a set of tests
in these versions may not work as expected.

## [0.5.0] - 2019-06-01 [YANKED]

### Added

- New configurations for `hh` roadmap: `javascript`, `golang`, `python`, `java`, `c++`.
- Expanding categories for a vacancy on-the-fly (if a duplicate has been found for multiple roadmap configurations).
- Vacancy archive action.
- Vacancy list by category action (based on roadmap configurations).
- Submenu with vacancy categories.

### Fixed

- Switching to a stable [client]( version for accessing API
of the vacancy analyser microservice ([symfony-doge/ministry-of-truth-cis](, integration tweaks.
- Markup/icon fixes.

## [0.4.0] - 2019-04-13 [YANKED]

### Added

- Dynamic proxy rotation by fetching a list with endpoints by URI
- Installation and testing guides in
- Integration with [Scrutinizer CA](

## [0.3.0] - 2019-03-27

### Added

- Localization of sanity tag entity fields.
- Localization of sanity tags group entity fields.
- Added `SymfonyDogeMotcBundle` with `symfony_doge.motc.client` service 
as a [bridge](
between website and external microservice that performs vacancy contextual analysis
(see [symfony-doge/ministry-of-truth-client](
- Environment for processing vacancy index data: workers, normalizers, entity creators, etc.
- Fixtures for vacancy, company and category entities via [nelmio/alice](
- A basic acceptance test for vacancy view history.

### Changed

- Backdating update for sanity entities migration due to missed
`SanityBundle\Entity\Vacancy\Tag::$title` column.
- Code readability refactoring, configuration/services decoupling.

### Fixed

- Fixed potentially bug with array access objects
(`empty` is unsafe for checks if target could be instance of `\ArrayAccess`).
- Hiding salary currency in vacancy details if neither `salaryFrom` nor `salaryTo` numbers present.
- App version bumping for ascii logo now actually works
(managing VERSION file instead of git commands) ([shivas/versioning-bundle](

Vacancy indexing is still under development.

## [0.2.0] - 2019-03-06

### Security

- Webpack encore environment has upgraded.

### Added

- Workflow schema and base description for API (
- Database schema with migration for sanity index and related entities.
- Dynamic environment parameters for webpack configuration 
(`publicPath` can now become a CDN entrypoint for assets on prod environment).

### Fixed

- Explicit denormalizer for roadmap data transfer object.
- Result cache for vacancy journal disabled to prevent a broken pagination.
- Strip attributes twig extension now returns a valid injectable html (without any top-level nodes).
- Fixed tests logic when all cases indicates an error if just a single one fails.

## [0.1.0] - 2019-03-02

### Added

- Vacancy aggregation environment based on [Symfony Workflow]( 
and conveyor processing w/ [rabbitmq](
- Vacancy roadmap (search plan) for [HeadHunter]( job site (API, Version20190213).
- Vacancy roadmap configuration for PHP category (HeadHunter)
- Vacancy list action
- Vacancy show action

Vacancy data is shown "as is", w/o any ratings or transformations.
