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Test Coverage

 * This file is part of the Veslo project <>.
 * (C) 2019 Pavel Petrov <>.
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
 * @license GPL-3.0


namespace Veslo\AnthillBundle\Vacancy\Scanner;

use Veslo\AnthillBundle\Dto\Vacancy\ConfigurableRoadmapDto;
use Veslo\AnthillBundle\Dto\Vacancy\LocationDto;
use Veslo\AnthillBundle\Dto\Vacancy\MultistrategicScannerDto;
use Veslo\AnthillBundle\Dto\Vacancy\Parser\ParsedDto;
use Veslo\AnthillBundle\Dto\Vacancy\ScannerDto;
use Veslo\AnthillBundle\Vacancy\ScannerInterface;

 * Wrapper for Scanner that provides meta information for conveyor process
class ConveyorAwareScanner
     * Actual scanner instance that performs lexical analysis
     * @var ScannerInterface
    private $scanner;

     * ConveyorAwareScanner constructor.
     * @param ScannerInterface $scanner Actual scanner instance that performs lexical analysis
    public function __construct(ScannerInterface $scanner)
        $this->scanner = $scanner;

     * Performs lexical analysis of data and returns vacancy-related parts with meta information for conveyor workflow
     * @param LocationDto $location Context of vacancy location from internet
     * @return ParsedDto
    public function scan(LocationDto $location): ParsedDto
        if ($this->scanner instanceof MultistrategicScanner) {

        $vacancyUrl = $location->getVacancyUrl();
        $rawDto     = $this->scanner->scan($vacancyUrl);

        $parsedDto = new ParsedDto();

        $scannerDto  = $this->scanner instanceof MultistrategicScanner
            ? new MultistrategicScannerDto()
            : new ScannerDto();

        $scannerName = substr(get_class($this->scanner), stripos(get_class($this->scanner), 'Scanner\\'));

        if ($this->scanner instanceof MultistrategicScanner) {
            // TODO: strategy dto
//            $strategyDto = new StrategyDto();
//            $strategyDto->setName($strategyName);
//            $scannerDto->setStrategy($strategyDto);


        return $parsedDto;

    // TODO: descr
    private function chooseStrategy(LocationDto $location): void
        // TODO: ensure availability

        /** @var ConfigurableRoadmapDto $roadmap */
        $roadmap = $location->getRoadmap();

        $searchStrategy     = $roadmap->getStrategy();
        $searchStrategyName = $searchStrategy->getName();
