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 * This file is part of the Veslo project <>.
 * (C) 2019 Pavel Petrov <>.
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
 * @license GPL-3.0


namespace Veslo\AppBundle\Http\Proxy;

use Ds\PriorityQueue;
use Exception;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use RuntimeException;

 * Aggregates proxy locators and polls each of them one by one until proxy list is returned
 * Note: although it is technically possible to use LocatorChain instance as a part of other locator, this class
 * is not directly designed to be nested one (so it is placed outside of locator's namespace and named unconventionally)
class LocatorChain implements LocatorInterface
     * Dispatches a failed poll message for locators marked by "isImportant" flag
     * @var LoggerInterface
    private $logger;

     * Priority queue with proxy locators
     * It is not really needed to use data structures from php-ds extension in this context due to low objects count,
     * it's mostly for learning purposes... also we have a little bonus - priority managing is delegated to the C-layer
     * instead of PHP code, so a compiler pass can be simplified.
     * @var PriorityQueue<LocatorInterface>
     * @see
    private $proxyLocators;

     * Cached polling result for current process
     * (otherwise we should call a `PriorityQueue::copy()` and it can be redundant)
     * @var string[]
    private $_proxyList;

     * LocatorChain constructor.
     * @param LoggerInterface $logger Dispatches a failed poll message for locators marked by "isImportant" flag
    public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger)
        $this->logger = $logger;

        $this->proxyLocators = new PriorityQueue();
        $this->_proxyList    = null;

     * Adds a proxy locator to the list for polling
     * @param LocatorInterface $proxyLocator Provides a list with proxies available for http requests
     * @param int              $priority     Locator priority in polling loop
     * @param bool             $isImportant  Whenever a critical message should be raised if locator fails to locate a
     *                                       proxy list
     * @return void
    public function addLocator(LocatorInterface $proxyLocator, int $priority, bool $isImportant = false): void
        if (null !== $this->_proxyList) {
            throw new RuntimeException('Unable to add a new locator after locate() execution.');

        $this->proxyLocators->push([$proxyLocator, ['isImportant' => $isImportant]], $priority);

     * {@inheritdoc}
     * @see PriorityQueue::getIterator()
    public function locate(): iterable
        if (null !== $this->_proxyList) {
            return $this->_proxyList;

        foreach ($this->proxyLocators as list($proxyLocator, $pollParameters)) {
            $proxyList = $this->poll($proxyLocator, $pollParameters);

            if (0 < count($proxyList)) {
                return $this->_proxyList = $proxyList;

        return $this->_proxyList = [];

     * Polls locator for a proxy list
     * @param LocatorInterface $proxyLocator Provides a list with proxies available for http requests
     * @param array            $parameters   Parameters for locator polling
     * @return string[]
    private function poll(LocatorInterface $proxyLocator, array $parameters): array
        $locatorClass = get_class($proxyLocator);
        $isImportant  = $parameters['isImportant'];
        $pollContext  = ['locatorClass' => $locatorClass, 'isImportant' => $isImportant];

        $this->logger->debug('Polling locator for a proxy list.', $pollContext);

        $proxyList = [];

        try {
            $proxyList = $proxyLocator->locate();
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $message          = $e->getMessage();
            $pollContextError = array_merge(['message' => $message], $pollContext);

                'An error has been occurred while polling locator for a proxy list.',

        $isProxyListFound = (0 < count($proxyList));

        if ($isProxyListFound) {
            $pollContextFound = array_merge(['proxies' => $proxyList], $pollContext);
            $this->logger->debug('Proxy list has been located.', $pollContextFound);

            return $proxyList;

        if ($isImportant) {
            $this->logger->critical("Proxy locator with 'isImportant' flag didn't provide a proxy list.", $pollContext);

        return [];