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 * This file is part of the Veslo project <>.
 * (C) 2019 Pavel Petrov <>.
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
 * @license GPL-3.0


namespace Veslo\SanityBundle\Vacancy\Analyser;

use DateTime;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver;
use SymfonyDoge\MinistryOfTruthClient\Bridge\Symfony\Credentials\StorageInterface as CredentialsStorageInterface;
use SymfonyDoge\MinistryOfTruthClient\ClientInterface;
use SymfonyDoge\MinistryOfTruthClient\Dto\Request\Index\RequestDto as IndexRequest;
use SymfonyDoge\MinistryOfTruthClient\Enum\Request\Index\Context;
use Veslo\AnthillBundle\Entity\Vacancy;
use Veslo\AppBundle\Integration\MinistryOfTruth\LocaleOptionsTrait;
use Veslo\SanityBundle\Dto\Vacancy\IndexDto;
use Veslo\SanityBundle\Vacancy\Analyser\DataConverter\MinistryOfTruth as DataConverter;
use Veslo\SanityBundle\Vacancy\AnalyserInterface;

 * Provides vacancy index, tags and other sanity data for a vacancy by external Ministry of Truth microservice
class MinistryOfTruth implements AnalyserInterface
    use LocaleOptionsTrait {
        configureLocaleOptions as protected;

     * The Ministry of Truth API client
     * @var ClientInterface
    private $motClient;

     * Holds context of security parameters for building requests to the Ministry of Truth API endpoint
     * @var CredentialsStorageInterface
    private $credentialsStorage;

     * Converts data from external format to local dto
     * @var DataConverter
    private $dataConverter;

     * Options for the vacancy analyser
     * Example:
     * ```
     * [
     *     'default_locale' => 'ru',
     *     'locales' => ['ru', 'ua', 'en']
     * ]
     * ```
     * @var array
    private $options;

     * MinistryOfTruth constructor.
     * @param ClientInterface             $motClient          The Ministry of Truth API client
     * @param CredentialsStorageInterface $credentialsStorage Context of security parameters for building requests
     * @param DataConverter               $dataConverter      Converts data from external format to local dto
     * @param array                       $options            Options for the vacancy analyser
    public function __construct(
        ClientInterface $motClient,
        CredentialsStorageInterface $credentialsStorage,
        DataConverter $dataConverter,
        array $options
    ) {
        $this->motClient          = $motClient;
        $this->credentialsStorage = $credentialsStorage;
        $this->dataConverter      = $dataConverter;

        $optionsResolver = new OptionsResolver();

        $this->options = $optionsResolver->resolve($options);

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function analyse(Vacancy $vacancy): IndexDto
        $localeDefault = $this->options['default_locale'];

        return $this->analyseByLocale($vacancy, $localeDefault);

     * Returns a sanity index data for the vacancy with specified locale
     * @param Vacancy $vacancy Vacancy entity
     * @param string  $locale  Locale for sanity data translation
     * @return IndexDto
    public function analyseByLocale(Vacancy $vacancy, string $locale): IndexDto
        $indexRequest = new IndexRequest();

        $authorizationToken = $this->credentialsStorage->getAuthorizationToken();

        $vacancyDescription = $vacancy->getText();

        // TODO: extract into the purifier service.
        $vacancyDescription = strip_tags($vacancyDescription);
        $vacancyDescription = str_replace([':', ';', '.', ',', '-', '/', '?', '!'], ' ', $vacancyDescription);

        $indexRequest->addContext(Context\Vacancy::DESCRIPTION, $vacancyDescription);

        $indexResponse = $this->motClient->index($indexRequest);
        $vacancyIndex  = $indexResponse->getIndex();

        $indexDto = $this->dataConverter->convertIndex($vacancyIndex);

        $vacancyId = $vacancy->getId();

        $indexationDate = new DateTime();

        return $indexDto;

     * Performs options configuration for the vacancy analyser
     * @param OptionsResolver $optionsResolver Validates options and merges them with default values
     * @return void
    protected function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $optionsResolver): void
        // 'default_locale', 'locales'