* From Curio: A Tutorial Introduction
* @see https://curio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial.html#tasks-and-concurrency
include 'vendor/autoload.php';
async('countdown', function ($n) {
while ($n > 0) {
print('T-minus ' . $n . EOL);
yield await('sleep', 1);
async('kid', function ($x, $y) {
try {
yield print('Getting around to doing my homework' . EOL);
yield await(sleep, 1000);
return $x * $y;
} catch (Async\CancelledError $e) {
print("No go diggy die!" . EOL);
// yield raise();
// --Same as--
// throw $e;
yield shutdown();
async('parent', function () {
$kid_task = yield spawner(kid, 37, 42);
$count_task = yield spawner(countdown, 10);
yield join_task($count_task);
print("Are you done yet?" . EOL);
try {
$result = yield timeout_after(10, join_task($kid_task));
print("Result: " . $result);
} catch (Async\TaskTimeout $e) {
print("We've got to go!" . EOL);
yield cancel_task($kid_task);