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    // We don't need local variables for these dependencies
    // because they are added to the jQuery namespace.
], function (
) {

    "use strict";

    // Find a People Picker in the page
    // Returns references to:
    //   row - The TR which contains the People Picker (useful if you'd like to hide it at some point)
    //   contents - The element which contains the current value
    //   currentValue - The current value if it is set
    //   checkNames - The Check Names image (in case you'd like to click it at some point)
    //   checkNamesPhrase - you can pass your local phrase here to check names, like in russian it would be - ????????? ?????
    $.fn.SPServices.SPFindPeoplePicker = function (options) {

        var opt = $.extend({}, {
            peoplePickerDisplayName: "", // The displayName of the People Picker on the form
            valueToSet: "", // The value to set the People Picker to. Should be a string containing each username or groupname separated by semi-colons.
            checkNames: true, // If set to true, the Check Names image will be clicked to resolve the names
            checkNamesPhrase: 'Check Names' // English default
        }, options);

        var thisRow = $("nobr").filter(function () {
            // Ensures we get a match whether or not the People Picker is required (if required, the nobr contains a span also)
            return $(this).contents().eq(0).text() === opt.peoplePickerDisplayName;

        // Use this to label the type of people picker we're dealing with
        var thisPPType;

        // SP2010 and earlier
        var thisContents = thisRow.find("div[name='upLevelDiv']");
        if(thisContents.length !== 0) {
            thisPPType === "old";
            // 2013+
        } else {
            thisPPType === "new";
            thisContents = thisRow.find(".sp-peoplepicker-topLevel[title='" + opt.peoplePickerDisplayName + "']");

        if(thisPPType === "old") {

            var thisCheckNames = thisRow.find("img[Title='" + opt.checkNamesPhrase + "']:first");

            // If a value was provided, set the value
            if (opt.valueToSet.length > 0) {

            // If checkName is true, click the check names icon
            if (opt.checkNames) {
            var thisCurrentValue = $.trim(thisContents.text());

            // Parse the entity data
            var dictionaryEntries = [];

            // IE
            thisContents.children("span").each(function () {

                // Grab the entity data
                var thisData = $(this).find("div[data]").attr("data");

                var dictionaryEntry = {};

                // Entity data is only available in IE
                if (typeof thisData !== "undefined") {
                    var arrayOfDictionaryEntry = $.parseXML(thisData);
                    var $xml = $(arrayOfDictionaryEntry);

                    $xml.find("DictionaryEntry").each(function () {
                        var key = $(this).find("Key").text();
                        dictionaryEntry[key] = $(this).find("Value").text();
                    // For other browsers, we'll call GetUserInfo to get the data
                } else {
                        operation: "GetUserInfo",
                        async: false,
                        cacheXML: true,
                        userLoginName: $(this).attr("title"),
                        completefunc: function (xData) {

                            $(xData.responseXML).find("User").each(function () {

                                $.each(this.attributes, function (i, attrib) {
                                    dictionaryEntry[] = attrib.value;
        } else {

            // Thanks to the post for a leg up on this
            var ppEditor = thisContents.find("[title='" + opt.peoplePickerDisplayName + "']");
            var spPP = SPClientPeoplePicker.SPClientPeoplePickerDict[thisContents[0].id];
            var ppHidden = thisContents.find("[id$='ClientPeoplePicker_HiddenInput']");

            // We don't have a checknames in new people pickers
            var thisCheckNames = null;

            // If a value was provided, set the value
            if (opt.valueToSet.length > 0) {

            // Get the entity data
            var dictionaryEntries = ppHidden.value;

        return {
            row: thisRow,
            contents: thisContents,
            currentValue: thisCurrentValue,
            checkNames: thisCheckNames,
            dictionaryEntries: dictionaryEntries
    }; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPFindPeoplePicker

    // Mistakenly released previously outside the SPServices namespace. This takes care of offering both.
    $.fn.SPFindPeoplePicker = function (options) {
        return $().SPServices.SPFindPeoplePicker(options);
    }; // End $.fn.SPFindPeoplePicker

    return $;
