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    // We don't need local variables for these dependencies
    // because they are added to the jQuery namespace.
], function (
) {

    "use strict";

    // Does an audit of a site's list forms to show where script is in use.
    $.fn.SPServices.SPScriptAudit = function (options) {

        var opt = $.extend({}, {
            webURL: "", // [Optional] The name of the Web (site) to audit
            listName: "", // [Optional] The name of a specific list to audit. If not present, all lists in the site are audited.
            outputId: "", // The id of the DOM object for output
            auditForms: true, // Audit the form pages
            auditViews: true, // Audit the view pages
            auditPages: true, // Audit the Pages Document Library
            auditPagesListName: "Pages", // The Pages Document Library(ies), if desired. Either a single string or an array of strings.
            showHiddenLists: false, // Show output for hidden lists
            showNoScript: false, // Show output for lists with no scripts (effectively "verbose")
            showSrc: true // Show the source location for included scripts
        }, options);

        var formTypes = [
            ["New", "NewForm.aspx", false],
            ["Display", "DispForm.aspx", false],
            ["Edit", "EditForm.aspx", false]
        var listXml;

        // Build the table to contain the results
        $("#" + opt.outputId)
            .append("<table id='SPScriptAudit' width='100%' style='border-collapse: collapse;' border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1>" +
            "<tr>" +
            "<th></th>" +
            "<th>List</th>" +
            "<th>Page Class</th>" +
            "<th>Page Type</th>" +
            "<th>Page</th>" +
            (opt.showSrc ? "<th>Script References</th>" : "") +
            "</tr>" +
        // Apply the CSS class to the headers
        var scriptAuditContainer = $("#SPScriptAudit");
        scriptAuditContainer.find("th").attr("class", "ms-vh2-nofilter");

        // Don't bother with the lists if the options don't require them
        if (opt.auditForms || opt.auditViews) {
            // First, get all of the lists within the site
                operation: "GetListCollection",
                webURL: opt.webURL,
                async: false, // Need this to be synchronous so we're assured of a valid value
                completefunc: function (xData) {
                    $(xData.responseXML).find("List").each(function () {
                        listXml = $(this);

                        // If listName has been specified, then only return results for that list
                        if ((opt.listName.length === 0) || (listXml.attr("Title") === opt.listName)) {
                            // Don't work with hidden lists unless we're asked to
                            if ((opt.showHiddenLists && listXml.attr("Hidden") === "False") || !opt.showHiddenLists) {

                                // Audit the list's forms
                                if (opt.auditForms) {
                                    // Get the list's Content Types, therefore the form pages
                                        operation: "GetListContentTypes",
                                        webURL: opt.webURL,
                                        listName: listXml.attr("ID"),
                                        async: false, // Need this to be synchronous so we're assured of a valid value
                                        completefunc: function (xData) {
                                            $(xData.responseXML).find("ContentType").each(function () {
                                                // Don't deal with folders
                                                if ($(this).attr("ID").substring(0, 6) !== "0x0120") {
                                                    var formUrls = $(this).find("FormUrls");
                                                    for (var i = 0; i < formTypes.length; i++) {
                                                        // Look for a customized form...
                                                        $(formUrls).find(formTypes[i][0]).each(function () {
                                                            SPScriptAuditPage(opt, listXml, "Form", this.nodeName, ((opt.webURL.length > 0) ? opt.webURL : $().SPServices.SPGetCurrentSite()) + constants.SLASH + $(this).text());
                                                            formTypes[i][2] = true;
                                                        // ...else the uncustomized form
                                                        if (!formTypes[i][2]) {
                                                            var defaultViewUrl = listXml.attr("DefaultViewUrl");
                                                            SPScriptAuditPage(opt, listXml, "Form", formTypes[i][0],
                                                                defaultViewUrl.substring(0, defaultViewUrl.lastIndexOf(constants.SLASH) + 1) + formTypes[i][1]);
                                                    // Reset the form types
                                                    for (i = 0; i < formTypes.length; i++) {
                                                        formTypes[i][2] = false;

                                // Audit the list's views
                                if (opt.auditViews) {
                                    // Get the list's Views
                                        operation: "GetViewCollection",
                                        webURL: opt.webURL,
                                        listName: listXml.attr("ID"),
                                        async: false, // Need this to be synchronous so we're assured of a valid value
                                        completefunc: function (xData) {
                                            $(xData.responseXML).find("View").each(function () {
                                                SPScriptAuditPage(opt, listXml, "View", $(this).attr("DisplayName"), $(this).attr("Url"));


        // Don't bother with auditing pages if the options don't require it
        var numLists = 0;
        var listsArray = [];
        if (typeof opt.auditPagesListName === "string") {
            numLists = 1;
        } else {
            numLists = opt.auditPagesListName.length;
            listsArray = opt.auditPagesListName;

        if (opt.auditPages) {
            for (var i = 0; i < numLists; i++) {
                    operation: "GetList",
                    async: false,
                    cacheXML: true,
                    webURL: opt.webURL,
                    listName: listsArray[i],
                    completefunc: function (xData) {
                        $(xData.responseXML).find("List").each(function () {
                            listXml = $(this);
                // Get all of the items from the Document Library
                    operation: "GetListItems",
                    async: false,
                    webURL: opt.webURL,
                    listName: listsArray[i],
                    CAMLQuery: "<Query><Where><Neq><FieldRef Name='ContentType'/><Value Type='Text'>Folder</Value></Neq></Where></Query>",
                    CAMLViewFields: "<ViewFields><FieldRef Name='Title'/><FieldRef Name='FileRef'/></ViewFields>",
                    CAMLRowLimit: 0,
                    completefunc: function (xData) {
                        $(xData.responseXML).SPFilterNode("z:row").each(function () {
                            var thisPageUrl = $(this).attr("ows_FileRef").split(constants.spDelim)[1];
                            var thisTitle = $(this).attr("ows_Title");
                            var thisPageType = (typeof thisTitle !== "undefined") ? thisTitle : "";
                            if (thisPageUrl.indexOf(".aspx") > 0) {
                                SPScriptAuditPage(opt, listXml, "Page", thisPageType, constants.SLASH + thisPageUrl);
        // Remove progress indicator and make the output pretty by cleaning up the ms-alternating CSS class
    }; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPScriptAudit

    // Displays the usage of scripts in a site
    function SPScriptAuditPage(opt, listXml, pageClass, pageType, pageUrl) {

        var jQueryPage = 0;
        var pageScriptSrc = {};
        pageScriptSrc.type = [];
        pageScriptSrc.src = [];
        pageScriptSrc.script = [];
        var scriptRegex = RegExp("<script[\\s\\S]*?/script>", "gi");

        // Fetch the page
            type: "GET",
            url: pageUrl,
            dataType: "text",
            async: false,
            success: function (xData) {

                var scriptMatch;

                while (scriptMatch = scriptRegex.exec(xData)) {
                    var scriptLanguage = getScriptAttribute(scriptMatch, "language");
                    var scriptType = getScriptAttribute(scriptMatch, "type");
                    var scriptSrc = getScriptAttribute(scriptMatch, "src");
                    if (scriptSrc !== null && scriptSrc.length > 0 && !coreScript(scriptSrc)) {
                        pageScriptSrc.type.push((scriptLanguage !== null && scriptLanguage.length > 0) ? scriptLanguage : scriptType);

                // Only show pages without script if we've been asked to do so.
                if ((!opt.showNoScript && (pageScriptSrc.type.length > 0)) || opt.showNoScript) {
                    var pagePath = pageUrl.substring(0, pageUrl.lastIndexOf(constants.SLASH) + 1);
                    var out = "<tr class=ms-alternating>" +
                        "<td class=ms-vb-icon><a href='" + listXml.attr("DefaultViewUrl") + "'><IMG border=0 src='" + listXml.attr("ImageUrl") + "'width=16 height=16></A></TD>" +
                        "<td class=ms-vb2><a href='" + listXml.attr("DefaultViewUrl") + "'>" + listXml.attr("Title") + ((listXml.attr("Hidden") === "True") ? '(Hidden)' : '') + "</td>" +
                        "<td class=ms-vb2>" + pageClass + "</td>" +
                        "<td class=ms-vb2>" + pageType + "</td>" +
                        "<td class=ms-vb2><a href='" + pageUrl + "'>" + utils.fileName(pageUrl) + "</td>";
                    if (opt.showSrc) {
                        var thisSrcPath;
                        out += "<td valign='top'><table width='100%' style='border-collapse: collapse;' border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1>";
                        for (var i = 0; i < pageScriptSrc.type.length; i++) {
                            thisSrcPath = (pageScriptSrc.src[i].substr(0, 1) !== constants.SLASH) ? pagePath + pageScriptSrc.src[i] : pageScriptSrc.src[i];
                            out += "<tr><td class=ms-vb2 width='30%'>" + pageScriptSrc.type[i] + "</td>";
                            out += "<td class=ms-vb2 width='70%'><a href='" + thisSrcPath + "'>" + utils.fileName(pageScriptSrc.src[i]) + "</td></tr>";
                        out += "</table></td>";
    } // End of function SPScriptAuditPage

    function getScriptAttribute(source, attribute) {
        var matches;
        var regex = RegExp(attribute + "=(\"([^\"]*)\")|('([^']*)')", "gi");
        if (matches = regex.exec(source)) {
            return matches[2];
        return null;
    } // End of function getScriptAttribute

    // Check to see if the script reference is part of SharePoint core so that we can ignore it
    function coreScript(src) {
        var coreScriptLocations = ["WebResource.axd", "_layouts"];
        for (var i = 0; i < coreScriptLocations.length; i++) {
            if (src.indexOf(coreScriptLocations[i]) > -1) {
                return true;
        return false;
    } // End of function coreScript

    return $;
