package signoz
import (
// TimePreferenceType is the type of time preference.
type TimePreferenceType string
const (
// Last5Min is the last 5 minutes.
Last5Min TimePreferenceType = "LAST_5_MIN"
// Last30Min is the last 30 minutes.
Last30Min TimePreferenceType = "LAST_30_MIN"
// Last1Hr is the last 1 hour.
Last1Hr TimePreferenceType = "LAST_1_HR"
// Last3Hr is the last 3 hour.
Last3Hr TimePreferenceType = "LAST_3_HR"
// Last15Min is the last 15 minutes.
Last15Min TimePreferenceType = "LAST_15_MIN"
// Last6Hr is the last 6 hours.
Last6Hr TimePreferenceType = "LAST_6_HR"
// Last1Day is the last 1 day.
Last1Day TimePreferenceType = "LAST_1_DAY"
// Last3Days is the last 3 days.
Last3Days TimePreferenceType = "LAST_3_DAYS"
// Last1Week is the last 1 week.
Last1Week TimePreferenceType = "LAST_1_WEEK"
// StartEnd is the start and end time.
type StartEnd struct {
Start string
End string
// StartEndInt is the start and end time.
type StartEndInt struct {
Start int64
End int64
func getMicroSeconds(t time.Time) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", t.UnixNano())
func getMinAgo(minutes int) time.Time {
return time.Now().Add(-time.Duration(minutes) * time.Minute)
func calculateStartAndEndTime(minutes int, endString string) StartEnd {
agoDate := getMinAgo(minutes)
agoString := getMicroSeconds(agoDate)
return StartEnd{
Start: agoString,
End: endString,
// GetStartAndEndTimeInt returns the start and end time as integers.
func GetStartAndEndTimeInt(preference TimePreferenceType) (StartEndInt, error) {
res := GetStartAndEndTime(preference)
start, err := strconv.Atoi(res.Start)
if err != nil {
return StartEndInt{}, fmt.Errorf("error converting start time to int: %w", err)
end, err := strconv.Atoi(res.End)
if err != nil {
return StartEndInt{}, fmt.Errorf("error converting end time to int: %w", err)
return StartEndInt{
Start: int64(start),
End: int64(end),
}, nil
// GetStartAndEndTime returns the start and end time.
// nolint: cyclop
func GetStartAndEndTime(preference TimePreferenceType) StartEnd {
end := time.Now()
endString := getMicroSeconds(end)
switch preference {
case Last5Min:
return calculateStartAndEndTime(5, endString)
case Last30Min:
return calculateStartAndEndTime(30, endString)
case Last1Hr:
return calculateStartAndEndTime(60, endString)
case Last15Min:
return calculateStartAndEndTime(15, endString)
case Last3Hr:
return calculateStartAndEndTime(3*60, endString)
case Last6Hr:
return calculateStartAndEndTime(6*60, endString)
case Last1Day:
return calculateStartAndEndTime(24*60, endString)
case Last3Days:
return calculateStartAndEndTime(24*60*3, endString)
case Last1Week:
return calculateStartAndEndTime(24*60*7, endString)
// TODO: log error
return calculateStartAndEndTime(30, endString)