package dbcommon_test
import (
. ""
// ExplicitColumnTestModel tests explicit naming
// of the column as such. E.g.: column:origin_chain_id.
type ExplicitColumnTestModel struct {
TestField uint64 `,json:"not_test_field" gorm:"column:test_field"`
// ExplicitColumnTestModel tests implicit naming
// of the column as such. E.g.: origin_chain_id.
type ImplicitColumnTestModel struct {
TestField uint64 `,json:"not_test_field" gorm:"test_field"`
// MultiColumnModel tests multiple tags in gorm.
type MultiColumnModel struct {
TestField uint64 `,json:"not_test_field" gorm:"column:test_field;uniqueIndex:idx_id"`
// TestGetGormFieldName tests getting the gorm field by name.
func TestGetGormFieldName(t *testing.T) {
fieldName := dbcommon.GetGormFieldName(&ExplicitColumnTestModel{}, "TestField")
Equal(t, fieldName, "test_field")
// test implicit naming
fieldName = dbcommon.GetGormFieldName(&ImplicitColumnTestModel{}, "TestField")
Equal(t, fieldName, "test_field")
fieldName = dbcommon.GetGormFieldName(&MultiColumnModel{}, "TestField")
Equal(t, fieldName, "test_field")
// TestModel is a simple test model.
type TestModel struct {
type TestTabelerModel struct {
var tabelerName = gofakeit.Word()
func (t TestTabelerModel) TableName() string {
return tabelerName
var _ schema.Tabler = &TestTabelerModel{}
type TestTablerWithNamerModel struct {
func (t TestTablerWithNamerModel) TableName(namer schema.Namer) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("hi_%s", gofakeit.Word())
var _ schema.TablerWithNamer = &TestTablerWithNamerModel{}
// getTestModels returns a list of test models to migrate.
// see: for an explanation of why we can't do this at initialization time
func getTestModels() (allModels []interface{}) {
allModels = append(allModels,
&TestModel{}, &TestTabelerModel{}, &TestTablerWithNamerModel{})
return allModels
type modelNameTest struct {
namingStrategy schema.NamingStrategy
strategyType string
func (s *DbSuite) TestGetModelName() {
namingStrategies := []modelNameTest{
// no naming strategy
strategyType: "none",
namingStrategy: schema.NamingStrategy{
TablePrefix: "prefix_",
strategyType: "prefix",
namingStrategy: schema.NamingStrategy{
SingularTable: true,
strategyType: "singular",
namingStrategy: schema.NamingStrategy{
NoLowerCase: true,
strategyType: "no_lower",
namingStrategy: schema.NamingStrategy{
NameReplacer: testReplacer{},
strategyType: "replacer",
for _, namingStrategy := range namingStrategies {
// create the db
tmpDb := fmt.Sprintf("%s/tmp.db", filet.TmpDir(s.T(), ""))
gdb, err := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open(tmpDb), &gorm.Config{
Logger: dbcommon.GetGormLogger(testDBLogger),
NamingStrategy: namingStrategy.namingStrategy,
err = gdb.WithContext(s.GetTestContext()).AutoMigrate(getTestModels()...)
for _, model := range getTestModels() {
// TODO: example for GetModelName
modelName, err := dbcommon.GetModelName(gdb, model)
s.Require().NoErrorf(err, "failed to get model name for %T %s", model, namingStrategy.strategyType)
var count uint64
tx := gdb.Raw(fmt.Sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s", modelName)).Scan(&count)
s.Require().NoErrorf(tx.Error, "failed to query model for %s", namingStrategy.strategyType)
type testReplacer struct{}
func (t testReplacer) Replace(name string) string {
return strings.NewReplacer("model", "mod").Replace(name)
// NonConsistentModelName tests a model with a non-consistent name.
type NonConsistentModelName struct {
TestField uint64 `,json:"not_test_field" gorm:"column:test_field"`
type OtherNonConsistentModelName struct {
TestField uint64 `,json:"not_test_field" gorm:"column:test_field_with_different_name"`
func TestNonConsistentName(t *testing.T) {
namer := dbcommon.NewNamer(getNonConsistentModels())
Panics(t, func() {
func TestConsistentName(t *testing.T) {
namer := dbcommon.NewNamer(getTestModels())
testFieldName := namer.GetConsistentName("CreatedAt")
Equal(t, testFieldName, "created_at")
// GetAllModels gets all models to migrate
// see: for an explanation of why we can't do this at initialization time
func getNonConsistentModels() (allModels []interface{}) {
allModels = append(allModels,
&NonConsistentModelName{}, &OtherNonConsistentModelName{},
return allModels
func ExampleNamer_GetConsistentName() {
namer := dbcommon.NewNamer(getTestModels())
// output: created_at