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Test Coverage
package dbcommon

import (

const (
    // EnableMysqlTestVar is the environment variable to enable mysql tests.
    EnableMysqlTestVar = "ENABLE_MYSQL_TEST"
    // MysqlDatabaseVar is the environment variable for the mysql database dsn.
    MysqlDatabaseVar = "MYSQL_DATABASE"
    // MysqlUserVar is the environment variable for the mysql user.
    MysqlUserVar = "MYSQL_USER"
    // MysqlPasswordVar is the environment variable for the mysql password.
    MysqlPasswordVar = "MYSQL_PASSWORD"
    // MysqlHostVar is the environment variable for the mysql host.
    MysqlHostVar = "MYSQL_HOST"
    // MysqlPortVar is the environment variable for the mysql port.
    MysqlPortVar = "MYSQL_PORT"

// GetTestConnString returns the connection string for the mysql test database.
// this is derived from environment variables.
// TODO: test this in ci.
func GetTestConnString() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@tcp(%s:%d)/%s?parseTime=true", core.GetEnv(MysqlUserVar, "root"), os.Getenv(MysqlPasswordVar), core.GetEnv(MysqlHostVar, ""), core.GetEnvInt(MysqlPortVar, 3306), os.Getenv(MysqlDatabaseVar))