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package merkle

import (

// StateKey implements a key for the historical state map.
type StateKey struct {
    h     uint32
    x     uint32
    count uint32

// HistoricalTree implements a merkle tree with the ability to generate historical
// state of the tree. This includes historical roots, as well as historical proofs.
type HistoricalTree struct {
    // state[stateKey] is the value for a tree element:
    //   - With [height = stakeKey.h] (increasing from leafs to root)
    //   - With [x-coord = stateKey.x] (increasing from older leafs to newer)
    //   - When stateKey.count leafs were inserted in the merkle tree
    state map[StateKey][]byte
    // zeroHashes[H] is the value for a tree element:
    //   - With [height = H] (increasing from leafs to root)
    //     - That doesn't have any non-zero children
    zeroHashes [][]byte
    // treeCount is the total amount of inserted leafs
    treeCount uint32
    // treeHeight is the height of the merkle tree
    treeHeight uint32

 * Store historical non-"zero" values of the FULL merkle tree.
 * Full merkle tree consists of 2**TREE_DEPTH "zero" leafs, which are
 * getting populated throughout time. Once a new leaf is added, all elements
 * in the merkle tree on the path from root to the leaf are updated.
 * The goal of this contract is to store only the significant values.
 * merkleTree[H][X][N] is the value for the tree element:
 * - With [height = H] (increasing from leafs to root)
 * - With [x-coord = X] (increasing from older leafs to newer)
 * - When N leafs were inserted in the merkle tree
 * 1. Height (H):
 * merkleTree[0] are the leafs
 * merkleTree[1] are keccak256(A, B) where A and B are leafs
 * ...
 * merkleTree[TREE_DEPTH] is the merkle root level
 * 2. Coordinate (X):
 * A merkle tree can have up to 2**(32-H) elements on a level with height=H
 * Therefore:
 * merkleTree[0][0] is the first leaf
 * merkleTree[0][1] is the second leaf
 * merkleTree[1][0] is their parent
 * merkleTree[1][1] is parent of merkleTree[0][2] and merkleTree[0][3]
 * merkleTree[2][0] is parent of merkleTree[1][0] and merkleTree[1][1]
 * ...
 * merkleTree[TREE_DEPTH][0] is the merkle root
 * 3. Historical state (N).
 * Every element of the full merkle tree has three chronological "stages".
 * a. Element value did not change after the latest leaf insertion. Meaning that
 *    all element's children are "zero" elements, and element itself is "zero".
 *    Requires: 0 <= N <= X*(2**H)
 * b. Element value changed after the latest leaf insertion. Meaning that
 *    at least one of the children is non-zero.
 *    Requires: X*(2**H) < N <= (X+1)*(2**H)
 * c. Element value stopped changing after the latest leaf insertion. Meaning that
 *    all element children are already non-zero.
 *    Requires: (X+1)*(2**H) < N
 * Thus we actually need to store tree element value for N in range (X*(2**H), (X+1)*(2**H)]
 * The amount of "significant" values (stage b) is 2**H.
 * We're using a map to avoid dealing with dynamic arrays.

// MessageTreeHeight is the depth of the merkle tree that is used in the messaging contracts.
const MessageTreeHeight uint32 = 32

// SnapshotTreeHeight is the depth of the merkle tree that is used in the snapshot contracts.
const SnapshotTreeHeight uint32 = 6

// NewTree returns an empty Merkle Tree.
func NewTree(treeHeight uint32) *HistoricalTree {
    return &HistoricalTree{
        state:      make(map[StateKey][]byte),
        zeroHashes: generateZeroHashes(treeHeight),
        treeCount:  0,
        treeHeight: treeHeight,

// NewTreeFromItems returns a new Merkle Tree from a slice of byte slices.
func NewTreeFromItems(items [][]byte, treeHeight uint32) *HistoricalTree {
    tree := NewTree(treeHeight)
    for _, item := range items {
    return tree

// BranchRoot calculates the merkle root given the item and the proof.
func BranchRoot(item []byte, index uint32, proof [][]byte, treeHeight uint32) ([]byte, error) {
    if len(proof) != int(treeHeight) {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("incorrect proof length: %d; should be: %d", len(proof), treeHeight)
    node := item
    for h := uint32(0); h < treeHeight; h++ {
        if (index>>h)&1 == 0 {
            // We were the left child
            node = getParent(node, proof[h])
        } else {
            // We were the right child
            node = getParent(proof[h], node)
    return node, nil

// VerifyMerkleProof verifies a Merkle branch against a root of a tree.
func VerifyMerkleProof(root, item []byte, index uint32, proof [][]byte, treeHeight uint32) bool {
    branchRoot, err := BranchRoot(item, index, proof, treeHeight)
    if err != nil {
        return false
    return bytes.Equal(root, branchRoot)

// Insert inserts a new leaf into the merkle tree. This is done using O(1) time.
func (m *HistoricalTree) Insert(item []byte) {
    x := m.treeCount
    newCount := x + 1
    saveElementState(m, 0, x, newCount, item)
    for h := uint32(1); h <= m.treeHeight; h++ {
        // Traverse to parent
        x >>= 1
        // Children have [height = h - 1]
        // And X-coordinates [2 * x] and [2 * x + 1]
        leftChild := fetchTreeElementState(m, h-1, x<<1, newCount)
        rightChild := fetchTreeElementState(m, h-1, (x<<1)+1, newCount)
        parent := getParent(leftChild, rightChild)
        saveElementState(m, h, x, newCount, parent)
    m.treeCount = newCount

// Items returns the list of items that were inserted in the Merkle tree.
func (m *HistoricalTree) Items() [][]byte {
    items := make([][]byte, m.treeCount)
    for x := uint32(0); x < m.treeCount; x++ {
        // H=0 is the leaf level.
        items[x] = fetchTreeElementState(m, 0, x, m.treeCount)
    return items

// NumOfItems returns the amount of leafs inserted in the merkle tree.
func (m *HistoricalTree) NumOfItems() uint32 {
    return m.treeCount

// Item returns the inserted item with the given `index`.
func (m *HistoricalTree) Item(index uint32) ([]byte, error) {
    if index >= m.treeCount {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("not enough leafs; inserted: %d, requested index: %d", m.treeCount, index)
    // H=0 is the leaf level.
    return fetchTreeElementState(m, 0, index, m.treeCount), nil

// Root returns the merkle root of the tree after a certain amount of leafs were inserted.
// This is done using O(1) time.
func (m *HistoricalTree) Root(count uint32) ([]byte, error) {
    if count > m.treeCount {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("not enough leafs; inserted: %d, requested root for count: %d", m.treeCount, count)
    // H=m.treeHeight is the root level.
    return fetchTreeElementState(m, m.treeHeight, 0, count), nil

// MerkleProof returns the proof of inclusion:
//   - For leaf with given `index` MerkleProof
//   - At the time when `count` leafs have been inserted
// This is done using O(1) time.
func (m *HistoricalTree) MerkleProof(index uint32, count uint32) ([][]byte, error) {
    if count > m.treeCount {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("not enough leafs; inserted: %d, requested proof for count: %d", m.treeCount, count)
    if index >= count {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("merkle index out of range; count: %d, requested proof for index: %d", count, index)
    proof := make([][]byte, m.treeHeight)
    for h := uint32(0); h < m.treeHeight; h++ {
        // First, determine X-axis of the element's sibling
        siblingX := index ^ 1
        // Get sibling state at the time when `count` leafs were added
        proof[h] = fetchTreeElementState(m, h, siblingX, count)
        // Traverse to parent
        index >>= 1
    return proof, nil

// generateZeroHashes returns the default "zero" values for elements from bottom to top (leaf to root).
func generateZeroHashes(treeHeight uint32) [][]byte {
    zeroHashes := make([][]byte, treeHeight+1)
    // zeroHashes[0] is bytes32(0).
    zeroHashes[0] = make([]byte, 32)
    // Calculate "zero" element value for other heights.
    // That is the value for an element in the merkle tree, when all their children are "zero".
    for h := uint32(0); h < treeHeight; h++ {
        zeroHashes[h+1] = getParent(zeroHashes[h], zeroHashes[h])
    return zeroHashes

// fetchTreeElementState returns a tree element:
//   - With [height = H] (increasing from leafs to root)
//   - With [x-coord = X] (increasing from older leafs to newer)
//   - When `count` leafs were inserted in the merkle tree
func fetchTreeElementState(m *HistoricalTree, h uint32, x uint32, count uint32) []byte {
    // We do cast to uint64 here, as (1 << 32) overflows uint32
    firstChildLeafIndex := uint64(x) << h // x * (2**H)
    childLeafsAmount := uint64(1) << h    // 2**H
    switch {
    case uint64(count) <= firstChildLeafIndex:
        // Stage A: not enough leafs were inserted, element is still zero.
        return m.zeroHashes[h]
    case uint64(count) <= firstChildLeafIndex+childLeafsAmount:
        // Stage B: tree element was updated after last leaf insertion.
        key := StateKey{h, x, count}
        return m.state[key]
        // Stage C: tree element was not updated after last leaf insertion.
        // Use last saved value.
        key := StateKey{h, x, uint32(firstChildLeafIndex + childLeafsAmount)}
        return m.state[key]

// getParent calculates a parent node in the merkle tree given its children.
func getParent(leftChild []byte, rightChild []byte) []byte {
    var leftChildB32, rightChildB32 [32]byte
    copy(leftChildB32[:], leftChild)
    copy(rightChildB32[:], rightChild)

    if leftChildB32 == [32]byte{} && rightChildB32 == [32]byte{} {
        return leftChild

    return crypto.Keccak256(append(leftChild, rightChild...))

// saveElementState stores the historical value for a given tree node.
func saveElementState(m *HistoricalTree, h uint32, x uint32, count uint32, item []byte) {
    key := StateKey{h, x, count}
    m.state[key] = item