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Test Coverage
// Package testsuite contains the standard test suite
package testsuite

import (

// cancellableContext is a context object
// note: we don't really have a choice here, but note this is vulnerable to context leaks if setup/teardown
// events are not called.
type cancellableContext struct {
    // ctx is the context object
    //nolint: containedctx
    ctx context.Context
    // cancelFunc allows the context to be canceled
    cancelFunc context.CancelFunc

// newCancellableContext creates a new cancellable context.
func newCancellableContext(parentContext context.Context) cancellableContext {
    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(parentContext)
    return cancellableContext{
        ctx:        ctx,
        cancelFunc: cancel,

// TestSuite defines the basic test suite.
// TODO: we should make sure global vars don't get mutated. Namely eth params.
type TestSuite struct {
    // logDir is the directory where logs will be written for the docker containers that host the anvil nodes
    // this allows you to do tai -f /path/to/logs/*.combined.log to see all logs
    LogDir string
    // context is the context object for the test suite. All other context objects inherit
    // from it. unlike suiteContext and testContext it is not canceled and functionally does
    // not have a lifecycle. TODO this should probably replace suiteContext
    //nolint: containedctx
    context context.Context
    // suiteContext is the context object for the duration of the test. It is canceled at the end
    // of the test
    suiteContext cancellableContext
    // testContext is the context object for the test. It is canceled at the end of the test
    // inheritance of test contexts is as follows:
    // context->suiteContext->testContext
    testContext cancellableContext
    // testID is an autoincrementing that can be used as a unique, per test, identifier.
    testID int
    // runAfterTest are functions that should be run after the test
    runAfterTest []func()
    // runAfterSuite are functions that are run after the suite
    runAfterSuite []func()
    // structMux protects non thread safe operations
    structMux sync.Mutex
    // setupSuiteCalled is an assertion that makes sure setupSuite was called on the parent
    setupSuiteCalled atomic.Bool
    // setupTestCalled is an assertion that setupTest was called on the parent
    setupTestCalled atomic.Bool
    // beforeTestCalled is wether or not before test was called
    beforeTestCalled atomic.Bool

// NewTestSuite creates a new test suite and performs some basic checks afterward.
// Every test suite in the synapse library should inherit from this suite and override where necessary.
func NewTestSuite(tb testing.TB) *TestSuite {
    ctx := context.Background()

    return &TestSuite{
        context: ctx,
        testID:  0,

// Eventually asserts something is eventually true.
// Note: this uses the suite context instead of the test context.
// TODO: either separate suite and test context calls or deprecte and require generic.
func (s *TestSuite) Eventually(willBeTrue func() bool) {
    Eventually(s.GetSuiteContext(), s.T(), willBeTrue)

// SetupSuite sets up the test suite.
func (s *TestSuite) SetupSuite() {
    defer s.structMux.Unlock()

    s.runAfterSuite = nil
    s.suiteContext = newCancellableContext(s.context)

// BeforeTest performs some assertions and sets up the test.
func (s *TestSuite) BeforeTest(_, _ string) {
    if !s.setupTestCalled.Load() {
        panic("make sure SetupTest is called on the parent")

    if !s.setupSuiteCalled.Load() {
        panic("make sure SetupSuite is called on the parent")

    s.DeferAfterTest(func() {
        if !s.beforeTestCalled.Load() {
            panic("make sure you call before test on the parent")

// runDefferedFunctions runs deferred functions.
func runDeferredFunctions(deferredFuncs []func()) {
    for _, deferredFunc := range deferredFuncs {

// TearDownSuite tears down the test suite.
func (s *TestSuite) TearDownSuite() {


// SetupTest runs checks at the end of the test suite.
func (s *TestSuite) SetupTest() {
    s.runAfterTest = nil
    s.testContext = newCancellableContext(s.suiteContext.ctx)

    fmt.Printf("running test %s with id %d \n", s.T().Name(), s.testID)

// SetTestTimeout will create a test timout override for the context.
// this will wrap s.testContext.
// TODO: consider enabling a value by default.
func (s *TestSuite) SetTestTimeout(timeout time.Duration) {
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(s.testContext.ctx, timeout)
    oldCancel := s.testContext.cancelFunc
    s.testContext = cancellableContext{ctx: ctx, cancelFunc: func() {
        // cancel parent
        // then underlying

// GetTestID gets the unique test id for the current test.
// uniqueness is per-suite.
func (s *TestSuite) GetTestID() int {
    return s.testID

// TearDownTest runs checks at the end of the test suite.
func (s *TestSuite) TearDownTest() {
    // this will panic if you failed to call SetupTest() from an inheriting suite
    fmt.Printf("finished running test %s with id %d \n", s.T().Name(), s.testID)


// DeferAfterTest runs a function after the test. This will run before context cancellation
// if you'd like to do otherwise you can from a new goroutine that watches TestContext()
// TODO: in cases of crashes this will not be done so fix this.
func (s *TestSuite) DeferAfterTest(newFunc func()) {
    defer s.structMux.Unlock()
    s.runAfterTest = append(s.runAfterTest, newFunc)

// DeferAfterSuite runs a function after the suite. This will run before context cancellation
// if you'd like to do otherwise you can from a new goroutine that watches SuiteContext()
// TODO: in cases of crashes this will not be done so fix this.
func (s *TestSuite) DeferAfterSuite(newFunc func()) {
    defer s.structMux.Unlock()
    s.runAfterSuite = append(s.runAfterSuite, newFunc)

// GetTestContext gets the context object for the suite. This is an alias for GetTestContext()
// TODO: right now this is run as a test because of naming. this is mostly harmless.
func (s *TestSuite) GetTestContext() context.Context {
    return s.testContext.ctx

// GetSuiteContext returns the context for the test suite.
func (s *TestSuite) GetSuiteContext() context.Context {
    return s.suiteContext.ctx

// MustMarshall is a helper method that attempts to marshall, otherwise it
// fails the test.
func (s *TestSuite) MustMarshall(v any) []byte {
    return MustMarshall(s.T(), v)