package multibackend_test
import (
. ""
util ""
// TestNewConfigWithChainID tests that the newly generated chainconfig is fully equivalent to the old one
// these are really easy to mess up if you're not careful, especially in a major upgrade and incredibly hard to identify
// so we run a test here
// TODO: also double check for chain mutations, maybe even in a global way?
func (s MultiBackendSuite) TestNewConfigWithChainID() {
testChainID := big.NewInt(int64(gofakeit.Number(1, 9999)))
newConfig := multibackend.NewConfigWithChainID(testChainID)
Zerof(s.T(), newConfig.ChainID.Cmp(testChainID), "newConfig should use new chain id")
// now use the right chain id and make sure everything is the same
newConfig.ChainID = util.CopyBigInt(params.AllEthashProtocolChanges.ChainID)
assert.DeepEqual(s.T(), newConfig, params.AllEthashProtocolChanges, testsuite.BigIntComparer())
CheckBigIntsAreCopied(s.T(), *newConfig, *params.AllEthashProtocolChanges)
// make sure we didn't mutate the chain id, which is always 1337
Equal(s.T(), params.AllEthashProtocolChanges.ChainID.Int64(), int64(1337))
// CheckBigIntsAreCopied checks if two structs are equal by comparing all of their fields
// including big.Int values using reflect.DeepEqual, except for those that are *big.Int.
func CheckBigIntsAreCopied(tb testing.TB, a, b interface{}) {
aValue := reflect.ValueOf(a)
bValue := reflect.ValueOf(b)
// If the types of the two values are not the same, they are not equal
if aValue.Type() != bValue.Type() {
tb.Errorf("types are not equal: %v != %v", aValue.Type(), bValue.Type())
// Iterate over all fields in the struct
for i := 0; i < aValue.NumField(); i++ {
field := aValue.Type().Field(i)
fieldName := field.Name
fieldValueA := aValue.Field(i)
fieldValueB := bValue.Field(i)
// If the field is a *big.Int, use PointersAreEqual to compare it
if fieldValueA.Type() == reflect.TypeOf((*big.Int)(nil)) {
//nolint: forcetypeassert
if util.ArePointersEqual(fieldValueA.Interface().(*big.Int), fieldValueB.Interface().(*big.Int)) {
tb.Errorf("pointers are equal for %s: %v != %v", fieldName, fieldValueA.Pointer(), fieldValueB.Pointer())
// run a sanity check on our new backend by getting the chainid.
func (s MultiBackendSuite) TestNewSimulatedBackendWithChainID() {
testChainID := big.NewInt(int64(gofakeit.Number(1, 9999)))
// 100 million ether
balance := big.NewInt(0).Mul(big.NewInt(params.Ether), big.NewInt(100000000))
key := mocks.MockAccount(s.T())
genesisAlloc := map[common.Address]core.GenesisAccount{
key.Address: {
Balance: balance,
NotPanics(s.T(), func() {
multibackend.NewSimulatedBackendWithConfig(genesisAlloc, uint64(91712388), multibackend.NewConfigWithChainID(testChainID))