package simulated_test
import (
. ""
// TestGetMockBakcend tests getting a mock backend.
// TODO this should test all backends in a backend agnostic way.
func (g *SimulatedSuite) TestGetSimulatedBackend() {
be := simulated.NewSimulatedBackendWithChainID(g.GetTestContext(), g.T(), client.MaticMainnetConfig.ChainID)
NotNil(g.T(), be)
NotNil(g.T(), be.ChainConfig())
Equal(g.T(), uint(be.ChainConfig().ChainID.Uint64()), be.GetChainID())
Equal(g.T(), be.BackendName(), simulated.BackendName)
// generate a new mock address
testAddress := mocks.MockAddress()
// deposit 50 eth
funding := big.NewInt(0).Mul(big.NewInt(params.Ether), big.NewInt(50))
be.FundAccount(g.GetTestContext(), testAddress, *funding)
// get the balance and make sure it equals the funding amount
balance, err := be.BalanceAt(g.GetTestContext(), testAddress, nil)
Nil(g.T(), err)
Equal(g.T(), balance, funding)
// make sure suggest gas price reflects rpc behavior (adds in the base fee
suggestedPrice, err := be.SuggestGasPrice(g.GetSuiteContext())
Nil(g.T(), err)
NotEqual(g.T(), suggestedPrice.Uint64(), 1)