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Test Coverage
package chain_test

import (
    . ""

// TestSimulatedBlockByTime runs the test block by time method
// on a simulated backend to catch any exceptions we might encounter with a non mocked chain.
func (s ChainSuite) TestSimulatedBlockByTime() {
    simulatedBackend := simulated.NewSimulatedBackend(s.GetTestContext(), s.T())

    const mockedBlocks = 300

    // create mockedBlocks an hour apart
    for i := 1; i < mockedBlocks+1; i++ {
        simulatedBackend.EmptyBlock(time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Hour * time.Duration(mockedBlocks-i)))

    // make the test chain. The simulated backend contains one, but we want to create a new one
    // when testing the chain module
    testChain, err := chain.NewFromClient(s.GetTestContext(), &client.Config{
        ChainID: int(simulatedBackend.GetChainID()),
    }, simulatedBackend.Client())
    Nil(s.T(), err)

    latestBlock, err := simulatedBackend.BlockByNumber(s.GetTestContext(), nil)
    Nil(s.T(), err)

    // test start block enabled and disabled
    for _, useStartBlock := range []bool{false, true} {
        for i := 1; i <= int(latestBlock.Number().Uint64()); i++ {
            targetBlock, err := simulatedBackend.Chain.HeaderByNumber(s.GetTestContext(), big.NewInt(int64(i)))
            Nil(s.T(), err)

            // get the target as a time
            target := s.fuzzTime(targetBlock)

            var startBlock *big.Int
            if useStartBlock && i != 1 && i != int(latestBlock.NumberU64()) {
                startBlockNumber := gofakeit.Number(1, int(targetBlock.Number.Uint64())-1)
                startBlock = big.NewInt(0).Sub(targetBlock.Number, big.NewInt(int64(startBlockNumber)))

            resultingBlock, err := testChain.HeaderByTime(s.GetTestContext(), startBlock, target)
            Nil(s.T(), err)

            if targetBlock.Number.Uint64() != resultingBlock.Number.Uint64() {
                _, err := testChain.HeaderByTime(s.GetTestContext(), startBlock, target)
                Nil(s.T(), err)
            Equal(s.T(), targetBlock.Number.Uint64(), resultingBlock.Number.Uint64())
            True(s.T(), bytes.Equal(resultingBlock.Hash().Bytes(), targetBlock.Hash().Bytes()))

// fuzzTime fuzzes the time up to half an hour in either direction.
// 1/3 chance it's the same.
func (s ChainSuite) fuzzTime(block *types.Header) time.Time {
    parsedTime := time.Unix(int64(block.Time), 0)
    fuzzDirection := gofakeit.Number(-1, 1)
    if fuzzDirection == 0 {
        return parsedTime

    fuzzInterval := time.Duration(gofakeit.Number(1, 29)) * time.Minute
    parsedTime = parsedTime.Add(fuzzInterval * time.Duration(fuzzDirection))

    return parsedTime