package chain_test
import (
. ""
// TestChainWatcher tests watching the chain for events by emitting events.
func (s *ChainSuite) TestChainWatcher() {
s.T().Skip("TODO. This is currently covered by the end-to-end test")
// make sure a chain client can be started form a url.
func (s *ChainSuite) TestNewFromURL() {
rinkeby := preset.GetSepolia().Geth(s.GetTestContext(), s.T())
chnRPC, err := chain.NewFromURL(s.GetTestContext(), rinkeby.RPCAddress())
Nil(s.T(), err)
testID, err := chnRPC.ChainID(s.GetTestContext())
Nil(s.T(), err)
Equal(s.T(), testID, rinkeby.GetBigChainID(), testsuite.BigIntComparer())