package client_test
import (
. ""
clientMocks ""
// TestLifecycleClient makes sure all methods properly call acquire and release permit. Because this method uses reflect everywhere it requires some clever
// use of args to rpevent duplicate code.
func (c ClientSuite) TestLifecycleClient() {
mockUnderlyingClient := clientMocks.EVMClient{}
mockPermitter := clientMocks.Permitter{}
// no errors
permitAcquires := mockPermitter.On("AcquirePermit", mock.Anything).Return(nil)
permitReleases := mockPermitter.On("ReleasePermit")
lifecycleClient := client.NewLifecycleClient(&mockUnderlyingClient, big.NewInt(0), &mockPermitter, time.Minute)
evmClienType := reflect.TypeOf((*client.EVMClient)(nil)).Elem()
// use a mock backend + some clever reflection to mock return values for all these funds
simulatedBackend := simulated.NewSimulatedBackend(c.GetTestContext(), c.T())
for i := 0; i < evmClienType.NumMethod(); i++ {
// reflect the type of the method
method := evmClienType.Method(i)
// get that method on the simulated client so we can returns *something*, we need to do this to avoid panicking when release permit is called
reflectedMethod, ok := reflect.TypeOf(simulatedBackend.Client()).MethodByName(method.Name)
True(c.T(), ok)
// create the args array
args := createArgsArr(reflectedMethod.Type)
returnVals := createReturnArr(simulatedBackend, reflectedMethod.Func)
// special cases
if method.Name == "SendTransaction" {
mockUnderlyingClient.On(method.Name, args...).
// save the call
// mock using vals reflected vals
On(method.Name, args...).
// we don't care what this returns so use the simulated backend value
// test the methods.
for i := 0; i < evmClienType.NumMethod(); i++ {
// get the method matching this name on the lifecycle client
methodName := evmClienType.Method(i).Name
if shouldSkip(methodName) {
lifecycleClientMethod := reflect.ValueOf(lifecycleClient).MethodByName(methodName)
methodSig, ok := reflect.TypeOf(lifecycleClient).MethodByName(methodName)
True(c.T(), ok)
// make sure underlying was called
// defer mockUnderlyingClient.AssertNumberOfCalls(c.T(), methodName, 1)
// 4 non-locking methods + skipped
mockPermitter.AssertNumberOfCalls(c.T(), permitReleases.Method, evmClienType.NumMethod()-len(skipMethods))
mockPermitter.AssertNumberOfCalls(c.T(), permitAcquires.Method, evmClienType.NumMethod()-len(skipMethods))
var skipMethods = []string{"BatchCallContext", "CallContext", "BatchContext", "SyncProgress", "FeeHistory", "Web3Version"}
// shouldSkip indicates an untestable method.
func shouldSkip(name string) bool {
return toolbox.HasSliceAnyElements(skipMethods, name)
// createMockInputArgs creates mock input arguments for a given func
// for an explanation of why we can't use or, see:
func (c ClientSuite) createMockInputArgs(p reflect.Method) (res []reflect.Value) {
for i := 0; i < p.Type.NumIn(); i++ {
// ignore the lifecycle client
if i == 0 {
inputType := p.Type.In(i)
var val interface{}
switch inputType.String() {
case "context.Context":
val = c.GetTestContext()
case reflect.TypeOf(common.Address{}).String():
val = mocks.MockAddress()
case reflect.TypeOf(&big.Int{}).String():
val = big.NewInt(0)
case reflect.TypeOf(common.Hash{}).String():
val = common.BigToHash(big.NewInt(0))
case reflect.TypeOf(ethereum.CallMsg{}).String():
val = ethereum.CallMsg{}
case reflect.TypeOf(ethereum.FilterQuery{}).String():
val = ethereum.FilterQuery{}
case reflect.TypeOf(&types.Transaction{}).String():
val = mocks.GetMockTxes(c.GetTestContext(), c.T(), 1, types.LegacyTxType)[0]
case reflect.TypeOf(make(chan<- types.Log)).String():
val = make(chan<- types.Log)
case reflect.TypeOf(make(chan<- *types.Header)).String():
val = make(chan<- *types.Header)
case reflect.TypeOf([]rpc.BatchElem{}).String():
val = []rpc.BatchElem{}
case reflect.TypeOf(uint(0)).String():
val = uint(0)
case reflect.TypeOf(uint64(0)).String():
val = uint64(0)
case reflect.TypeOf([]float64{}).String():
val = []float64{1, 2}
panic(fmt.Errorf("type %s not handled", inputType.String()))
res = append(res, reflect.ValueOf(val))
return res
func createArgsArr(p reflect.Type) (res []interface{}) {
for i := 0; i < p.NumIn(); i++ {
res = append(res, mock.Anything)
return res
// createReturnArr creates a return array with the correct values. Return will call the method n times to get all args
// because Return takes all args but can only return one at a time, this requires some reflection magic.
func createReturnArr(backend *simulated.Backend, p reflect.Value) (res []interface{}) {
// get an array of all in args
var inArgs []reflect.Type
for i := 0; i < p.Type().NumIn(); i++ {
// the first function is the object itself when reflected.
if i == 0 {
inArgs = append(inArgs, p.Type().In(i))
for i := 0; i < p.Type().NumOut(); i++ {
// copy the arg to the local scope, anything above this point will be redefined when func is called
argIndex := i
// create a new type with same in args, but one out arg at current index
newType := reflect.FuncOf(inArgs, []reflect.Type{p.Type().Out(argIndex)}, false)
// create a new function that only returns the function at index and therefore conforms to the new type defined
// above
newFunc := reflect.MakeFunc(newType, func(args []reflect.Value) (results []reflect.Value) {
// re-add the object
res := p.Call(append([]reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(backend.Chain)}, args...))
return []reflect.Value{res[argIndex]}
test, ok := newFunc.Interface().(func(context.Context, common.Address, *big.Int) *big.Int)
_ = ok
_ = test
// append the new function to the return array
res = append(res, newFunc.Interface())
return res